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Status Updates posted by Noobtastic14

  1. I hope everybody is having a good productive memorial day! Thank you to everybody out there living in tents and on real deployments!

  2. Tomorrow Seth Pretulak and I have a four hour sea kayaking and snorkeling trip planned on the west shore of Okinawa, Japan.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. bre2ts



    3. Watch the bass

      Watch the bass

      Meeting up with Bre2t´s to?

    4. KillaCam


      Careful.. Every time I've been snorkeling I got my ass kicked by nature.

  3. I just found out I get to keep my TLF room for the duration of the trip. It is much nicer than my pay grade deserves so it was pleasantly suprising!

  4. Today seth and I made our way onto Japan for the first time. We were on foot, without somebody to help us, and completely lost. It was a good trip to just check things out with one exception. We went into a little food shop and literally picked one of the bowls on the list without reading anything. After finishing our meal, (which was awesome) we saw on a different menu that we ordered Curry. WTF, how did we get Indian food for our first meal in Japan? I am officially learning basic Jap...

    1. Watch the bass

      Watch the bass

      Japanese basics by Minxy lol.

    2. Bigsix


      I fucking hate curry. Lived in an apartment a few years back and the neighbors cooked everything with curry... whole building stank like that shit all the time.

  5. It is 0800 Monday morning in Alaska. Noon Monday in Virginia. And 0100 Tuesday. That means, I'm going so far into yesterday ill end up in tomorrow! Serious back to the future shit going on here.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. OrionStang


      Mind fuck. Where you going, or is it classified LOL.

    3. HatersGonnaHate


      Japan for 5 months or so. Said he's gonna pick up some goodies while he's there too.

    4. OrionStang


      Young Japanese girls. NOM

  6. Hannahbot Rage.

    1. OrionStang


      Uh-oh. By a new toy without permission?

    2. WCA Rusty
  7. Today it is official, After failing Algebra II four times in three different schools I have finally passed with a solid 87% My short term goal is to finish my CCAF before putting on Senior Airman.-Drew

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. HatersGonnaHate


      Voted senior class clown 4 years in a row lol

    3. OrionStang


      How much you pay the instructor? :P

    4. Lbox88


      8-10 blowjobs lol

  8. Waiting for FedEx so I can wire up some amps and hopefully make the show in Richmond

  9. I am one of those "never to much cheese" kind of people. Tonight, in a fit of hunger, I ordered two large Pizza Hut pizzas with extra cheese and cheesy crust. I have ALMOST reached my limit. Maybe I'll have a better idea after another slice hold on.

    1. Hollowstylez


      I have what you have. Cheese addiction! I like to add cheese to everything so I keep bricks in the fridge. Ever tried brie on pizza, awesome.

    2. Hotdog


      I had two pizza hut pizzas last night too :)

  10. My sweet wife Hannah Austin called me all distraught this morning about how her power steering didn't work. I calmly told her to pop the hood and check the accessory belt on the passenger side of the block. She calmly responds, Its not here! where did it go? HA! babe, shut the car off your wasting battery I'll be right there.

  11. No matter how old I get, I still manage to forget and drop the cheese packet into the boiling water.

    1. will77530


      i take it out of the box before i start

    2. KillaCam


      me too and check the box for spiders/bugs. Had a bad experience one time.

    3. OrionStang


      Just eat them fuckers. Extra protein.

  12. My College Algebra class is nothing like Blue Mountain State.

  13. Today I was sneaking out of wal mart by paying in the Lawn and Garden section. There was an older woman in front of me and the cashier looked to be of about the same age and the customer was asking about a table on sale for a patio set. They eventually found it on an upper shelf. I walked over and used my superpowers of extreme height and lankyness to pull down the table and carried it over to the register. When I got there, the customer asked me to carry it to her car for her and I said...

    1. Bump4life
    2. corey0928


      the suspense is killing me!

    3. Noobtastic14


      You have to see the thread I posted in the OT section

  14. Just found out I am briefing big brass tomorrow. Awesome. Hua?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. OrionStang


      Briefing what? If you can say, of course.

    3. HatersGonnaHate


      My buddy is doing the same damn thing all week up at Eustis.

    4. Noobtastic14


      It ended up being cancelled. I was supposed to brief the 1star on the process of Low Observable Aircraft Maintenance.


  16. Hunger Games in two hours!

    1. SnowDrifter
    2. OrionStang


      Imma see it Monday

    3. rogue


      yeah want to see...prob tuesday b4 i make it tho

  17. Thank you everybody for the awesome weekendat home! Congrats dad on being a civilian once again! Ill be there for your next retirement twenty years from now.

    1. Rylan


      i wish i was a civilian sometimes.... o_O

  18. Today Hannah and I took the day to drive up to the Grand Caverns to check out the caves for our (early) 2yr wedding anniversary! Woot tomorrow the 12th its official

  19. I am newly hooked on "draw something" app for everything. Although my phone is to old to run the damn app I play on Hannah's Ipad which makes it way easier. With all of its advantage as far as size and ease of drawing. I still get this tense anxious feeling when I have to send Christine Werner a drawing because she is just SO much better than me. When given the three options, I usually choose the easiest to make me look good haha

    1. KillaCam


      That game is pretty addicting.

    2. hdorre


      ^^yea.. i cant put the damn phone down lol

  20. Blowin jets up again...

  21. I'm really glad Amy Jeziorowski Austin and Alexander Austin stopped by on their world tour, Next time I'll have to drive out there!

  22. My latest goal in life is to visit Balls Pyramid. Google it.

  23. Ryan Schaub introduced me to Zesty bean and cheese dip and I'm pretty sure it will consume my life. Thanks.-Drew

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