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Status Updates posted by RickyFriery97

  1. signed a lease on a new hobby shop with a friend of mine, 24x40 with to big bay doors. got a bagged truck getting redone, a boat rebuilt, and my blazer rebuilt. cant wait! lift kit on the new truck as well

    1. Carbon


      Thats awesome!

    2. Kyblack76


      Damn bro .. Get it.

    3. Amart88


      Nice. It's exciting for sure.

  2. Bout to go shred the skatepark, hopefully i have some votes in SOTM when i get back! lol

    1. blownengine


      I used to skateboard every day but I got out of it. I miss it from time to time. I still love watching videos.

    2. RickyFriery97


      in not into it as much as i used to, i blew out my kneww bad a couple years back and that put a hault on it for a while, its been way to damn hot to skate but not the wather is perfect

    3. RickyFriery97


      in not into it as much as i used to, i blew out my kneww bad a couple years back and that put a hault on it for a while, its been way to damn hot to skate but not the wather is perfect

  3. second 18" is here, ordered some more 1/0 and 8 gauge, and got my D3100 charged up and ready to go. now i just need three sheets of birch and to start the box!

    1. OrionStang


      Well, stop typing and go get some wood to cut.

    2. RickyFriery97


      Been raining all day and I'm gunna have to borrow my dads truck lol soon though

    3. BeatBox


      gotta do the rain dance bro!

  4. Almost time to order my 3/5.5 drop for the Tahoe :)

    1. Keith77


      Sick what rims you going to run?

    2. BeatBox
    3. RickyFriery97


      either 24" black esky reps, or some sick 26"s

  5. Ordered my amps Friday and still haven't got a shipping confirmation. I'll be calling in the AM

    1. zydrix
    2. RickyFriery97


      Two AQ750.1s    Website says shipped now though

    3. zydrix


      yeah they were swamped with orders. my super tweets just shipped yesterday.

  6. dreading getting the fatcrap out of the burban, but cant wait to get some aplhadamp on the roof.

    1. OrionStang


      Have fun with that shit

    2. RickyFriery97


      ive been avoiding the burb for this exact reason...you get what you pay for

    3. RickyFriery97


      ive been avoiding the burb for this exact reason...you get what you pay for

  7. got my RF Punch Pro Mids! these things are BEEFY!!

    1. Kyblack76


      You got em?

      Pics or die!

    2. alaskanzx5


      yeah post up the pics and a vid of them playing. still waiting on mine but that the price i pay for not having to pay shipping thorugh the local dealer here.

    3. iwannabeloud
  8. anyone else having the issue where if they press "enter" it wont tab to the next line? really frustrating... lol

  9. starting today, No more sodas.

    1. Emmet


      Done that a few months ago, only drink water, orange juice and milk now, honestly after a while you prefer not drinking them^ ^

    2. MrSkippyJ


      yeah I cut out caffeine, which in turn pretty much cut out sodas too. I had a coke today and it tasted nasty.

    3. Trigg


      I use to drink nothing but mountain dew up until about 6 months ago. Haven't had any soda at all since then. I tried a mountain dew yesterday and after one sip I was done! Tasted nasty!!

  10. my one YT vid that i have ad sharing on has apparently made me 79 cents on one click...

    1. HatersGonnaHate


      You sir, are a baller.

    2. RickyFriery97


      LOL far from it, it suprised me though

    3. RickyFriery97


      LOL far from it, it suprised me though

  11. Finally Sending out the RF T2500BDCP for Repair. Hopefully its back by heatwave

    1. RooTxBeeR
    2. Kyblack76


      no doubt... good luck my friend...

    3. basshead8569


      Good luck. Rockford fosgate moved there factory that builds those over seas. They sent one that my shop sent in over seas. Which I found weird. I know they have authorized facilities in the US.

  12. so many options on mids/highs and 4 channels. making my decision hard

    1. Keith77


      If it was me I would stick with rockford on the amp. Keep it matching.... I know how you feel about the mids tho.

    2. RickyFriery97


      im pretty sure i wanna stick with RF on the amp, hoping i can find one to fit hidden in my console

  13. Needz moar electricalz

    1. jg23


      how many batts do you have? 2?

    2. RickyFriery97


      1 D3400 1 D3100 300 amp iraggi alt and two runs of knu 1/0. The alt is the weak point I think. Need a singer 350

  14. Really should start on my 2 18" box

    1. El1T3Bass


      oh damn, looks like im behind on a build log!!

    2. RickyFriery97


      Yup, got a second XL 18" waiting on a new box :)

      Only on the one RF T2500BDCP though

  15. Had a nail go through my boot straight to the bone yesterday, not walking to well today lol

    1. Chris Hammer

      Chris Hammer

      Did that one time...tearing down old deck and built in spa...wearing vans I stepped on a long ass roofing nail full weight with stuff in my arms...it came out through the top of my vans...missed all bones though. Lucky it was still in a piece of wood it pulled out when I pulled my foot up...FUCK that crap that burns like no other.

    2. RooTxBeeR
  16. well, no longer a teenager! one more year to the big 21

    1. Emmet


      Damn... I couldnt dream of not being able to legally drink till your 21... mad business.... also, happy birthday bro!

    2. n8ball2013


      youre irish you can drink at double digits.

  17. Lovin my new two 18" setup!

    1. Watch the bass

      Watch the bass

      You know it, where the pics.

    2. RickyFriery97
  18. just scrolled through some of my old install pics and man i miss car audio, think its time for another build

  19. 2 18 box is almost done!! Been working on it for 10 hours straight now

  20. been a while since ive done a youtube vide, cant think of one to do, anyone have any ideas?

    1. blownengine


      Done any work on the system?

    2. RickyFriery97


      just a lil work on the box nothing video worthy...theres pics in the build log

  21. can anyone tell me why i cant use the enter key to tab down a line on the forum? it works everywhere else...pretty frustrating lol

    1. pa-pa-platypus


      too much homo detected from your computer

    2. pa-pa-platypus


      too much homo detected from your computer

  22. can sometell me why i cant use the enter key to tab to the next line on the forum? or how i can fix it? works everywhere else..

    1. KillaCam


      Works fine for me. Settings in the browser maybe?

  23. finally getting my blazer back tomorrow, now to decide what system to do...

    1. Kyblack76


      how bout grab some 1500bdcps and go nutty?  Best luck either way bro..

    2. scooter99


      There's a guy selling 12 lvl 3 15's for 150 each, either here and caco, can't remember if both or not.  I thought about picking up a pair for my truck, but I'm not ready for that yet.

  24. Starting my youtube channel got two new vids up check it out! youtube.com/rickyfriery97

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