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Status Updates posted by ProMaxx316

  1. So a while ago my doctor said i need to cut down on the bacon. I said you might as well kill me now. Trying to eat a egg and cheese. Feel like im gonna die.

  2. First car/customer of the day wants oil change on car. Engine sounds like a clydesdale making it's run down a street

  3. New speedometer cable put in. New LED bulbs in cluster, only 2 out of the three works but oh well. And i think im getting sick.

  4. Thank you Wastedtalent. Thats all i got to say. He'll know. Let's just say me turning my ringer off was a good choice.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. ProMaxx316


      Ohhhhhh i will find you. And yes i took the pics. I had the stuff out last night before both basses text me.

    3. Kyblack76


      whats going on here boys?

    4. WastedTalent


      Kylar, you'll have to hop on some cod to find out... Lmfao. Jk, he needed to send a pic to stalker and needed reminded because bass phailed at life. So I helped him out with the reminder ;) lol.

  5. National IPA day in connecticut.

  6. saw this 98ish body style blazer forsale on my block. for 1,000 bucks. Looks good from a drive by. But has $1,000 AS IS writen on the windows. makes me wonder what's up with it.

    1. 97Jetta1637


      buy it, check under the hood, "where's the engine?" "oh, you wanted that? to late."

    2. boom50cal


      For a grand or less without a motor or tranny, would make a great candidate for a LSx swap :) find a totaled LS1 camaro or trans am with an auto, and have a bad ass blazer for 5 grand or so.

  7. First thing in the morning at work. 05 Ford Five Hundred AWD, bald tires, dash board lit like a christmas tree, transmission sounds like a rock crusher. Called a trans shop, rough price if they can get the trans...... 8 grand, not including labor.

    1. IBleedMusick


      Trash it and buy another one. At 8 grand honestly you could probably find one used for not much more.

    2. thefourth


      gotta love them fords buddy :)

    3. OrionStang


      Is the car even worth 8K?

  8. Well i enjoyed my week vacation of doing NOTHING. Now im back at work. After saying my good mornings to everyone........ I already wanna go back home.

    1. Amart88


      I know that feeling. Least you still have the forum at work.

    2. ProMaxx316
  9. You don't understand!! I coulda had class. I coulda been a contender. I could've been sombody, instead of a bum, which is what i am.

  10. Just ordered some RRP gears for the T-Maxx. I keep telling myself im not gonna put much money in the RC cars, but they keep pulling me back. And i just love the smell Of Nitro fuel

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. TRTC360


      no sir I was not, and yes it's the truggy conversion, kinda pointless but was pretty awesome.

    3. TRTC360


      damn I miss my s-maxx, soon enough i'll get back into the hobby, probably not with traxxas though wanna try something different.

    4. Raptorman


      That hobby is so depressing, lol. Glad I got out of it.

  11. Jay-Z new album. Damn good. he still got it.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. purplesyrup


      I got the free copy of it through that android app

    3. purplesyrup


      Its on that j z magna carta app samsung bought 1 million copies for galaxy users

    4. ProMaxx316


      yeah that's how I got it.

  12. If you dont know anything about cars. I dont think you should work at a parts place. Just saying

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. lolitskasey


      We do the same thing here at work with summer hires, We ask them to grab us a left handed spike maul. They will look for like 30 minutes come back and say they couldn't find it, so we tell them to go ask the foreman. classic

    3. Leo1103


      personal favorite is the muffler bearings

    4. Herokight


      When my dad put up cable for AT&T he'd tell new guys "Go get the sky hooks. They're in the tool shed, can't miss 'em." They'd be gone for forever.

  13. Watching a lady damn near coughing out a lung, breathing on those little rolling o2 tanks, and smoking a cig.

    1. Sergeant_Skyrim


      That's when you make eye contact and laugh lol. Some people just don't get it

  14. O'doyle rules!!!!!!!

    1. justin0943


      ha billy madison I love that movie

  15. time for a good night rest. going to kick wastedtalent ass in cod.

    1. WastedTalent


      That's what you think lil man. I took myself a good 8 hour sleep. Gonna go shoppin for my gaming stuff (some drink and yes, it's non-alcoholic, some snacks, etc). Then I'll play some games (non cod) and then when it's that time? BRING IT!!!

    2. WastedTalent


      Do have 2 questions. Are we sharing what happens, like livestream? And do you have a mic? I can't remember. Lmfao.

    3. ProMaxx316


      1 I was drunk when puttingthat status, 2 I'm gonna live stream if you want to you can if you like, 3 yes I have a Mic.

  16. The name is Frank Rizzo

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. CNF Kevosinn

      CNF Kevosinn

      hahahah we call some guy at my work frank rizzo

    3. ProMaxx316


      I was listening to jerkey boys on the way to work. I forgot how funny most of the skits were.

    4. Azagtoth502


      my name is Sol Rossenberg & I can't see godammit

  17. Muffler popped off the hop over pipe. Wish i had the power to back up the noise.

  18. $399.00 for the Ps4. yes please!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. LT.Smoke


      I am a PS fan and always have been BUT i must say that Xbox Illumaroom thing that project the game onto the wall is SICK as hell

    3. Baydestrian


      Yup, $100 cheaper than X1 but also note you will now be paying $50/yr to play online

    4. ProMaxx316


      the ps plus it's optional. You don't need it to play online.

    1. boom50cal


      I have a friend in the Phoenix area that does those bikes/kits and stuff. Cool guy.

    2. SLAYER1805


      Explains why I see a ton of them down here in Tucson which is an hour and a half from Phoenix lol

  19. So apperently giving a woman oral sex gives you throat cancer.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Kyblack76


      will a rim job give you anal cancer then?

    3. IBleedMusick


      Would have to ask Adam that...he's the expert.

    4. Chris Hammer

      Chris Hammer

      Ehh I don't care, If I give it I get it back 2fold, worth it everytime in my book.

  20. I hate telling people that the knocking noise they heard on the highway was the sound of the connecting rods trying to make an escape from the block.

    1. Crandis16


      yay non-interference engine :)

  21. convinced that orange tic tacs has some traces of crack cocaine in it.

    1. Leo1103


      would not be surprised at all

  22. Who's working today??? I am. Time and a half? I got time for dat

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ProMaxx316


      well it's 10:12 at the time of this reply and i wanna go home. Dead at work. And falling a sleep

    3. DTS909


      First three day weekend since new years.

    4. __d_a_v_i_d__


      I love working on lame holidays, and i hope for some overtime so basically get double time and a half. toobad i didnt work today lol

  23. Got a nice 75 Ferrari308 GT4 in the shop. And Daft Punk - Human After All is an Amazing album

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