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Status Updates posted by ProMaxx316

    1. boom50cal


      I have a friend in the Phoenix area that does those bikes/kits and stuff. Cool guy.

    2. SLAYER1805


      Explains why I see a ton of them down here in Tucson which is an hour and a half from Phoenix lol

  1. You guys remember the No Fucks Given RX7. It's up for grabs http://sfbay.craigslist.org/eby/cto/4157635276.html

    1. justin0943


      just saw the video its a beast but damn does it looks sketchy as hell

  2. *me talking to customer* Sir your car is in good shape, You just need one brake light bulb. *Customer* nah i'll do that later. *Me* You sure? We can do it now. It's only a few bucks. *him* nope. Cutomer comes back 30 minutes later. Holding his warning ticket for no stop light bulb.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Rich Schenk

      Rich Schenk

      what an idiot. being a cheap ass really saved him money

    3. SnowDrifter


      Had one guy come in earlier this year. Sounded like a bearing was getting ready to eat itself. Tracked it down to the water pump, guy declined the service. Guess who showed up on a tow tuck later that day

    4. Call Me Dubstep

      Call Me Dubstep

      Snow, did you charge him the " I told you so" price? lol

  3. $1.09 188 tracks of Orchestra music on amazon. Ehh why not.

    1. 8ight


      You can't go wrong unless it's low-quality files. Never bought music from Amazon, if I can get this lossless I will.

    2. ProMaxx316


      I downloaded all the tracks on the amazon mobile app. If you look for the album it is Big Haydn Box - Various Artists.

  4. $399.00 for the Ps4. yes please!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. LT.Smoke


      I am a PS fan and always have been BUT i must say that Xbox Illumaroom thing that project the game onto the wall is SICK as hell

    3. Baydestrian


      Yup, $100 cheaper than X1 but also note you will now be paying $50/yr to play online

    4. ProMaxx316


      the ps plus it's optional. You don't need it to play online.

  5. 1 year of Playstation Plus for $29.99. Yes please. Thank you Mr.Wastedtalent for the heads up

    1. WastedTalent


      After I had to tell you to get it like 5 times. Lol. What I wanted to see, along with that as it's now forced upon us which is more than fine as I'd rather see better servers and pay for em, is a deal on a controller. But whatever. Save 3 cents by getting it on amazon. Lol

  6. 216 million dollars. i'll invest into that.

  7. 3" inch static ride height + 8" of snow x Quick Release front bumper = Still getting to work even though it's not busy.

  8. Apathy - Handshakes with Snakes. one Best rap album i've heard so far.

  9. at work: Sir oil change is done. But the brakes are very low. Would you like them checked? Guy: Do i really need them? Me: Well they are almost grinding. Guy: well it's my wifes car so leave it alone.

  10. At work. Would rather be home playing GTA

  11. bacon egg and cheese $3.00. Having a chit chat with random old man about the cold weather, Funny. Getting $20.00 parking ticket. Fuckin A

  12. Battle Bots!!!!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. _paralyzed_


      I'm watching!!!

    3. deathcards


      i missed it fml

    4. deathcards


      found a few matches dang some of those guys got dragged around the arena

  13. Big thanks to the New York guys, Ralphhummerh3, King of New York, Thirst, Alpha Q, and a bunch of other people im missing. Great show till the cops showed.

  14. Broken front engine mount bracket FTW

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. ProMaxx316


      I know what i could send ya if the money is right. A nice 10" Fi BL that would go perfect in your car ;)

    3. WastedTalent


      Haha. Not a XS 3400? Not some RE XXX comps? Not even wire, spacers, or fuses? (my build list haha)

    4. ProMaxx316


      nah cant help you there. I do have about 135' of 12 gauge wire.

  15. Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo

  16. Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo

  17. Chillin in the chat. "Leo1103: im living off of dunkin donuts gift cards. if i ration them i can get coffee till mid march lol

    1. Krakin


      What happens in chat, stays in chat.

  18. Coffee Is For Closers.

  19. Come on Fed-ex dont let me down and bring me my Mechman.

    1. thefourth


      It just got real

    2. Soccerballzs


      You will love it!!!

    3. WastedTalent


      Lol... I have mixed feelings. Sorry

  20. convinced that orange tic tacs has some traces of crack cocaine in it.

    1. Leo1103


      would not be surprised at all

  21. Crusing pretty good on highway doing about 75 in a 55. See state trooper ahead with the radar out. Im sure he caught my truck. Started to slow up after i pass him and he didn't come out to get me.

    1. ProMaxx316


      so, so far so good today.

    2. ROLEXrifleman


      He was fishing for the guy doing 85+

      Not a small fish like you, lol

  22. Customer : i think i hit something and my Trans is acting up. Me: Let's take a look. (check car in shop). Go to customer holding rag with aluminum/steel peaces of trans) Customer: Ha April fools right? Me: No you need a trans.

    1. Kyblack76


      Tell him if you wanted a joke, youd follow him into the john, and watch him take a leak.

    2. 8ight


      "April what? No, you fucked your shit up."

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