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Status Updates posted by SnowDrifter

  1. Anyone have experience as a driver with either Uber or Lyft? What's it like? How reliable is the income?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. 06RTCharger


      I seen a break down of it on youtube. Like people showing how much pickups they have to do to make X amount of money. Seems like it depends on ur area how profitable it could be. One guy was doing good enough to even rent cars weekly to do pickups with. Wouldnt want all those miles on my own car. 

      I think the coolest part about it is u can clock in and clock out whenever u feel like it, if u want to make more just stay a available for rides. 


    3. audiofanaticz


      Its very location dependent as said. I thought about doing it as well, but I guess uber drivers dont get paid like its said to be, and a lot has changed recently with it. Like now the tip is not included and a lot of people dont tip. Just watched something recently on it.

    4. audiofanaticz


      I think the pay is only $0.90 per mile or there abouts for both companies, the time you make the big money is during a surge when its busy and then it maybe like a 2x or even 5x price increase or even more possibly, so this would be key in larger cities at bar close.

  2. Is it a common thing on sundown subs for the tinsels to fatigue and break right at the triple joint? Third one I've seen snap

    1. AlpineNut


      I had a pair of Crunch Fatboys in early 2k's have the tinsel leads come apart some how, so it happens but it's rare.

  3. Our bodies are all chemical processes. Our consciousness is a result of said processes. We can convince ourselves we have free will, however everything we do is a result of chemical interactions. Free will is an illusion - your life is set in stone. 

    1. deathcards


      i think my chemicals are off balance a good bit

  4. How do we know anything is real? Can you prove it with 100% certainty? 

    1. WalledSonic


      If your perception of reality is all you have, and if everyone's perception is different, then 'proof' is subjective anyways.  

    2. Ahmed Johnson

      Ahmed Johnson

      I'm really high right now. 

    3. 06RTCharger
  5. Fuckity fuck fuck I miss bass :(

    1. WalledSonic


      Me too.  Been almost 3 months now

  6. Why do cams cause an idle lope? Is it a form of misfire due to overlap?

    1. bmwking


      This is usually a result of a longer exhaust duration. To get more in-depth, valve overlap causes misfires at idle and that makes the lope or choppy idle. It causes a lot of intake reversion which causes the engine to basically choke on it's own exhaust during idle.

      - Wayne Gretzky

          - Michael Scott

    2. audiofanaticz


      Does it even matter, nothing sounds better than a nasty lope at a low rpm with a good exhaust. take that back a supercharged car with a nasty lope sounds better. Hearing that rumble from the exhaust only for it to let up and hear that charger whine!

  7. I'm so done with these elf on the shelf parody things

    1. s5300


      What if they put the shelf on top of the elf?

      Who would ever know?

    2. Kyblack76
    3. WalledSonic
  8. That commercial is goofy

  9. Wish I had the resources to design/mfr stuff. Bet I could design a CPU air cooler to beat everything else on the market, especially given how hot the new higher end stuff runs

  10. Why do computers still come with USB2.0 ports? Usb3.0 is backwards compatible, no?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. REH


      Edit- My comment above was based upon usb type C.

    3. audiofanaticz


      Mostly what DLH said, not to mention not all devices will function in post/bios with usb 3.0 either

  11. Anyone know how to stop wasps from nesting up in my car door twice a week?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Skullz


      Used to use WD40 on bee nest when i installed cable to kill em, but i'm not sure if it is enough to keep them out for good. Would use the same on wasps when i came across them on occasion.

    3. Wicks


      Had the same issue with my house.  Off the shelf spray would kill them but they'd come back because of some hormones or some shit.  Had to have an insect company come out and spray some special stuff to clear the hormones.....worked!

    4. DubNDodge


      burn the car? 

  12. PSA clean your heatsinks. I didn't think mine were bad(famous last words)

    I almost feel the need to apologize to my hardware. 15 degree temp drop on CPU and 13 on GPU. Time to up the clocks

  13. Any less acidic options than energy drinks for someone who doesn't drink coffee?

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Ahmed Johnson

      Ahmed Johnson

      This eight o clock coffee and dunkin donuts extra extra is the shit though bruh, get it tune

    3. s5300


      I would really look into an espresso setup since you said it's the stuff. It's really liquid better than sex. I've only had mid-tier beans out of an entry level setup($100 grinder, $150 machine) and it's unbelievably tasty, I can't imagine what these people throwing $500 at a grinder and $1500 on a machine taste. 

      I don't know your financial situation, but if you're looking for a long-term solution for good tasting caffeine, I feel like putting $400 towards espresso would be a great investment. Do it through Amazon - if you don't like it, no bullshit return process. I currently have a $200 grinder, saving for a good machine. I make aeropress in the meantime. 

    4. s5300


      Apparently I cant edit comments, ***taste***

      Now sure how taste became stuff. I'm tired. 

  14. A single mouse and keyboard shared wirelessly across 2 computers with no lag. I love technology

  15. Why the FUCK does everyone I love keep dying?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. SnowDrifter


      Thanks guys. It's a little overwhelming right now. Like every month and a half it's someone new. Just when I get over it, I get hit with more bad news.

    3. SnowDrifter


      It's just really fucking with my head

  16. It came to my attention that the dd-1 link in my sig wasn't working. It should be fixed now, my apologies.

    1. hdorre


      You are not forgiven.

    2. SnowDrifter


      May your remote wires short and your car fill with smoke

  17. Give your pups a hug. I came way too close to losing mine tonight 

  18. You know that little voice inside your head? Yeah you can't change the volume of it. Good day.

    1. Broke_Audio_Addict


      They make pills that will take care of that problem for you.

  19. If you use a surface, disable the power management junk. Fixes pretty much all the issues with it locking up/not responding

  20. Metal. Metal that's liquid at room temperature. metal that;s liquid at room temperature to cool a computer chip. What a concept

    1. RainStryke


      Talking about stuff like Coollabratory stuff? Stuff is a bitch to spread around, but works so well once you get it applied.

    2. SnowDrifter


      Thermal grizzly conductonaut. Pretty much the same thing lol. Dropped 14 degrees over conventional paste. Managed to get to 4.1gHz with it lol


    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. hdorre


      you probably have a secret 160 build lurkin'

    3. SnowDrifter


      LOL I wish. The thing doesn't want to go faster than about 40mph on flat ground, 25 or so up hills

    4. moh.vze.com


      Where them bass video meetup videos?

  22. We were all created yesterday, placed into a world with false memories and our explanations of past events are attempts to rationalize our existence.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Keith77


      Go home Snow you're drunk 

    3. SnowDrifter


      You can't disprove it :)

    4. boom50cal


      sounds like a quote made by Bill Hicks. google him

  23. In the dog world you're an elf that lives for hundreds of years

    1. DLHgn


      *Hits blunt* Woah dude

    2. Jessica


      gotta admit, i chuckled

    3. Kyblack76


      lol.... same.... leave it to Chris to wig everyone out a lil

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