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Status Replies posted by meade916

  1. are we still updating the site ?? I can not acess my SMD Garage. Please help ...

  2.  was gone a few days. Everything is different. I don't like change. It's scary and unfamiliar.

  3. Digging the night shift theme. A bit dark but I still like it. Easy on the eyes. Liked the Carbon Red too but the Red was a bit too bright for me. 

  4. nice! my antique ass has an easier time reading the red and black instead of the blue. I like all the changes, keep it comin. 

  5. @ToNasty is that better bro?

    1. meade916


      should look perfect.  Looks perfect on all the pc's here.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  6. Of all the things that got fixed, you finally did away with the self like button, FUCKING HELL YA!!!!!

  7. Of all the things that got fixed, you finally did away with the self like button, FUCKING HELL YA!!!!!

  8. The new lay out is dope Steve. Never seen the desktop version tho cuz i always use mobile. But im likin this set up. 

  9. Someone jump in the chat room. Let's see how it runs. 

  10. why do i have ads 

    1. meade916


      Sorry bro we are still under construction. props to Kyle for a kick fucking  ass job so far!

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  11. god I love these Silver Flute's

  12. Probably screwed right now random drug test

  13. Just got my SMD Mini 12 :D sub is pretty stout, was kinda hoping it would have the smd logo on the cap and not the Fi :( Oh well still love it!

    1. meade916


      Jhunt bro - dude, heads are ROLLING at AA right now. You are going to get a new sub not just a "fixed" one. This is a huge mess. I can't believe someone there would be so dumb and neither can the owner of AA. He is furious about this. SORRY bro.

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  14. if you were raised by a computer and not a father, you should pick and choose how you talk to grown folks - in other words watch your mouth.

    1. meade916


      Kyle: i doubt it. I have no business there. I don't compete. That is your guy's day not mine. I do want to go to some local bass meets in the future though. I do need to get out more.

    2. (See 19 other replies to this status update)

  15. if you were raised by a computer and not a father, you should pick and choose how you talk to grown folks - in other words watch your mouth.

    1. meade916


      dude went off the deep end accusing me of blocking him on FB, unblocking him, then reblocking him after a "positive comment". Went on to call me all kinds of shit he would never call me in person (looks like a total DWEEB). All along, i don't recall blocking, unblocking or reblocking anyone at all. Been a minute since i even blocked anyone. What an ass! lol

    2. (See 19 other replies to this status update)

  16. if you were raised by a computer and not a father, you should pick and choose how you talk to grown folks - in other words watch your mouth.

    1. meade916


      just sayin' some of these keyboard warriors run their mouth as if this isn't a real person on the other end...and a person who wasn't raised by a monitor safety screen. Wish there wasn't such strict laws in this country some of these fools need a serious beat down for the things they say.

    2. (See 19 other replies to this status update)

  17. Gotta love all the SMD contests! Good luck everyone!!!

  18. Tonight I used regular resin while fiberglassing. I did this because I thought it would be hard to get into the kerfed areas (which it would). So I did it wtihout the top of the box on where SMD SunFlash would have worked fantastic! Even with 3X the catalyst the og resin took forever... Kicking myself now!!

  19. Do make me go off on you Facebook Trolls. Dont like the SMD logo on voltmeter. Jealous people straight up. And Tony is on discussion. LOL.

    1. meade916


      if you don't like the SMD logo on an SMD product, get something else. Simple. lol. Where is this bullshit posted at?

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  20. well rzr is bought. gotta go pick it up in the morning. 2016 XP1000 Velocity Blue 2 seater

  21. Who has had success curing sunflash without natural UV light?

    1. meade916


      actually i do use a UV light...takes a little longer but it does work. And so does using a mirror (from the sun). Doug Bernards does it all the time. UV light should be between 385/410 NM. Next time, please make a post about your questions, this is a status update not a technical line LOL

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

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