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Everything posted by sprkn_ranger

  1. If dc power won't do it, then you might be able to get a machine shop to fab one up on a cnc or a water jet for you. But will most likely charge a lot for it.
  2. I've had good results using rustoleum brand primers and paints, not sure on mdf though. I always use the enamel paints btw.
  3. This one ain't half bad...but can't stand any of his other stuff.
  4. I'd sand it down and then use filler to make sure it's smooth and flat, but I go overboard a lot. Lol.
  5. This...take him out of town for a weekend or something and get away from everything to help get his spirits up.
  6. Dang man...I'm sorry for your loss. I knew a girl that was walking home from work one night and got run over from a car. Hit and run. Very tragic. My prayers go out to you and your friends family.
  7. It's a 4th order and ya I believe it's labeled Chevy S-12 or a long those lines Oh, my bad...I thought it was a 6th order with the ports foreign into the sub chamber. Sick nonetheless
  8. Can't argue with you there ! Agreed! But I do think we need more pictures...just to be sure And I'd bet that 6th order moves some fucking air! Is there a build log of that thing??
  9. Yea I got to meet Rusty and get a demo as well. Very cool guy! And holy shit the van is a monster! You cant even breath in it. Thanks Rusty!
  10. That's a pretty good gain! What do you have for your setup? (I'm on mobile, so if it's in your sig I can't see it) any pictures?
  11. No one here will be able to tell you how to go about it...everyone has different ways of doing things and what may work for someone may not work for you. Just work yourself out a gameplay and jump into it. Go to the s-10 forums and read their suspension section (I think they have one there) and read, read, and read some more. Do your research and take your time. What your wanting to do is a lil more that your typical weekend bag job so you need to plan it out. Good luck man.
  12. not to mention keeping the frame straight. Yea there's A LOT more that goes into it than what I posted, but if you can't do the basic welding, knowing where and what to cut, and measuring everything up that needs to be on the mark, than you have NO buisness doing a job like this cause your gonna kill yourself or someone else on the road when a weld fails or something.
  13. Well like I said if that's what you want then that's all good! Are you looking to build it yourself? How are you welding skills? Lots of welding, cutting, grinding, measuring, ect... Involved in just getting a truck to lay frame let alone getting the wheels to lift off the ground.
  14. Why pick the wheels up?? IMO that's lame, but hey different strokes for different folks... Hydraulics or air canisters are the only way I've seen it done and your wheels have to be small or you won't get them off the ground that much. For the amount of work/money involved, why not just run big ass wheels and body drop?
  15. Good pics man! Oh and for anybody that is gonna be there tomorrow, check out my buddy Frank's booth...BST Clothing. I hope I can make it tomorrow!
  16. More pics!!! Wish I could have made it...I might still be able to go tomorrow but not sure yet.
  17. where do you think those batts are grounded? The the carpet obviously. Seatbelt bolt?? Seriously though, if your battery is grounded to the frame of your truck and if your connections are good then you shouldn't see voltage drops into the 10's. Unless the frame is made of plastic
  18. This...fresh drill bits and you can also try a cobalt drill bit. You can also use a lubricating spray to help keep it from dulling as fast. But once it's dull it's useless.
  19. Well if MTX calls for only that big a difference between a 12" and a 15" for box volume then that's probably right. They know their subs better than anyone else. Just do some looking around here and some reading and talk to mazdaspl or cvx412 or even ram designs for a design and build it yourself. You'll be way happier.
  20. Oh and I wouldn't tune to 42hz unless your competing...tune closer to 33-37 for daily. If you want to make your freinds uncomfortable in your car then you need more cone area and more power, not a higher tuning.
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