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Everything posted by Kyblack76

  1. Same bro. Ive used the "full version" on my phone for a long while now. I really dont even see how you use the mobile lol. Id be lost as fuck. But im old. I absolutly love the full version, or desktop or what ever you call it on my phone. Always have. Couldnt agree more.
  2. Someone jump in the chat room. Let's see how it runs. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kyblack76


      Shit man. A few of us got in, giggled a bit and peaced out. You just a tick behind. 

    3. meade916


      shit! i walked away and forgot i was still in there :D


    4. Kyblack76


      Lol. Noticed rear lulz. 

  3. Ahhhhh.. my skin is back..... thanks Kyle/Steve. Much much gooder 

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. MrSkippyJ


      yeah i see that too reedal. 

    3. Ahmed Johnson

      Ahmed Johnson

      the only type bar on mine is to search

    4. Kyblack76


      Hmmmm. Is it a supporting member thing now only where's a mod!?!

  4. Brother Hunter Dorre ???? Did you really just win my amps ?????

    1. Keith77


      WHATTT Thats cool as hell

    2. Keith77


      Im done with pancakes for a while.. No wins

    3. Kyblack76


      Fuck ya. He scored em both.

  5. Blue tooth speakers, in light bulbs.... hmmm... imma try

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ToNasty


      My fart fan in the bathroom has leds and Bluetooth speaker:)

    3. audiofanaticz


      Dont forget you can get shower heads with bluetooth speakers as well so you can pretend to be that famous singer you always wanted to be every time you take a shower!

  6. And, what do you mean you where a guinea pig? You buy it 4 years ago or something ?
  7. Seems odd. Dude in nevada runs 2 sundown 6ks, wired LOW, on one alt, with a OK bank. Dips to like 11's on monster burps. Where are you wired at on the boards? For 12k, the 2 mechmans should keep you around battery rest,.... your reserve isnt the problem.....imho. Unless your wired into the dirt. You have something else going on.
  8. Hmmmm. I ... may..... acutally ....... take some time off for the holidays. First XMAS that i wont work in almost a decade. Now, what to do ????

  9. Dope tool. Used the hell out of ours, and get asked for it also. Youd be amazed where people "THINK" they are at, VS where they really are. Its cool, too, because is will show you, if you compete vented, and how you vent. (window down, pass or drivers side open). Will show you impedance, and tune, running sealed, or open. Cuz trust me, that all changes. Helped, and shown me a ton about all our lastest builds weve done, when we got the sig gen in our hand. Ran TS numbers on the drivers the last two builds, found volume(s), helped with our pass band, and much more. Rad lil tool.
  10. Mike sent me 2 vids of it at the TEAM RUCKUS show...., around 3 weeks ago. Shes bangin. Its alive and kicking guys....... very much alive and kicking.
  11. why? everyone thats posted, has used the dd1 for years.
  12. Fuck yes. Dr mario, tetris, excite bike, Tysons punch out and others for days. I won't leave the house for a solid week.
  13. ^^^^ same. I'd start at zero, if you have a 40 sig light. Set it. If you don't turn that up till you do. Then set it. That's how I'd do it.
  14. Dave Chappelle to host SNL on the 12th with a tribe called quest. TIVO fucking set.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. _paralyzed_
    3. MrSkippyJ


      Holy shit. This is like a post from the 90s. Tribe Called Quest, Dave Chappelle, SNL, and TIVO!

  15. I know you know your set up, and your not a retard, but, ugh.... i dont like -15 either. At all. You need more board bro ,... -15 is way wicked. Get more board brother.
  16. Wurd.... wired at 1ohm? fuck, use -10 and be kinda smart.
  17. 0db is to loud? Jeeez., i dont know anyone that uses 0db. No one. But, its rig and preference dependant for sure. If it works for ya..and your happy,. right on. I did use -2.5 when i had large boards on each driver once. But, I loved -7.5. Was perfect for me and my build. For my gear, and music preferance. Still, no matter what overlap a user sets at, you need to know your gear....., i knew my build inside and out. Top to bottom. Every peak and valley. Knew what it should do, what to look out for on every song i demo'd, and every comp........ If a door was open, or what window was down, hell, how many people where inside, i knew how it would change, or take it.... i knew that build better than i knew myself. But, to each their own.Use what works for you, and for your set up for sure.
  18. He won because he hit a 149.9 with under 500 watts. The other person hit a 143.9Their names are switched. This. ^^^^^ it's a power limited class Not to mention, that number on that power is full retard. No one else in North America did it. Bad ass. There is over a 50 in there. I know there is. he just ran out of time at the end.
  19. One of the coolest things ive ever seen with my own eyes. SUPER impressed. Well done mate. Was good to see you again. And epic job dude. EDIT - ALSO, the screen names are SWITCHED. Jeff Vue, is a stud also. But,.... swap those scores.
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