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Everything posted by Kyblack76

  1. didnt read any of that.. If you know your number on the deck, that is clean to 1k i would set it at 0db. Myself ive never used the dd1 for setting mids and highs.... Pretty obvious when they sound like shit.. just me.
  2. hahah hang tight bro let me perfect it....i am feeling good about it though! How many fuse holders did you need? Like in a cluster? I'm going to bed early planning on being there at 4am again to get back on it! Getting up early to get some work done on my build myself. Lets chat about it I think we can do some cool shit. Talk in the am
  3. Fucking rad dude. I was the one that asked you on FB for em. After seeing the box terminals. Id love to get some of the first for my new trunk build Steve. I can send coin now. Love to hear from you on a pm here or on FB or whatever. Ill get em in, and get some pics. I knew you had a plan
  4. Still seems stupid low. You sure your doing it right? There's only about 3000 of us that use the amm1. It's accurate. If used correct.
  5. Wonder if TD can get a north American support. A partner so to speak. Ya never know. Would help with cost, and such.
  6. Would love to have mine setup that way.But, visibility is bad enough as is LOL. Is it CES time yet? Im ready..... looks like its going to be a wild party Lol
  7. another holiday work week worked, and done..... now its my turn.
  8. It will be mobile mostly, we will try to have it available for demos upon request as much as possible. Gimme the keys Tony, me and ken will hit the strip. I'll personally guarantee many will hear and see it. Those boards look like pure sex. That shop does some rad looking work also, thumbs up.
  9. wrong make bro I The 18" sundown team depth isnt listed yet. If you want, i can see if Rutherford will tell me, and i can get back to you unless Jacob hits this up first. Damn, I really gotta start looking at the section haha. The fact that everyone is on the FI team train lately doesn't help either My bad OP. Your fine. That's also why I love when the mods make members post in the correct section.
  10. I was being serious. But I put it in here because it would be pointless to ask u guysAnyways.. Sometimes I smell a funny smell when I turn it up too much. I was at a meet up trying to give some people a listen. My amp went in to protect two different times with two different people Turn the gain up
  11. wrong make bro The 18" sundown team depth isnt listed yet. If you want, i can see if Rutherford will tell me, and i can get back to you unless Jacob hits this up first.
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