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Everything posted by Jessica

  1. whats the SQ like on a gen 1 Ipad? Bluetooth/headphone so on.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Kyblack76


      ^^ Ya dude. I wasn't sure exactly what I've read/ heard. But I remember something about everyone snagging used 1st gens to use the digital or fiber optic or something. Makes me wanna nab one.

    3. Jessica


      ok, sounds good. i got a gen 1 for christmas and i want to put it in the honda as a source. So neato

    4. Kyblack76


      Werd. And the 1st gens can have more space

  2. such odd happenings on the forums as of late, im very curious where these will lead... I have much popcorn, munch popcorn indeed.
  3. its amazing how often just doing absolutely nothing is the best response to a situation .

  4. the web site is nice, but i hope they normalize the height of the images in the slide show, makes it hard to read the text when its scrolling up and down constantly.
  5. most of you guys are pretty damn fun to hang out with here on the forums. doesnt matter our musical preference, or brand loyalty. end of the day we just want to just crank the volume and escape the bullshit of normal life.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Ahmed Johnson

      Ahmed Johnson

      I'm cool most of the time but I go 0-100 real quick

    3. ROLEXrifleman


      Just cause you are a character doesn't mean you have character. Lucky for you guys I am and have both, your welcome

  6. Would love to have mine setup that way. But, visibility is bad enough as is LOL. Is it CES time yet? Im ready..... your penis pump has some burns on it. Better slow down man!
  7. those^ also, where are you connecting the probes to on the amp and are you getting a signal light?
  8. isnt it odd that every time scientist make a "new' discovery of some life form they always already have a name for it?

    1. Kyblack76


      It's like the gazers that find stars, or planets. They have the named picked already. Usually

    2. Skullz


      Not odd at all considering they have spent weeks or months on it before making it known to the rest of the world.

  9. anyone else hear that a bill repealing obamacare is about to go across the presidential desk?

  10. i want to get kerbal space program

    1. Skullz
    2. boom50cal


      i kinda do too... if it had a multiplayer based upon who can make the rocket the best with parts given...it would be a must buy

  11. not asking for a box design, just how many guys are running SINGLE cab f-150s with a 96 cab shape? anybody loud?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Jessica
    3. Keith77


      When I was in high school I had a pair of JL 12w0 sealed in a single cab in my 85 f-250. Amps were under the seat. Probably one of my favorite systems that I have had.

  12. sad that i have to pretty much hide from the internet to avoid movie spoilers. I mean i just saw a link on yahoo that was a spoiler with "warniing, spoilers" in the title as well. I mean, really?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Jessica


      wtf, the link alone scares me

    3. mcfalcon


      Lol. I dont think it works. Pic in my photobucket. I posted in Random though.

    4. Jessica
  13. get my sons new PC built and the HD fails. lmao

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Jessica


      like i can get anything local in BFE kansas, hell even the super center only carries external drives now. And id rather not gut one just to find some proprietary connector inside :\

  14. we might do christmas tonight, or not. Not sure

    1. mcfalcon


      Damn thats early. Were doing ours on Christmas eve due to me working Chtistmas.

    2. Lbox88


      We'll do my family's on christmas day, idk about the inlaws yet as they have to figure out their schedule still.

    3. audiolamb6
  15. One is the loneliest number that you'll ever know

    1. Lbox88


      Two can be as bad as one,

      It's the loneliest number since the number one

    2. Kyblack76
  16. working on my drunk.

    1. Jessica



    2. mcfalcon


      If you stopped its a foul.

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