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Status Updates posted by Jessica

  1. These bitches ain't nothin but hoes with tricks

  2. to buy a term lab or not

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Keith77


      Shit I just saw they have TL Rebel now.. I would get that over the SPL LAB meter LOL

    3. audiofanaticz


      iirc they released the rebel to compete with the other brand devices.

    4. meade916


      if you plan on competing then the TL is the only one that matters.  If you are just testing for comparison (your system vs your own system after making changes) than any brand will do.



  3. Torn surrounds are bad mmmkay?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. SnowDrifter


      Bottoming out at 44hz wasn't anything that crossed my mind. That's what I get for playing high notes

    3. Jessica


      my aero port came apart because the foil tape holding it together ripped. or... maybe i damaged it trying to push a 65lb 10" sub into the enclosure. Fuck if i know. the surround leaked near a bolt hole from day one anyway. it can be fixed so im not worried. I have bigger issues with my build right now anyway. lol

  4. tub and surround are finally installed. Now to the other 100 items on the list.

  5. waiting for usps to deliver my xbox360. hoping its in one piece still

    1. SnowDrifter


      USPS? You poor soul

  6. we give out glow sticks on Halloween. i'm looking for the best deal we can find as we will need about 500 6" glow sticks this year. we do not want bracelet style. any tips? thanks

    1. Broke_Audio_Addict
    2. Broke_Audio_Addict


      They are dirt cheap on Alibaba.

    3. Ahmed Johnson

      Ahmed Johnson

      why glow sticks? That's gotta be more expensive than a couple bags of candy

  7. went from a 33 to 39.4 by just moving my box. I know i can get more, just dont know where to start lol.

  8. went out a few months ago, drove 140+ while under the influence. not proud of it. no one got hurt. but damn, it was fun.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. WalledSonic


      God damn bimmerking.  Heavy shit.

    3. bmwking


      yeah.  life changing.  i may not know duck personally, but i'd hate for him to get hurt or put so many people through the same thing i went through.  just not worth it.

    4. Jessica


      it was a rural road late at night and empty and i could see for miles. im foolish but not careless


  9. whatever hapened to paramore?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DTS909


      One of favorite voice.

    3. Broke_Audio_Addict


      They put a new vid on youtube the other day, i couldn't turn it off fast enough, the new stuff is absolutely horrible.

  10. when you have a dream, and in that dream you know you are having a re-occurring dream...

    1. SnowDrifter


      Sounds like the "you" in a parallel universe needs some variety in their life

    2. moh.vze.com


      Man I use to get these every year. A lot of times I get those dreams where in the dream you think you have a Deja Vu of a dream and when you wake up knowing you've had that dream before... another Deja Vu. I can't explain it.

  11. Who makes alt brackets?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Ahmed Johnson

      Ahmed Johnson

      lol, yeah hit him up

    3. Wishuponasub


      Ive heard the name. Not that that means anything but i have heard it lol

    4. Rich Schenk

      Rich Schenk

      Robert jagacki makes them 

      Demo bus guy

  12. Wife Spilled her drink on her laptop. I took it apart, seems really dry inside. Letting it sit a couple days and i hope it will still live.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. oldsoundguy


      Ha I did this a couple months ago. lol

      I had to replace the key board for 20 bucks and all is good.

    3. Jessica


      i'll give props to ASUS ROG laptops, they are built well.

  13. working on an RPG with my son in VB6. got a lot of groundwork done. almost have a working map system, and have a very crude fight system and a few graphics and sound and one animation. lol months of work ahead as i am teaching him as i go.

  14. ya'll know chat is back right?

  15. You can lead a horticulture, but you can't make her think...

  16. (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

    1. Jessica


      also ก็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็ʕ•͡ᴥ•ʔก็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็

  17. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12, 12!

  18. 1° f here -13 wound chill. diesel fuel is gelling up in the bulk tank so we put bit in the sin and have it recirculating lol. hope it thins out a bit

    1. Jessica


      What the hell did I type?

    2. audiofanaticz
  19. 10's 12's 15's in da trunk, coils smellin like a 4th o july punk. clip clip clip, nokkin my bass. The sound smells like the popcorn im putting in my face.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Jessica


      i dont know how to use photoshop

    3. Kyblack76
    4. ProMaxx316


      Someone needs to get on that Fruity Loop studio and lay the track

  20. 122° on the production floor today.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Jessica


      it was all sweaty for sure

    3. audiofanaticz


      At least you dont work in the desert, you probably end up with sand in the vagina!

    4. Jessica


      are you trying to pour salt in my womb? lol

  21. 15 degrees here, put on my coat and my big boy pants and went out and put that power steering pump belt on. time to get drunk!

  22. 240 amp alt is installed. Now i drop 14.3 to 14.0 full tilt. Might be better once i top off the batteries.

  23. 3 day weekend, going to do my thing and relax.

  24. 32 degrees here today. I dont want to go out and work in that crap. Should i just bite the bullet and do it anyway?

  25. 4 day weekend, going to be cold. Have wife, alcohol, heater, bed. My body is ready.

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