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S.O.T.M. Winner
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Status Updates posted by Raptorman

  1. Rest in peace BRZ 2100.1D.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Raptorman


      I'm pretty sure it was the vibrations that killed it. It was mounted on my box, and I didn't ever drop below 12v and I never clipped it.

    3. Omega5002


      Yeah, that's very common for the amp to fall apart from the box, next time just mount it on a board, or on the back of the seat if possible. Mine isn't mounted on the box since I don't wanna ruin my box, and that reason

    4. Raptorman


      Yeah, looks like I'm gonna have to build some sort of rack. It's just tough, I don't have much room.

  2. Scoopin up a LNIB SAZ 2000D for $250 off craigslist saturday, stoooooked.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. LT.Smoke


      I would check that shit before you buy bro... May just be a good deal but I have been burned on CL before so have to be careful

    3. OrionStang
    4. Raptorman


      Yeah it works as far as he's stated. I'm testing it anyways when I meet with him to doublecheck and I'm gonna let it bump for a while. Stepdad's comin' with me as well.

  3. Sheeeiiiittttt. Decaf touching up and updating all the zips, and making them easier to organize. Sweet!

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. n1ghtsn1p3r


      I had all of them retagged, then i reinstalled windows and didn't back up the modified tags so I lost all of them. I was getting ready to do it myself, but since he's doing it, I'll just wait for the re-release

    3. WastedTalent


      x2 on all of that... minus the losing the tags. Lol. I was going through all of them as I found out at like zip 31. Lol. I will stop where I am, and wait...

    4. n1ghtsn1p3r


      I still had the zips on another drive, I just lost the modified extracted ones. Apparently iTunes didn't copy the files over to the library folder (had it disabled for some reason IIRC), and I had the files extracted to another folder that I missed when backing up

  4. Shout out to Maxxsonics for making an amp that has revived twice now from being rained on with power going through it.

    1. OrionStang
    2. Raptorman


      Juuuuuust did tonight. Leaky trunk is leaky. Moved it to the back of my rear seat.

  5. Shout out to MB Quart for making a solid 4 channel. Water leaked through a crack in my sheet metal in my trunk and onto the amp. It cut out for an hour or so and now it's fine :D

    1. DubNDodge


      I have that same damn issue. But it is where the metal overlays another sheet.

  6. Sigh.

    1. WastedTalent


      Sigh x2. Can't ever leave a brother sigh'in by himself.

  7. Sleepless night.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Azagtoth502
    3. 2loud4uboyz


      Hate them night myself. Mind just keep thinking and want turn off ..

    4. WastedTalent


      every night is sleepless for me, considering i work nights. Sup? Lmfao. And no, I don't sleep during the day either cause I work then too. (2 jobs).

  8. SMD's hacked? Lol.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Amart88


      Anyone else get a Driver loading error on the forum a few mins ago?

    3. purplesyrup


      what in the world did i miss, lol i fell asleep for hours

    4. Avery Howell
  9. So. UPS ran over my sub with a forklift.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Raptorman


      The supervisor at the local UPS hub called incriminator and said they will be taking responsibility for it and paying them for losses. I still get a new woofer, just a few days late.

    3. SnowDrifter


      Ehh. Can't complain there. Easier claim than what I often see

    4. Raptorman


      And Incriminator is throwing in a free shirt for the troubles :)

  10. Someone pulled a gun at walmart, police and SWAT are swarming now. Also someone called into our district saying there is going to be a shooting at a number of schools in my county tomorrow. Great.

    1. Keith77


      Tomorrow.. They are a day early... Not until friday

  11. Still look like a chipmunk, feels bad man.

    1. purplesyrup


      wisdom teeth get pulled?

    2. HatersGonnaHate


      Yes they got pulled. Got trolled by his mom lololool

  12. Super excited to get my new Alt! :D

  13. That moment when I go to click on my notifications on SMD, but overshoot the mouse and click Sign Out. The struggle is real.

  14. the actual scientific term for cactus is not cacti, it's hella cactus - Bill Nye Tho

  15. The infuriating moment when I go to click "Notifications" and accidentally click sign out. /tableflip

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SnowDrifter


      Never done that one but I will inadvertently hit the like button on mobile while trying to scroll

    3. rockFord_Expedition


      I hate when that happens. Glad to know that I am not the only one that gets livid.

  16. Thinking of taking the plunge with Taramp's whenever money is situated. Seem solid.

  17. This new Tech album, doe.

  18. This Plug.Dj site is pretty awesome! :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Raptorman


      Yeh it's fun haha

    3. KillaCam


      Does it spam your facebook if you sign up?

    4. ghostrider59927


      no will just post updates and if there any problems with the site


      we are all here

  19. Threw. Her. In. The. Trunk.

    1. OrionStang
    2. HatersGonnaHate



    3. Jessica


      i heard my name, whats going on in here?

  20. Took 6000 volts to the knee today while painting at work... Accidentally jammed my knee into a transformer when I went to kneel down. Talk about chest and knee pain.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Raptorman


      Yeah it was gnarly. All the lights in the building flickered out. Big zap too. I have a picture of the arc-burns.


    3. Raptorman


      Two spaced out red dots are where the terminals got me. The red marks that wave off to the right are burns.

    4. Sergeant_Skyrim


      Damn bro that looks like nothing but I can only imagine how it must've felt. Electricity is not to be fucked with!

  21. Total sentencing for Walter White throughout the entirety of Breaking Bad: 7 life times. PLUS 525 years.

  22. Two Death Penalty 15's in a sealed trunk.... Yes...

  23. Typed up my Senior Project in about 3 hours last night. Got my grade today, turned out to be a 97% SAY WHAAAAAAT!

    1. MrSkippyJ


      what was the project?

    2. Raptorman


      I just did a paper on how to build a custom PC. Had to make it 8 pages. T'was quite easy, but I wasn't expecting such a high grade because I didn't research anything, I just explained how to do it. Haha.

  24. Vote for SOTM guys! It's close already!

  25. Watching Dragonball Z all night. Fuck yes.

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