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Status Updates posted by scooter99

  1. Truck blow through enclosure is calculated. Just need to do a design and cut sheet and get to work. 4 xl12's here we come! Oh and lookie here, a Singer Invoice for a 6 phase 350Amp alt. SHAT JUST GOT REAL!!!!!!! WHo's in!!??!!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Wicks


      Whoa....... This should get interesting. A blow-though.....now that would make me nervous cutting into the cab. :o

    3. scooter99


      Aint gonna lie Im nervous as FAWK! But it's an old truck, I don't owe on it, and when I'm done, it'll still be stout as hell. So it should be ok. As long as my wife doesn't see what happens LMAO!

    4. Jessica


      man, i want to do a blow through in my truck. I use it for hauling too much though.

  2. Well it's official folks. The Loud & Low Civic is getting stripped down and prepped to be sold. It's a good and sad day for me. Not gonna lie, I almost shed a tear! But sometimes you just gotta let go. I will be back though!! I have no doubt about that!!!

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Keith77


      Sorry was ninja'd... Hope it all comes together again man. Love your work.

    3. iwannabeloud


      What kind of alternator do you have?

    4. scooter99


      It's a Singer 185 Amp for 06 Civic.

  3. I can't find the thread that was on here about cone area and had the calculations etc. Can someone post the link for me please if you know where it is? Thanks!

  4. Today's progress: Changed back to original belt route with smaller belt, check. Battery light off, check. Engine shutter gone, check. Trunk sealed up no more leaks, check. New muffler hangers, check. Final payment made to own the civic, CHECK!!! Damn it was a good day!!


    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Jessica


      as long as its not blinker fluid you should be fine

    3. dog24fret
    4. JesseyMclame


      always check your piston return spring. It will cause a leak with your muffler bearing's reservoir.

  6. Are there any Audison dealers here?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. IBleedMusick


      Both of you can pick a cheek and kiss my big black ass.

    3. KillaCam


      Left cause I lean to the right when I blow ass.

    4. IBleedMusick
  7. First video of it playing is on my thread. Not a great one, but it's playing and feels good!

    1. DubNDodge


      Still got a smile on your face from when it first fired up lol?

    2. mgameforever01


      looks good, glad to see you got it up and running

    3. evermaxx

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. n8ball2013


      Im just waiting for hte post that says its playing and powered up.

    3. Karkov


      Good luck on getting things buttoned up! Hope all goes well

    4. scooter99


      Nope N8, go read my thread and be baffled. Did all kinds of tests. NOTHING MAKES SENSE!!!!!

  9. Ok so I'm getting close. I have a question. DO I DD1 the head unit, the 360, and the amps? Or just the head unit and the amps? If the 360, how? I'm assuming just like the head unit, except I'd be adjusting the volume of the 360 with the head unit at the max un clipped volume right? Someone shed some light please?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. meade916


      you can do almost everything you need to do WITHOUT a dd-1 if using a 3sixty.3. Once you are all finished and all you have is amps left you can then fine tune those. You might find the gains don't move much though because most of the work is done on the screen and the amps will have plenty of voltage keeping those gains down anyway (if you do it right).

    3. Kyblack76


      I did see the .3 had its own gain set/adjustment. Would you recommend going that route steve? TIA

    4. scooter99


      Thanks for the info Steve. Hope to see you at AR this weekend?

  10. DAMN IT!!! 3 more nights and 5 more nights worth of work!!! Friday night is looking like it's going to be awfully long!!

  11. An hour and a half left, then...............BUILD CHAOS WILL ENSUE FOR 2 DAYS AND TONIGHT!!! GOAL = Playing by Sunday!!!

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. scooter99


      Youre a funny guy N8

    3. n8ball2013


      get your ass back to work. at this pace ill be done first.

    4. WastedTalent


      Honestly N8, I think that'd be so hilarious. Especially if we all lit up his inbox (if he has notifications enabled) and he couldn't reply. Lmfao.

  12. NEW TOYS will be here on Monday!! WOOT!!! 10 Days left, and about 50 days of work to do! OH MY!!!!!!!!

  13. Who is streaming bluetooth on their 360.3? Have you had any issues, like not connecting, bad quality sound, anything like that? I'm interested in your experiences please.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. scooter99


      I was going to run hdmi out of my note 8.0. Through that I can get digital sound. It woudl go into an HDMI converter, out through toslink and into the 360.3 via optical toslink. Mainly what I listen to is Pandora and Spotify, so that makes me nervous. I just listen to so much music I don't have everything on my tablet. Any suggestions on what I should do?

  14. For those of you who were wondering, the "R" logo in the middle of the 3sixty.3 is held on by two sided sticky tape. Was able to get it off with a little heat gun action and a small amount of prying, which was really more just lifting it from it's place. I'll post pics up tonight on what I've done.


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Kyblack76
    3. KillaCam


      I was just going to say this is the best Monday I've had in a while.

    4. scooter99


      Well good for you! Enjoy your steaks and beer! Really!

  16. Quick question. Does ANYBODY know, if the "R" logo on the Rockford Fosgate 3sixty.3, is glued on with adhesive, or is it screwed in? Anyone?

    1. WastedTalent


      Are you still looking for the answer?

  17. Ok honey time to start your project! "But daddy I just woke up and it's early". Yeah but daddy has a car to go build and we're wasting time. "But the sun's not up yet"! Dang.......................we're already late, get a move on, we have to be done before noon!!!!!!!!!!!

  18. Ever had one of those lunches, or meals, where you get done and lean back and be like FUUUUUUUUU that was so great, perfect mesh of tastes and the right amount of full? Yeah just happened to me! It's a beautiful thing!! LOL

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ThatGuyWithAJetta


      yes that happened to me yesterday, chicken and steak burrito from chipotle so fricken good

    3. Raptorman


      Sometimes I'll go out to Cici's and eat as much shit as possible until I hate myself for doing it. Fun times.

    4. scooter99


      Ken, I had some soup I made, known as Olive Garden's Pasta Figole. I also had some manderine oranges, and vanilla pudding for dessert. It was so satisfying!! I need to make some Beef Stew this weekend for next week. YUM!

  19. Oh such a big step tonight! And in very little work time too! Go check out the build log folks! I'M VERY EXCITED!!! http://www.stevemeadedesigns.com/board/topic/156876-loud-low-8th-gen-civic-sub-amps-have-been-mounted-folks-big-step-in-the-right-direction/

  20. 30 minutes and counting till a 3 day weekend! Amp rack, port extension sanding, and amp mounting tonight! This weekend, hopefully the enclosure goes in!! As soon as Borris and I figure out what the hell the USPS did, I'll be cutting sub holes, and speaker rings! WOOT Gonna be big progress this weekend, I HOPE!!! Except SUNDAY BETWEEN 3:30pm and WHEN THE NINERS WIN!!!!!

    1. Trey_Dog650
    2. OrionStang


      Seahawks got their number.

    3. 95legwagon


      usps f'd up your stuff too? i had 2 things this week get marked "delivered" and wasnt at my back door....

  21. Quick Flocking question. Does anyone know if you can put tape on flock after it is fully dried, or will it pull the flock up? Was thinking of doing a seam, but I wanted to do a tape line so I knew the seam between the two colors would be straight. Thanks for any help.

  22. Very seriously considering switching amp brands. I'm not sure what the interest woudl be in what i have, but I'm getting concerned wth the company and their cs. Might need a change before it gets too bad. All gear is new too. Hmmmmmm delimmas! Being broke doesn't help either!!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. scooter99


      I was thinking the orange and BLACK, would still go, no theme change. But I'm not sure I could make a change right now anyway unless I got closed to full price for these amps if I were to decide to sell. Actually i could go from 2 4ch to 1 4ch and use my other amp I have for now until i could afford the last amp. The 2 sub amps and one 4 channel is most important for the buidl.

    3. scooter99
    4. IBleedMusick


      Taylorfade has a pair of 3.5ks for $1100 shipped if you do decide to go that route.

  23. Does anyone have a circle jig I can use for the weekend? I'll pay shipping.

  24. Can someone PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF CHRIST stop time for about 3 weeks?!?!?!

    1. SnowDrifter


      If time is stopped for 3 weeks would you even know?

    2. scooter99


      Yes cause I wouldn't stop cause I'd be home working on my build. But everything else would stop so i could!!

    3. mgameforever01


      don't worry im working on it lol but it may take a while. ( im minoring in physics, to study the theory of time).

  25. Updates are on my build log. What a productive two weeks. May not show it to some, but lots of details have been done and built and I'm happy with the progress. One more day off and then Thursday, the new job starts! Kind of ready to go back to work honestly. Although I'd much rather wake up every day and work on car audio! LOL Happy New Year folks!

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