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Status Updates posted by SnowDrifter

  1. What is your overall favorite sounding box? This is a pretty broad question lol.. Mine is a fairly large box tuned low(27-30 range) with a med-high amount of port area

    1. Socky


      ive always have had a sweet spot for the 28hz, but i love me some highers too, cant have it all, unless a 4th or 6th order lol.

  2. Overclocking my cpu on my laptop. Had my soda sitting next to the exhaust vent and didn't realize it. Took a drink: Hello hot&flat soda!

    1. OrionStang


      Wait, you live in Washington and don't call it 'pop'?

    2. SnowDrifter


      Most don't? At least around where I am

  3. I need a 24 hour ban. Having trouble pulling myself away from the site to do some things I need to do. Someone want to help with that?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. meade916


      KR15, really? I doubt that. I am certain you had to do something else, like be a dickhead of some sort to get banned. I should ban you for making a false claim about why you got banned.

    3. IBleedMusick


      Definitely false because there are quite a few ppl here who refuse to run DC for one reason or another. So I second the dickhead notion the mods aren't a holes they don't ban for no reason.

    4. Maebros


      i wouldnt go as far as saying the mods arent a holes but they arent a holes for no reason. usually becasue of retarted people or just becasue its funny. either way its legit and they have good reasons.

  4. MAP gas + solid core = so much better for soldering than rosin core and propane.

  5. Been having a darkness for a a week or 2 now that I just can't seem to shake..

  6. Got a new box & my mids and highs are set to go in tomorrow :D

  7. Do you guys ever wish you could go back to 'day one?' Where all it took to feel stupid loud is a pair of 15s?

  8. That's interesting... My tweeter exploded. Yes, exploded.

  9. I think it's time for a new box

  10. Who sets off a pair of hugeass firecrackers and races their car in a neighborhood at midnight??? I'm not one to care about such activities, but take it somewhere else...

  11. Project #1 of the day: Convert my cordless drill so it is no longer cordless. Why? Because I'm bored lol

    1. Chris Hammer

      Chris Hammer

      You should post some pics in off topic cus I wanna see how you do it.

    2. imnew59585


      12 volt power block and find the prongs on the drill and there you go (i think its 12 volt?) maybe 14, or 18 idk what voltage is your drill?

    3. Chris Hammer

      Chris Hammer

      I have 18" impact and drill I think. IDK havent used them in a while. Still put away from moving...but makes sense. I just want to see lol.

  12. Really want an m4a and some batteries, but really need to resist\

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. OrionStang


      Resist and buy my M3a.

    3. Ballen194


      be like all the cool kids and go DC/Sundown

    4. Bump4life


      hold out and wait for new DD amps coming out, i hear they are awesome!

  13. Got some goodies on the way. Can't wait to finish this build

    1. Kyblack76


      cool man.... thats great your starting to see some light at the end bro..........

  14. Mom ripped her knee open on a hike. I never thought I would feel like a 90-100mph top speed is slow

    1. ch0sen


      man that sucks, is she gonna be alright?

    2. SnowDrifter


      Yeah, she has to take it easy for a while but it should fully heal in time

  15. Been having a recent fascination with the soundigital 8ks and I have NO idea why

  16. Anyone else noticing a bout of crankyness/snippiness going around?

    1. bad_ass_car


      i know i'm new to spl and just trying to get advice on what to do. i HAVE done research about it but it is always easier to talk to someone one on one for advice so you can understand each other. thank you for all the help you've given me! it has made my system alot stronger

    2. Born_Again


      What the heck are you trying to say? LOL

  17. College is SO different

  18. I keep seeing random flashes of light out the window. No parties, no house lights on, and no thunder. Dafuq?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. WastedTalent


      Someone takes a picture of you then hides. That's the flash of the camera.

    3. gally


      ^^^then the pictures will be seen on efukt.com

    4. Dillan Turvold

      Dillan Turvold

      UFO's.. they found where you hide your subs..

  19. I think it's time to go 4 channel

    1. Riley Evan Houser

      Riley Evan Houser

      Do it, and don't look back

  20. In the mood to add a bassline to a song. Someone give me something

    1. JeremyN


      little brown jug by the Glenn Miller band

  21. Start talking to someone, but put the emphasis on the wrong syllables. It really confuses most people lol

  22. Anyone know of a cheap step down converter? I think I might want to try 18v...

    1. hdorre


      I wouldnt risk using a cheap one. If it fails, your whole stock electrical system could die instantly. Come think of it, I wouldnt use one PERIOD. However, if I HAD to use one, itd be the XS Power one.

    2. BassJunkie


      18v is junk for daily imo

  23. How does a pair of 12s bust a roof brace... What the heck???

    1. certifiednut


      like this, "pbbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpb"

    2. SlamminBeats


      just cause there 12s doesnt mean they dont move air

    3. SnowDrifter


      I guess...

      I don't think I would mind as much if it as an actually loud system. Busting parts of the car with only a 144-145 is just annoying lol

  24. It's kind of nice being able to hold above 15v full tilt at the amp

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