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Status Updates posted by TheNewbie

  1. Sorry.. but why are there different sized woofers?... to fit each application?

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. MrSkippyJ


      honestly, decaf is your best bet for questions like that. He understands it MUCH better than I do.

    3. TheNewbie


      Either way, I won't be playing bass boosted songs. Just regular with alot of bass :)

    4. ineeDBass419


      just tune with -5 man..decaf will tell you the same thing.and if your just playn "regular" music just check it in wmp to be safe.i do it with EVERY song i plan to play..better safe than sorry

  2. While makng my box, my cuts aren't thebest.. being a milimeter off in some spots going to effect it that much?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. n8ball2013


      1MM? Shit I could make that flush with a little work lol

    3. SnowDrifter


      My first box had 1/4-1/3 inch gaps in places - but I put it together with liquid nails (don't remember which one) since it was thick enough to fill in the gaps. I threw in an empty dumpster from the second floor and it didn't break apart. Sooo yeah :P

    4. TheNewbie


      Lmao, alright well thanks guys. I'll see how thebox turns out.. the 45's going to be tricky not sure how to go about it. N8 wanna come make it flush then? Lmao. I'll ship it to you :D

  3. Went to Ray's today, convential speakesr.. not proaudio. Got it.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. IBleedMusick


      I just pm'd ray earlier about that same question because my seleniums and super tweets sound great but take a lot of tuning to find the sound and since I am rebuilding I was going to run 2 6 2 8 and 2 super tweets but I saw a post by ray that had me rethinking I just want to run a 3 way setup that's sqish but I like the distance my setup now has and it still sounds clean pm me I have questions

    3. TheNewbie


      Your supertweets will get loud, as I was told BUT the don't have that overall kinda surround sound.. he has another word for it but it's aimed at one position rather than a convential tweet that covers more area if that makes sense.. YOU PM ME ahah :) to lazy.

    4. jg23


      nice meeting you today. i used to have 4 pro audio speakers and 4 aluminum tweets. no mid bass at all. as it is right now wiith only front stage 2 tweets 2 3s and 2 6s its WAY louder than it has ever been

  4. When upgrading your alt, won't that extra amps be harmful to your car? Being I go from 90 to 220

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. SnowDrifter


      Correct. It was just an analogy :)

    3. TheNewbie


      Lmao, okay sounds great.. it adjusts to the needs of the batteries and the car is all I needa know :o thank you sir.

    4. TheNewbie


      BTW, hopefully I'll find the little dial on the alternator to turn it down so it's so much.. lmao XD

      I kid I kid.

  5. Is it bad when my voltage fluxuates at idle?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. TheNewbie


      Lmao, damn you. Had me worry I did something wrong xD good one.. I need my amp already!!

    3. HatersGonnaHate


      :) When's it supposed to be coming in?
    4. TheNewbie


      Wendnesday and should be up ad playing depending on if Rick wants to come over with his Smd dd1

  6. Gold or Platinum terminal rings?... recommendations?!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Raptorman


      I always sand my terminals. I saw someone that some have coats on them to make them look shiny, which takes away from conductivity.

    3. TheNewbie


      Lol, I already bought the gold anyways.. You guys are slow! Now I need a nice looking volt meter! I'd perfer not to spend a billion dollars either haha :)

    4. purplesyrup
  7. Touchy subject, but why is the VVME (mystery subs) so cheap?.. garbage spider? Cooling blows? Small coil? Something more than it's not well made. Cousins gunna get one for laughs.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. SnowDrifter


      Probably cost saving things like no quality control, assembly line manufacturing, cheap, fast curing glue, not a ton of time spent with design and testing, stamped vs cast baskets, etc

    3. SnowDrifter
    4. TheNewbie


      Ah, okay so basicly it's not a bad sub, it's just not going to last..

  8. Quick question.. do people say it sounds better to run speakers, or subs at higher ohms (2 ohm, 4 om) because it's more efficent?... Basicly meaning it would sound the EXACT same at 1 ohm if they had the voltage to withstand whatever equipt they were using?.. I know it's a tad bit confusing because I myself am being confused haha.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. TheNewbie


      So then with lower independence, the THD would rise therefore that's why the distortion is higher at lower ohms? Also, the THD is higher at lower ohms because the amps less efficent? Or does the efficency have nothing to do with SQ?

    3. mrd6


      The best way to say it is: The speakers dont sound better, the amps sound better. THD, damping etc on the amp changes with impedance

    4. sayhuh?


      And higher impedance means less stress on electrical, allowing the amps to see more true power if your electrical is not efficient for lower impedance...or something like that...sry sleepy.

  9. They have arrived... >:)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. TheNewbie


      You feeling better man?

    3. SnowDrifter


      I wouldn't say better is the right word... But less bad. Thanks!

    4. TheNewbie


      Less bad, haha well that's good man. You'll find out what it is no worries just keep your head up!

  10. Gotta find some local bass heads.. noone to shoot the shit to about car audio :l

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. tdsa23


      Damn yea its hard to find people in the bay.

    3. KillaCam


      what?? there plenty of bassheads in the bay area, a lot even on here.

    4. TheNewbie


      Sorry lemme rephrase.. someone to text here within a 30 mile distance.. can't find much. Least not arond here in the small town.

  11. 12'' or 15''? Want to impress ;)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. TheNewbie


      Haha, if i get a 12 i can get it now.. 15 i gotta wait a bit but man am I impatient -__- specially when people are bumpin with there kicker comps.. like honestly.. sigh.

    3. HatersGonnaHate


      If you're impatient, get the 12, then build a box and make it slam. A big majority of how it sounds depends on the box.

    4. TheNewbie


      Yeah, I think im just gunna wait till I get a lil more cash for a 15 so im not regreting it later.

      I can't build boxes well so im done on that one xD

  12. My car idles at 13.5 and 13.8 revved with big three.. Is that bad?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. TheNewbie


      Yeah, I'll toss Em on the charger see if that helps any. Wouldn't they be charged by te alt by now? I know I shouldn't use the alt to charge them so I'll be purchasing a charger soon. Not sure what one.

    3. Lbox88


      Getting rid of the wet cell would be nice to see. As far as a charger, try a battery tender plus. nice slow trickle charge.

    4. TheNewbie


      Would charging the back xs and front wet cell increase my idle voltage? Also ll Ditch the wet cell when funds allow for sure

  13. What is the cover that goes over the wire inside the engine bay.. I don't think it's heat shrink.. it's to keep the wire from burning up. Gah I feel like a noob.. BRAINFART

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. TheNewbie
    3. TheNewbie


      Should I use the 1/2th in order to pull it over the 0 gauge? Imma need one for my 4 gauge as well.

    4. will77530
  14. Battery was a success.. now where to mount the amp?..

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Hollowstylez


      Tape holding it down? Ah its one of those newfangled floating amps eh? Derp.

    3. Katt


      Try driving in the rain ONLY? And make sure you are using more cowbell.

    4. TheNewbie


      I used both cowbells.. I only drive when it's cold

  15. Got some free woofers, but I can't find the displacement of a Kicker 10'' Comp.. Anyone know?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. SnowDrifter


      Just checked the manual. .03 cuft

    3. TheNewbie


      Thanks Snow, prob put one of them in my girls car, box building time!

    4. TheNewbie


      Thank you Rmichael as well.

  16. GAH my car really needs a paint job. Oh well.. paint can wait.. I'd rather have some bass :)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. One Way

      One Way

      rattle can = rice


    3. BeatBox


      same here, rust/faded paint < walled off

    4. TheNewbie


      Lmao, it's not to the rattle can point fellers... it's all about the audio.. just got my battery :)

  17. Thinking if a decent under the hood battery, XS is just to much for my price range at the moment. Shurkin?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Omega5002


      I'm running a group 34 as a starter, and looking at the group 31 as a secondary battery.

      I got the group 34 for $90 as a clearance deal, and Skrilla, and Eflako seem to be having great luck with them.


    3. TheNewbie


      Yeah but is that going to support 1.6k rms on a 90a alt? I also can't find there 31 battery.. I can ONLY have one battery, no room anywhere else.

    4. 08tahoe


      Maybe try the new crescendo battery?

  18. Anyone know about how many cubes is in a 1997 Eclipse? I want 2 12's 3 cubes.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. TheNewbie


      Anyone have an Eclipse?

    3. Katt


      Take it to singer. Bring money. Enough said. He will make you proud.

    4. TheNewbie


      Lol, no idea who singer is, I'd like to build my own tho :)

  19. Torn DC level 4 m1 12'' for 75 bucks.. thoughts?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. KillaCam


      I would go ahead and buy it.

    3. TheNewbie


      Yeah, but how much would a recone be for it? Around 120?

    4. KillaCam
  20. Are there any universal bass knobs? I could use one for the amp I have, and it does have the outlet for it.

  21. Wires or battery next paycheck? :D Won't get amp till last.. I'll be to tempted.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. MarioB


      if your going to install it all at once then who cares, right either or

    3. TheNewbie


      Lol, I know.. Just trying to think what's more fun, I guess wiring being that I can at least do something in the mean time.

    4. BFF Larry
  22. Straight pipe.. to loud, idk what kinda muffler to get.. clueless.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. stevog


      apexi n mufflers are quiet

    3. TheNewbie


      It's a doche 2.0 liter

    4. TheNewbie


      And yee haters it's a eclipse 1997

  23. Is all I need for big three 1 fuse, 0 gauge ofc and terminals correct?!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TheNewbie


      going from the battery to the alt? I haven't looked into how the big three is setup but was told I will need a fuse holder for one of the wires I upgrade in the big three. Was I misinformed?

    3. OrionStang


      People argue both ways. I say no need to fuse between alt and batt. Just run the wire smartly.

    4. TheNewbie


      Ah, well that would leave me with an extra fuse holder being I bought three. Also four 300 amp fuses, guess it's better to be safe than sorry.

  24. Subwoofer break in? Or let it slam? Hmm..

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. BassJunkie


      Break them in loud, they'll play loud. That's my philosophy.

    3. MrSkippyJ


      let them slam.

    4. Hollowstylez


      I've wondered the same thing. So why is it that some manufacturers say you should break in thier woofers? is it cause they want warranty to run out before you start pounding on them.

  25. 250 for a Level 4 12 m1.. hmm.. any thoughts?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TheNewbie


      Hmm.. alright. I'll see if i can get it for 200 ;) thanks for the input.

    3. TheNewbie


      Yeah, it's got upgraded spider and dual tensel leads. Thoughts now?

    4. Watch the bass

      Watch the bass

      Stay on your idea of 200 only is a bnib one, than 250.

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