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Status Updates posted by Jessica

  1. with my awesome schedule at work, i worked one extra day last week and one this week and end up with 52 hours of time and a half. Too easy

    1. deathcards
    2. Krakin


      those are some long ass 26 hour days.

    3. boom50cal


      i would like to be getting those kind of hours...

  2. Woke up at 3:30 this mornng, couldnt sleep. ate some cereal went back to bed then had a dream about waking up at 3:30 and eating cereal. FML

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. HatersGonnaHate
    3. Jessica


      That crap really screwed with my head, because in my dream i ate like 3 bowls and i kept thinking why am i eating all this cereal i already had some before i went to bed.

  3. wonder how i should spend my next 20 posts before i hit 5k

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Hotdog


      troll your way to 5k

    3. Jessica


      i may just stop at 4999 and never post again.

  4. wonder what i said to gunnem to have him block me.... im sure it was offensive.

  5. Wondering how much concrete would add to the weight of my car. overkill sound deadener.

  6. wondering what a root beer float would taste like with a shit load of rum in it

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. hispls


      You'd better hope it tastes great because it'll probably come right back up before too long and you'll have to taste it again.

    3. Soccerballzs
  7. woohoo, gonna swap out the engine in the old accord next week.

  8. work bought me a nice Craftsman Industrial tool set

    1. Karkov


      shocks, pegs, lucky.......

  9. work is denying my 3 weeks of vacation cause it would be too burdensome for them.

  10. working on my drunk.

    1. Jessica



    2. mcfalcon


      If you stopped its a foul.

  11. would 2 turntables and a microphone be louder that 2 microphones and a turntable?

  12. would you guys recommend schiit brand for an headphone amp?

  13. wow, get the honda going and first day i want to drive it i pull out of the yard through a small snow drift and rip the muffler off and get stuck. XD



      Now it sounds like a little rice rocket I bet. throw a spoiler on it and bam your set. =P

    2. Jessica
    3. Ahmed Johnson

      Ahmed Johnson

      LMAO, I'm sorry for laughing at your pain but man that's funny.

  14. WTF, ydluwenk sent me a video on youtube about islam. Ain't nobody got time for that!

  15. you know its a boring day at work when you write a video poker machine using a spreadsheet and vbscript.

  16. You float like a feather In a beautiful world I wish I was special You're so fuckin' special

    1. MrSkippyJ
    2. Jhunt94


      BUT I'M A CREEP! IM A WEIRDO! WHAT THE HELL AM I DOING HERE?! I don't belong here. Love that song

  17. your mom is so fat, a cop saw her on the corner and said "break it up, break it up"

  18. youtube is taking forever to process my video.

    1. justin0943
    2. Jessica


      It's just Motorolas format i guess, made a new copy in WMM and it worked fine.

  19. zanyone ever watched rosaria + vampire? what in the frack?!

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