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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/19/13 in all areas

  1. Wow, if there is this much arguing over a chunk of wire I can only imagine where this is going to go when Tony gets to the real topics like subs, amps, impedance, "box rise", class D. This is going to be a wild ride.......
    3 points
  2. -Resistance is NOT Impedance. -Volts * Amps does NOT equal Watts in AC land -You can NOT use an AC voltmeter and AC current meter to get true power unless you are powering a resistor and are using a scope or clipping detection device. I don't care what your friend the "electrician" said. -You can NOT use a DMM to measure impedance -Clipping is NOT DC -There is NO SUCH THING as Watts RMS (though we use it in audio) -WTH is "Box Rise" -The word "subsonic" to describe low frequency audio is TOTALLY incorrect -CCA wire is NOT OK -Class D is not better, it's cheaper WTH is Class D? D'Amore Engineering will be launching a FREE education section on it's website in the next few days. There will be a series of videos and demonstrations to prove all of the above statements and more. This sport is more full of bad information than the gossip mags at the checkout stand. Something needs to be done. This bad information continues to get passed on, and our hobby continues to be degraded. I'm still paying on my student loans, but it doesn't mean you have to. Stop by www.DAmoreEngineering.com soon, watch some vids, buy a t-shirt.
    2 points
  3. The 1st installment of the Free Education series of videos is now up for your viewing pleasure. http://damoreengineering.com/freeeducation.html
    2 points
  4. No one is arguing the number. True the square root will always be 4, as the capability of OFC to CCA will always be bigger. But...that is only comparing one to one. We all know and agree OFC is better, but that advantage can easily be counterbalanced by an extra run of CCA. Some times, running a single run if OFC will be cheaper, and sometimes cheaper when running two of CCA. So I believe as long as you are wiring correctly for the draw you will see similar results. And if the results are similar (I know two other instances of my own where they were the same alpine being one) then as a consumer you look at the next factor...price. I agree, a civilized debate is healthy. Maybe some will change their mind and others will have a stronger understanding as why they believe as they do
    2 points
  5. You guys crack me up. Now, think about this for a second. You can't cheat the laws of physics - I mean, they are laws and not just some really good ideas. Value isn't accepted in physics, and for good reason. If you take the square root of 16, you'll always get four. There is no less expensive version of 16, just 16. Debate is healthy.
    2 points
  6. You have no idea what the you're talking about. Please pm me instances of me bitching at noobs. Your statement was not, I think CCA is inferior to OFC...your statement was, "how dare you argue with the man named Tony! Humble yourselves and accept his words" of course I paraphrased a bit there. I've ran OFC and switched to CCA, so you can't even get that right. Who cares about knowing more than someone? Are you feeling insecure there? Because a level of intelligence has nothing to do with it. Maybe I'll say it slower for you because you're having trouble. I ran OFC wiring triple mechman 270s charging a total of 9 D3100s, on music full tilt on three RF T4000s powering three 15" BTLs and scored a legal 56.7 with voltage at 14.3. Swapped to CCA, same score at the same frequency, same voltage. Only difference was the price. So why should I pay an extra $500 for nothing? You say I should open my mind, have you opened yours? Have you swapped one from the other properly using both and seen a difference? If so, please share. But don't ever assume because we are debating something we are being disrespectful. And when in a debate with something like OFC vs CCA dkmt ever say, don't argue with tony just humble yourself. That shi cray And where am I l pissing and moaning because something is on the chopping block? Lol, you have a very skewed perception of events and it tickles me.
    2 points
  7. I've heard that Facts and Science have no place in car audio.
    2 points
  8. Oh my god. We have already proven in MANY instances, CCA is cheaper. My setup included. And to score the exact same at the exact same frequency but cost almost $500 less...yes. I find it funny all the people who talk about going from CCA for OFC have never gone from OFC to CCA...
    2 points
  9. I dont want to play with you. You make my face hurt. Nerd
    2 points
  10. I just received a new 5k to test today. I will video this 5k vs one of the 7.5ks and see what they do. I might do it tonight if I have time, I still have to clean the shop and build 2 subs. I am designing a battery rack for 28 xs 1400s right now
    1 point
  11. You wanna chat, about some "things" PM me if you want, or have a question. Im a open book man.... but, not on a thread. So?!!??? Code,...when does the kid get his bounty?!?!??! lol...
    1 point
  12. im very curious on equipment
    1 point
  13. This is better than the AMD vs Intel proc wars of the late 90's. my 3dnow is better than your floating point
    1 point
  14. There is several technical threads on SSA about CCA vs OFC already.
    1 point
  15. Hey guess what You also can't measure resistance with a DMM if there is voltage present at the point you are measuring resistance (ohms).
    1 point
  16. I'll save that for 18+
    1 point
  17. YUP!in for the impedance pewp ..... Stoked... This is DC voltage. You mean resistance. And for the record I would use ofc if I could redo things NO,.. Im in for the other issues he said he'd address? What are you talking about? you said impedance, thats ac. unless i missed a joke edit spelling Nope.. THIS -You can NOT use a DMM to measure impedance EDIT- i know exactly, where hes going there. and This -WTH is "Box Rise" But, i want more on that^^ Bitching about cca and ofc, does dick for me....
    1 point
  18. His statement was that it is cheaper, not better. That's why its used commonly for high power amplifiers because it allows manufacturers to put out a more affordable/practical product resulting in a smaller footprint, and higher profit margins for the company. If you take cost completely out of it, wouldn't you rather run your subs off of an SQ amp if you could get the same power as you get from a class D? I would. No compression of the notes when the beat is pounding continuously? Yes please. Class D is only "better" because it makes that power more affordable to more people. Take a look at the fosgate T15k. It is one bad ass, if not THE baddest amp ever made. It is a very efficient amp, it draws about 1/5 of the current per watt of RMS power than other really good amps, and it isn't a class D amp. It's a hybrid class A/B. It can put out around 17kw drawing only about 350A from the power source. That amp certainly wasn't cheap. You could easily get 17k rms cheaper, So in support of the initial claim, an amp doesn't perform better because it's class D, but it is made more affordable that way. You are sacrificing sound quality for affordability. "Better" can be interpreted in many ways. If you are a marketing director for a company and you sell class D amps, then hell yes it is better because it costs less to make and you make more money that way. The customer "benefits" by being able to afford power that they may not be able to afford if were a class A/B instead of a D. If that was true, all 4 channel amps would be class D also.
    1 point
  19. Sand in the vajayjay? I've proved what has worked for ME. And I've said that pretty often, and if you could get the same performance for less are you saying that that is not awesome? And when did I say have no place in the debate with no technical information? I'm saying to say we should shut up and humble ourselves people someone told us is about the dumbest thing ever said on this forum. I don't care if he's your friend, the truly humble thing to do would be to have an opinion, not a "he said so so I'll agree without researching or knowing ANYTHING about the subject matter". When did a debate about actual science vs application ever become taboo on this forum? When did we all of a sudden take offense to a difference in opinion? When did there become a rule where we can't test different ways of doing things? That's what you should really shake your head at. And now this IS cluttering the thread with things that doesn't have anything to do with the original post.
    1 point
  20. if you do this test, use 1 run of OFC, then double or triple inputs for CCA, to see what is better for the cost. Already planning on it. I just got the CCA in from Sky High today. Planned tests are as follows. DC 3.5k will be used for the testing. This amp has 1 power and 1 ground input. Each run will be 5' long. Single 1/0 CCA Dual 1/0 CCA Single 1/0 OFC Dual 1/0 OFC Single 2/0 OFC
    1 point
  21. SRP365 obviously has no place in this debate. At least snow has an opinion and facts as to why he believes he does. SRP's is because someone told him so. I find it pretty pathetic that we have differing opinions and we need to "humble" ourselves. The only thing worse than someone working though something and being wrong is a person who accepts what he is told and has no idea why. That is pretty much the definition of fanboyism. Is tony one of the smartest on this forum? Yes, I'll venture to say so. So when he makes a statement and some of us question and provide our opinions as to why, I'm sure he's a big boy who knows how to debate his points. I've already stated and explained why the term better can be subjective. Different points to consider when you say what is better. And once again...not one person has said CCA is better than OFC. What has been said is you can and will get the same performance for less. So better for my wallet? Yes
    1 point
  22. I have my own theory but im also a guy with 12 runs of ofc in my truck and im just a nobody. I have a feeling that some are making this bigger than the intended scope
    1 point
  23. Two thumbs up now get off your soapbox before you hurt your other foot Brad....I mean Scott.
    1 point
  24. Without a doubt. Look at how well it works out with Religion
    1 point
  25. I say CCA for runs because runs are expensive, and my wallet don't like expensive, and I say OFC for amps and speaker wire cause you only need a few ft for amps, and speaker wire isn't expensive. Both types serve a purpose, that's why they exist, yes I know Copper is more conductive, but is the extra cost worth it, not really when quantity is require. I agree with TeamHT as well I myself would put the extra work of doubling up the runs in cca instead of working extra hours at work to pay for the ofc because it hurts my wallet. I do love the fact you can 150 ft of cca for the cost of 50ft of ofc, and have it transfer more current.
    1 point
  26. Hmm Amp Dyno and DC 5k= CCA vs OFC. This one will be fun. Keep an eye out for a video in the next day or 2, I have a spool of 1/0 CCA coming from Sky High.
    1 point
  27. The numbers to really pay attention to are the Certified and Non Certified. I dont fully understand the dynamic burst rms test so I cannot say. Some of the dynamic numbers I have been seeing are definitely crazy.
    1 point
  28. Do tell Im doing over a 56 and all the runs from my front batt to back batts are cca..... Maybe you should change it and run a 57?
    1 point
  29. Well then I say that you show conclusive evidence of any theory you'd like to prove. Personally, I think Tony D' would welcome it. Keep in mind, many of the things discussed in this thread are indeed scalable.
    1 point
  30. I've heard there's a difference between science on paper and actual application
    1 point
  31. my wallet dictates cca is better, especially when it's on sale for $1 a foot.
    1 point
  32. I was hoping you'd pull that answer...you respond to my post comparing 50' to 50'...and then make an example of 20' costs...care to see how that doesn't work? Especially when I had almost 300' of wire. Please use the same math and factor 300' CCA to OFC
    1 point
  33. And then some of these statements lose in the lanes so....
    1 point
  34. Do tell Im doing over a 56 and all the runs from my front batt to back batts are cca.....
    1 point
  35. I cant believe how much I learned from a single post.. damn..
    1 point
  36. yes To get more output you have to increase cone area or power, well you doubled your cone area but if your power is half of what it was then output should be about the same
    1 point
  37. There are alot of variables that go into that, but yes it is possible. If you want full output from the subs, you need to properly power them. If you went from 1 sub wired at 1 ohm(1200w theoretically) to 2 subs wired a 2 ohm( maybe 300w per sub) You probably arent going to see any gain. General rule of thumb is double the cone area, add 1.5-3db. But when you cut your power in half when doubling cone area, you cancel that out.
    1 point
  38. 1 point
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