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Status Updates posted by ProMaxx316

  1. Remember people dont forget to play the PowerBall. I got my tickets. If you play and win just remember i reminded you to play.

  2. pacquiao vs mayweather fight. It better happen. It needs to happen.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. thefourth


      God I hope it happens.

    3. Broke_Audio_Addict


      I don't think Mayweather is going to take the fight, he can can fight anyone he wants so why take the chance of a possible loss.

    4. Ahmed Johnson

      Ahmed Johnson

      I think the only dude who can beat Mayweather is Amir Khan. I'm not saying he would but that dude can actually box. He is a bad style for mayweather.

  3. Go in to harbor freight. Just wanna buy a palm sander. walk out with 45 dollars of other shit i dont need.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. juan777


      Your dilemma resonates with me a great deal good sir.

    3. Nick580


      Now that i think of it, I need a palm sander too.

    4. Azagtoth502


      5 dollar can crusher & 2 dollar mechanics stethoscope still the neatest crap I've ever bought there.

  4. Is it real son, is it really real son Let me know it's real son, if it's really real Something I could feel son, load it up and kill one Want it raw deal son, if it's really real

  5. quick question. when putting basket to the motor. do you guys use blue loctite, or red on the screws that hold the basket to the motor.

    1. dangaranga


      Id use blue, as red needs heat if you have to remove them. And that could possibly damage the motor

    2. Miguels


      mine they used ca glue.. i have broken loctite without using heat.. just saying

  6. Harold Hamm offers $975 million divorce check; ex-wife rejects it

  7. Customer gave me some cholates. It's in some launguage i dont know. But it taste damn good. If i die Leo can have my DD 12" basket, and $1.00.

    1. Leo1103
    2. WastedTalent


      And Wasted gets nothing? I see. I see. Thought we were brothers. Obviously not. *deletes the phone #*

  8. Go figure. the day my local audio shop get my re-cones and baskets in, is the day i got to work a full day.

  9. sweet. my sis got me tickets to go see "the Dan band" if you don't know them YouTube them or watch the movie old school

    1. ROLEXrifleman


      everyone must be with there families cause no one has said pics of sister yet

    2. ProMaxx316


      Rolex, you can't handle the Sister pics.

  10. i think im gonna make an attempt at making coquito this year.

  11. Well. A little upset and still bothers me that a good friend of mine was hit by a truck and killed saturday night. What sucks even more is her son will never know how much of a nice person she was. Kid is only 3 Months. I really hope they catch the person that hit her.

    1. Tecomah


      Dam I'm sorry man. They'll find em

  12. Had a fun trip [icking up some DC motors from hdorre . My friend who was driving almost hit a turkey, The front of truck has a discovery channel type showing of bugs. And on return trip home, my pioneer wants to give me the famous alt whine. All in all fun ride.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. ProMaxx316


      Gunnem I can fix that. Don't ask questions how. But i'll get it done

  13. Customer ask for oil change. I say "no problem" get all info ask for keys. She says "you're going to fill it up with oil right?" Me: of course why wouldnt we?" Her: Looking at me like im lying.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Bship


      You never know, I've witnessed drain plug not put back in the pan, and lug nuts not tightened at all.

    3. Ahmed Johnson

      Ahmed Johnson

      A crackhead might have put hershey's syrup in her shit before, you never know.

  14. So me at work. Lady comes in holding child. nice lady talking to me. Child Grabs lady shirt and pulls down. Me see little bit of boobs. But maintain eye contact. Peripheral vision FTW

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Tecomah
    3. Karkov



    4. Ahmed Johnson

      Ahmed Johnson

      No rolex, we need to know if the BOOBS were worth the look. Lol

  15. *me talking to customer* Sir your car is in good shape, You just need one brake light bulb. *Customer* nah i'll do that later. *Me* You sure? We can do it now. It's only a few bucks. *him* nope. Cutomer comes back 30 minutes later. Holding his warning ticket for no stop light bulb.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Rich Schenk

      Rich Schenk

      what an idiot. being a cheap ass really saved him money

    3. SnowDrifter


      Had one guy come in earlier this year. Sounded like a bearing was getting ready to eat itself. Tracked it down to the water pump, guy declined the service. Guess who showed up on a tow tuck later that day

    4. Call Me Dubstep

      Call Me Dubstep

      Snow, did you charge him the " I told you so" price? lol

  16. Ok. I recomend this Movie to anyone. If you can make it throug the movie you are king. the move is "rubber" It's on netflix. Check it out

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ninja_v1.0


      dont fucking do it.. i didnt last 7 minutes

    3. ROLEXrifleman


      saw it a few years ago, great flick

    4. Tecomah


      I watched it all at work lol

  17. that moment when you wake up in a panic cause you're late for work. then realised you have the day off.

  18. I let my sister drive the Exploder. She loves the system. But she adjusted my seats and mirrors. And no, no pics of my

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. ROLEXrifleman


      Picture of Explorer

      with sister across the hood

  19. You dont always have to fuck her hard, in fact sometimes that's not right to do.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Tarball


      you gotta be all over the place wit that shit. Sometimes you gotta tear it up and sometimes you gotta hit it slow and deep. Sometime you just gotta eat till her leg wont stop shakin'...just saying you gotta do it all or she will fill in the gaps for you.

    3. Tarball


      with or without you

    4. Hotdog
  20. You know your to tired when you put on deodorant, and it still has the plastic on it, and for that few seconds you just don't care.

    1. 2loud4uboyz


      your not along man. Them dayz.

    2. ROLEXrifleman


      I did that with a condom once.....................once

    3. Kyblack76
  21. It's odd how your foot presses the gas pedal harder, and brake pedal softer when you really gotta do a #2.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. 2loud4uboyz
    3. Keith77


      Not only that... The closer you get to your target the worse it gets.

    4. Souldrop


      Lol, yup. Hate when that shit happens. I remember one time getting stuck on the interstate for 3 hrs with no exit....easily worst time of my life.

  22. To the person doing 40ish MPH in the passing lane on the highway this morning. Thank you for giving me the finger for driving the speed limit. I would of returned the gesture but you would not of seen me through my tints.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Hotdog
    3. Ahmed Johnson

      Ahmed Johnson

      That cop is the fucking man.

    4. Call Me Dubstep

      Call Me Dubstep

      in Pennsylvania you are only allowed to drive in the passing lane for 1 mile or 1/2 a mile.i forgot which one lol..

  23. You know what i hate. When someone in my job takes a shit, and dont flush the toilet. The part that really grinds my gears, is that it tells me someone dont wipe.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Katt


      Then they scratch there ass, then shake your hand or pat your back. Gotta love it!

    3. WastedTalent


      I did that one day at work. But that's cause for some reason, it would not flush. I hit the damn lever like 10 times and not a thing would happen. So I said eff it and carried on.

    4. Ahmed Johnson

      Ahmed Johnson

      Why waste your time wiping when you will be shitting again later on.

  24. you win this time tequila. but the next time we battle, I will be ready.

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