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Status Updates posted by SnowDrifter

  1. Wishing I am 21. Still got 2 and a half years to go....

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Kyblack76


      Well, you can see where we all went.. LOL

      Anyway, same bro,.. relax, itll all come your way..

    3. Crandis16


      just bought fifth of vodka and mountain dew for drunk halo tonight lol. I can't wait

    4. Azagtoth502


      Won't be long you'll wish you were 18 again

  2. Ugh... Youtube and the stupid gangnam style thing....

    1. KillaCam


      Fuck the gangnam style bullshit, after I saw that anti American stuff. I'll slap anyone doing gangnam shit around me lol.

    2. Lbox88



      I feel the same.

    3. mikelbolton


      Can't stand that crap

  3. Just saw a minivan with a carabiner on it. Lol. Let me go grab my bicycle and give you a 30 second head start. Then it would be even

    1. Captain Stupid

      Captain Stupid

      Carabiner never did much for me. No one ever wants to race me on he street.

  4. The more the tests come back normal, the more I keep freaking out that I might have some uncurable disease like ALD or MS or something. I'm scared as fuck right now

    1. Chris Hammer

      Chris Hammer

      I know its hard but you just have to try your best to calm down..and relax.  Being stressed out or worried won't change the outcome or diagnoses.  I always try and find something to take my mind off whatever is wrong at the time.

    2. Herokight


      Take it day by day man. That's all you can do.

  5. Wish me luck!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Crandis16


      finals week? yea definitely finals week. only one final here lol

    3. SnowDrifter


      I kind of wish I was at finals. Instead: at the docs again. Aaannnndd I need to cancel our family vacation :(

    4. Lbox88


      Put a boot up his ass til he figures shit out!

  6. Am I the only one that wishes we had Ray back? I miss that guy...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. SnowDrifter


      You have no idea how happy that just made me

    3. sayhuh?


      I am so lost lol. I don't live on this site enough, I guess.. I'll try harder!!

    4. sayhuh?


      ahh ok I found it. Damn I am behind on times.

  7. Sorry for the language in my previous status!

    1. KillaCam


      I don't see it. Was it deleted?

    2. SnowDrifter


      Yeah I deleted it. I was profanely expressing my displeasure of having more hallucinations lol

  8. Really need your prayers again guys. Whatever happened before is coming back stronger. I'm forgetting who I are, where I am, and I'm hallucinating

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. pa-pa-platypus


      tell your doctors to quit dicking around and find out what is wrong with you..no more of this week between tests bullshit

    3. dog24fret


      Will do sir. Deal with several times a week with my boy. X3 on getting them to find the problem. That crap will wear you out fast mentally.

    4. Dwn4BassAlan


      Jesus that sucks, it almost sounds like EOA but you already got a CT so I pray they find whatever this is man!

  9. Note to self: Wear a respirator when working Xylene

  10. Kind of want to try wiring to .125 ohms. Just so I can say "up yours" to all the half ohm newbies

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. CJ18


      Just roll into it and you night have a chance. If you hit it full tilt, you wont give the rise a chance to keep the amps on.

    3. Watch the bass
    4. REVOofRustler


      Wait a second, do your subs have dual .5 ohm coils?

  11. Is SMD really slow for anyone else right now?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. zydrix


      its running kinda slow for me to right now

    3. Herokight


      I thought it was just the crappy computer I'm using. Yeah, it's a little glitchy and sluggish for me.

    4. SnowDrifter


      Ok just making sure it wasn't just me.

      Kyle.. What'd you break! :P

  12. Hmm... getting similar symptoms this morning as I did last night. WTF is going on?

    1. wmrcs


      Eat your bananananananas!

    2. KillaCam


      Are you with anybody? Would be good to have someone close by in case something happens.

  13. Need your prayers. In the ER almost passed out several times for no apparent reason

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. REVOofRustler


      Good to hear it's goin away! Definitely sounds like a scary situation though.

    3. SnowDrifter
    4. sayhuh?


      Similar shit here before. It's related to my spinal issues. My c spine is jacked and I would get numbness and disoriented. Well, still do. Unless the numbness was in the face too. Be careful of that!

  14. Sweeeeet. Just measured/calculated my first t/s parameters! It's interesting how the actual values can vary quite a bit from the manufacturer provided values. Thanks D'Amore!

  15. You know those amps that you want a chance to play with SO BAD but that realistically you never will? :(

  16. Who wants to see a distance test?

    1. Trey_Dog650


      lets see if i can hear it in OR lol

  17. Found my lost DB. It was an air leak in my port haha. Put up a 145.6 sealed. Found out my rear doors flex a ton though. Need to fix that.

  18. Just ordered an IM-SG after reading through the manual. Should be fun!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. IBleedMusick


      Yeah I'm hoping I can convince my new gf to get me that and 2 vu din's. She supports the hobby more than my ex so I am going to tell that's all I really want.

    3. Trey_Dog650


      damn! dre is pimping lol

    4. IBleedMusick


      I wish im about to beg my ass off. :lol2:

  19. Just ordered an IM-SG after reading through the manual. Should be fun!

  20. So glad I have port shims to help my day-to-day moods. Playing 21hz ftmfw

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. SnowDrifter


      all you do is copy the img link in photobucket and paste it here like normal Or wrap the link in img tags. Like this:


    3. Raptorman


      That is simply the most glorious thing I have ever seen, I want to try that out.

    4. dog24fret


      Cool I'll try it later.

  21. "Liberal... It's not a political view - it's a personality flaw"

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. SCS_Audio


      To be fair, Conservative would be them same, correct? Liberals thing about everyone else too much (AKA socialism) and conservatives thing about themselves, their own way of life, beliefs, and religion way too much with no respect for anyone who disagrees with them. None of us are perfect, but when we work together and compromise, sometimes something good might happen.

    3. Chris Hammer

      Chris Hammer

      Im conservative..no religion here.  And your right. I think about myselff and how I dont want to support other people when I support myself and help parents and family.

    4. iwannabeloud


      So you are conservative but you say "no religion here".....So I'm guessing you have a liberal view towards religion, or you really don't know what conservatism is.

  22. How much does your score change between days? I couldn't even break a 145 today :(

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. SnowDrifter


      Hmm strange. I'll dive into it tomorrow. I usually to a 45.5 sealed up, but I'm almost 1db down from normal.

    3. TRTC360


      the meter is a bitch, I changed up the port on my box for more port area and 1hz higher tuning and lost 2db sealed up even though to the ear it was about the same :(

    4. CJ18


      Temp effects it alot. I do a much higher score when it is cooler. about 50-60 degrees gives me my best score. I go down about 1db at 70-80 degrees and down about 1 db below 40

  23. Hate to sound like I'm trying to stir things up... I'm not. But why was the DC request thread locked? I read Steve's explanation, but I'm still confused?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. SnowDrifter


      Care to give me the details over PM?

    3. OrionStang


      Think about it, the reps are probably making a little something on the side.

    4. CJ18


      No need for any speculation. Thing are being taken care of and details will be released soon.

  24. It's always hard to explain audio to folks outside our community. They're all like: My subs sound distorted. And I ask what their box is. Then they say XXXXX, then I say to build a better one. I will give you a design for free, just cut it up and glue it together. And they are all like ZOMFG WTF I GOT A JL AUDIO SUBWOOFER WHY DO I NEED TO DO THAT. Some people... Lol

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. SnowDrifter


      I'm talking about the 6 series and being a retard when it comes to maintenence

  25. Has anyone else noticed youtube, SMD, and anything else with flash objects freezing up for a few seconds lately? My comp has been doing it ever since I updated

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SLAYER1805


      Make sure to not go through the "Official Bumpin Songs List" and "What song are you currently addicted to" threads then, those always freeze up my computer because of all the YouTube links lolz

    3. alaskanzx5


      mine has been doing the same. with internet explore it wont even play the vid just audio.

    4. zydrix
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