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Status Updates posted by KeithHollis

  1. I dont get it.. Do people not read craigslist ads? I clearly stated the price in the ad, why do you insist on giving me a stupid offer and acting like you didnt know the price in the first place... -_-

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. purplesyrup


      i paid 2k for those 20s, never curbed mint condition, asked half what i paid with good rubber, the best offer I had was probably equivalent to $200, Long story short, It was more fun to keep them stacked in the garage than deal with idiot barter-ers that want something for absolutely nothing at all

    3. bassface


      I dont sell used stuff to people, because i dont like people talking shit about my stuff. I will give my stuff away before i sell it.

    4. purplesyrup


      agreed, i just said fuck it and gave away that eclipse TI15 in the box rather than deal with craigslist idiots and try to sell it

  2. These few months really showed me who my real friends are. What really depresses me is realizing how many fake ass people i though were my friends. Some of them will say,"Oh ive been working everyday.." :/ yet i see your fb blowin up.. I guess this will make it easier when i leave to go to Wyoming in a month.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Katt


      I can honestly join you on this. People are shit these days.

    3. TRTC360


      that was kinda harsh stang, in other words, VAGINA!

    4. meade916


      I'm with Orion. lol

  3. Good morning beautiful, how was your nightMine was wonderful with you by my side.When I open my eyes and see your sweet faceIts a good morning beautiful day..

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. White Lightning

      White Lightning

      whats with the song quotes ??

    3. pimpnFosgates


      its blake shelton. a good song. why knock it?

    4. LT.Smoke


      Not blake shelton... Steve Holy is who did the song

  4. Cant go to sleep, so im gonna clean my room.. Thank you Pier Uberti and Keaton Alexander for that wonderful gift before lunch that has lasted all day, and all night -_-

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. OrionStang


      Somebodies tweakin'.

    3. Craig28


      Someone robotrippin? that'll keep ya up for a while.

    4. ineeDBass419


      somebody have butt sex with his boyfriends and cant get it off his mind..lol

  5. HAHA!! All ya'll bitchin about school tomorrow and i get to sleep in for another MONTH!

    1. TylerParrish


      "I said fuckk school, I

      m too cool to go back"

    2. WastedTalent


      Nah Tyler, it's cause you got that SWAGGGGGG. Lmfao!

    3. TylerParrish


      Lololol. Swagged to the max ;P i just keep my swag on about 1/4 gain

  6. Crown and Coke aint no joke, but cake vodka will fuck you up!! LMFAO "If you cant hold your liqour you better quit right now" BIOTCH!!

    1. Hotdog


      Cake Vodka, grenadine and Pineapple juice. Taste just like Pineapple Upside down cake. really good

    2. Emmet


      You can't talk if you don't drink your spirits straight :P

    3. HatersGonnaHate




      I love being Irish.

  7. I like how some people "Rig" things together, and try to call "Custom"

    1. blownengine


      I swear most of my projects are initially held together by hot glue until I revise the idea.

    2. B Slaps

      B Slaps

      those things are called caucasian alterations my friend

    3. B Slaps

      B Slaps

      those things are called caucasian alterations my friend

  8. Mentally, physically and emotionally exhausted. I'd love to vent but i have no one to talk to, but yall dont care so imma just keep this shit pent up ;/

    1. bassface


      everyone goes through tough times, its part of being a man. Dont sweat it, just say fuck it.

    2. Maebros


      for real man. life suck sometime but sometime you really dio just gotta say fuck it.

  9. I hate idiots who abuse their rich daddy's car tryin to show off to their girlfriends by doing a one tire fryer, hitting the rev limiter. Dumbasses...

  10. Rents are gone chilling at home with some lonely alcohol ;-)

    1. KillaCam


      I don't think you can be trusted.

  11. My bed is sooo coooold :-(

    1. KillaCam


      ...and you're bitching once again.

  12. "If only i knew then, what i know now"

  13. "Real Fact" #713 - An egg that is fresh will sink in water, but a stale one wont.

  14. First, S.W.A.G. (She Wants A Gentlemen)Second, S.H.A.G. (She Has A Gentlemen)Next, S.T.A.G. (She Tires A Gentlemen)Then, S.L.A.G. (She Loses A Gentlemen)Idk, Bored As Fuck and cant sleep.. Had this in mind for someone :/ Tired of being mistreated, you may disagree but you havent walked in my shoes...

    1. Katt


      Honestly, In my opinion, Swag and Gentlemen should NEVER come into one, or be related in ANY sentence. Along with YOLO.

  15. So im like so close to just asking her but the aftermath may be too hard to handle....

    1. bcpballer64


      asking the big one?

  16. Looks like imma be free this weekend, any ladies wanna have fun HMU :D

    1. Bigsix


      uh..... this aint facebook... queer.

  17. Anyone with any truck come help lee, call for directions

  18. Anybody wanna chill? Baf..

  19. If anyones near the vintage please call me, my car is dead

  20. Anyone awake and wanna hang??

  21. Im so bored that Im about to watch The Social Network, again... This is sad

  22. Anyone wanna go to harbor freight with me?!?

  23. Oh my gawd, the bish working the drive-thru can not be any quieter!!

  24. R.I.P. To Kile Glover..

  25. I dont frickin get it... I have 4 bars and 4G and my phone still wont load anything! Im about to flip shit

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