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Status Updates posted by HatersGonnaHate

  1. Went to my usual vid/demo spot, 4 cops were chilling there. Having me pull in then immediately pull out didn't look suspect at all lol

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. audiolamb6


      u never no till u ask

    3. HatersGonnaHate


      They had their "goon squad" armor on, wasn't gonna ask questions either lol

    4. audiolamb6


      sounds like they goin to raid someone u should be good for a couple

  2. I need to get my report button fixed. Like asap. :)

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Kyblack76
    3. Kyblack76


      your going green???

    4. HatersGonnaHate


      LOL. I was already approved for it, but my name stays silver since I'm a supporting member. Supporting member over-rides UBL approved as far as name color is concerned.

  3. Fabbing and glassing my center console pod for my 7" Samsung tablet :)

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Kyblack76


      Ohhhh, no!!... (dude,dont sweat the time shit man, fuck, like you said, no apologise man, i TOTALLY understand)

      Bro-Is the FP'ing like full bore, ON !?!? Or can you feel like it will soon be?.. you know in hours, maybe minutes...

      The others, were "manageable",..lol kinda... lol

    3. Kyblack76


      Hope not full on, bro,,.. been struck down with that half a dozen times,.(we like to eat at weirdo,back alley dives,... adventures!).

      2 of those times, I crap you negative,...not thing one i could do!, BOTH ends, SAME time. Sat on the toilet, and PROJECTED, (killer distance, & almost scary height on the wall)constant stream-o-puke in the shower.

    4. HatersGonnaHate


      LOL thanks for the visuals Kyle haha, it wasn't that bad, got it under control for the most part thank god.

  4. Nate updated the build log. Today is a good day.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. dog24fret


      Dang it you post popped up n8 after mine. They love you :)

    3. n8ball2013


      I should have taken a picture of a stock bezel then the single din mod and then the way its going to be

    4. dog24fret


      How hard was the mod work on your dash?

  5. Really need to incorporate the liking of comments in the status section. Just my opinion.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Kyblack76


      mmmmm.. love some taint lick..... errrrrrrr.... kick....

      fuck im dirty..

    3. HatersGonnaHate


      I am not that drunk yet sir. Sweet talk some more in about an hour.

    4. iwannabeloud
  6. Nate just took over mod of the year again! Sorry Brian lol

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. HatersGonnaHate


      Giving LT Smoke props on it too ;) ROFL

    3. LT.Smoke


      I did NUFFIN sir... :search:

    4. HatersGonnaHate


      No props for you then haha

  7. I think Roscoe is drunk.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. HatersGonnaHate


      I saw that one lol. Luckily he had his posted on there too, so it was easy to track him down ;)

    3. SnowDrifter


      Well... It IS Friday. Wouldn't surprise me

    4. WastedTalent


      Lol. I don't have a gaybook, but never would put my # on that.

  8. Upgrading the power in the Hummer. 8 15's on two Stetsom 142E's. Shit is brutal!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. SLAYER1805


      When I clicked show comments I was expecting a remark from Adams Butthole about something being brutal LOL but good shit, sounds insane already

    3. HatersGonnaHate


      Lol just wait for it. Whoever created the account is probably busy at the moment. No, contrary to popular belief, my butthole did not really create an account.

    4. n8ball2013


      500 bucks ill tell you who

  9. Got tracking updates this morning. 2250 watts of sex will be here tomorrow :)

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. HatersGonnaHate
    3. Bump4life


      i know how you feel. its a great feeling knowing power is on the way!!

      my 3500 watts of sex should be here in the next 2 hours

    4. HatersGonnaHate


      You'll be checking the tracking updates every 15 minutes until it does lol.

  10. So you think i'm an asshole? Well this is the internet, and I don't give a fuck what you think. that's all.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. HatersGonnaHate


      And yes, because fuck you. Nuff said lol

    3. Nate Futuristic

      Nate Futuristic

      well my dumbass was talking shit on DSM forums (car forum) and didnt think he would drive around my town looking for my car lol

    4. HatersGonnaHate


      Ha, must've been talking some serious shit lol. DSM forums.... That gave me a chuckle

  11. Back titties bitch, back back titties bitch.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. IBleedMusick


      Were you passing the mirror section :peepwall: lol you left yourself open for that one Haters.

    3. HatersGonnaHate


      Now that I think of it.... Lol

    4. FeArZ


      Back titties. Lol

  12. I have learned that pleasing everyone is impossible, but pissing everyone off is easy and fun.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. jg23
    3. KillaCam


      I was waiting for some asshat to say "uhh I'm well endowed so I please everyone, then piss on them."

    4. HatersGonnaHate


      You are that asshat.

  13. dropped a massive deuce at the girlfriends house and blamed the horrific stench on the dog. like a boss.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. meade916


      holy fuck that shit is funny! you guys crack me up.

    3. HatersGonnaHate


      She was outside smoking and I said I was gonna find my hoodie, had a little rumble in the jungle and left the dog inside. The look on her face and the dogs were priceless!

    4. audiofanaticz
  14. Decent turn out today at the TDH show in Dover. Got to hang out with some teammates, Chode, dirtysouth32, kl0wn, Sandler, Altima1, and k3n12ock came out with his Sundown z/x hybrid. Today was a good day.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. HatersGonnaHate


      Damn, didn't even know it wasn't in the competitors corner, would you have made the drive Ken? Lol. There were still plenty of locals that showed up, like the dude with the 12" kickers and the 10" Rockfords in the same wall... I love locals lol

    3. OrionStang


      Me? Hell no. I just see these shows posted all the time in your guys 'protected team forum', with us mortals having no way of knowing the details.

    4. HatersGonnaHate


      Ahhh I gotcha. I'll do a better job at putting them on the public forum. I think Nick mostly posts them in the team section then promotes the hell out of them on Facebook.

  15. 143.2 sealed on the windshield. I'm happy with that. Chillin' with the Trunk King himself, Terry Brocks.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. HatersGonnaHate


      Hit that today anyway.

    3. IBleedMusick


      Great score man very good glad you got louder.

  16. If you had something up for sale, someone committed to buy, paid through PayPal, then a few hours later, emailed you and said they needed the money back, what would you do?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Kyblack76


      Also, call them out on everything (if they arent a buddy) and with your interwebz power, fuck, that dude wont be able to get a job, a drink, a loan, or get laid for that matter. ADAM HAS THE POWA !!!!

    3. HatersGonnaHate


      It's not me Kyle, my neighbor is dealing with it right now. Items were marked sold and paid for, two hours later, the buyer wanted the money back because he couldn't afford his leisure time in the next few weeks. Pretty much buyers remorse.

  17. A quick sweep vid is up in the build log, X-15 in action from 10-20hz!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. HatersGonnaHate
    3. purplesyrup


      fap fap fap fap

      I want to get one of those in a 12 to test in the barrel

    4. HatersGonnaHate


      Do it. It's fun to look at while playing under 30hz lol

  18. Boom boom boom and let me hear you say ayyyyy yooooo........ I'm drunk.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. HatersGonnaHate


      Still out. Still drinking!

    3. BeatBox


      some ppl have to work tomorow :( saturday night tho everything is fair game!

    4. HatersGonnaHate


      Saturday night, I'm on bro!

  19. Why is my silver supporting member not working anymore? I paid it in November, so I should still be good til next November, correct?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Kyblack76


      Numbers ????????

    3. meade916


      log out, log in.

    4. HatersGonnaHate


      No numbers Kyle :/

      The log out, log in fixed it. Thanks again Steve


    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Nate Futuristic

      Nate Futuristic

      dont you have to be loud to be in TDH???? lol just playing grats bro

    3. Kyblack76


      Cool bro. Stoked for you ...

  21. RIP Alma Gates.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. n8ball2013
    3. HatersGonnaHate


      I think it was a shock to a lot of people, Terry is taking it pretty hard. Posting up pics of him and her from 25 years ago.

    4. KillaCam
  22. BC2K is here!!!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. yUmadBro


      That shipped fast

    3. HatersGonnaHate


      Got a badass rep that pushed it through in a hurry!!

    4. Kyblack76


      Awesome homes ... Stoked for ya... Great luck getting it in ...

  23. 18 hours and 1100 miles later, I'm in Iowa. WTF is in Iowa? Corn. Corn and hicks.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. b-dubs89


      iowa, the land of liquor and lotto tickets

    3. Zapanater


      IOWA: Idiots out wandering around.

    4. Ballen194


      a whole lot of fuckin nothin

  24. I feel I was successful on the forums tonight :) Woot woot

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