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Status Updates posted by Jessica

  1. anyone have any data on the new for GT's? like 0-60 or 1.4 mile, top speed? i cant find jack

    1. Jessica
    2. boom50cal



      only figure ford wants you to know right now. but Ford Service Engineer's told my dad it's a nearly flat torque curve from 1500+ rpm, and over 550ft-lbs at the wheels on the street model.

    3. Jessica


      im hearing 650hp also. maybe 0-60 times near 3 seconds

  2. anyone have numbers on a dd m2b at 4ohms? guessing about 700?

  3. anyone know a kyle 2783 that is running a DD 12 doing 50+? met some guy on twitch making this claim. he talks the talk i just dont recognize them

    1. Jessica


      kinda what i was thinking lol

  4. anyone remember when amps had a switch to select the ohm load?

    1. White Lightning

      White Lightning

      yep, have a couple

    2. mrd6


      my home receivers still do

  5. anyone tried mafia 3 yet? it looks pretty badass.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Krakin


      The reviews I was talking about were mostly about gameplay being repetitive and downgraded from Mafia II.

    3. DLHgn


      I haven't heard of that but then again I haven't done an extensive search on the game. I'll end up getting it at some point.

    4. Krakin


      I only looked at the first couple pages of reviews on steam to figure out why it had a 55% on there.

  6. anyone used samsung support before? One of my pc screens died and trying to warranty it. just wondering what i am in for.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. n1ghtsn1p3r


      Mine died, but it's too old for the warranty. I ended up just ordering the parts from eBay. One of the power resistors burned up, so I swapped the power board, but the video board is damaged so it still flickers. I just haven't had a chance to replace that board yet. Luckily I have an old CRT monitor that I can still use in the meantime

    3. Jessica


      i heard they have capacitor issues on a lot of their Tv's. and they know and just let it go and waited on customers to warranty. But mine should be too new for that

    4. Pasta Prime

      Pasta Prime

      Mine had the capacitor issues but they were real good about fixing it even though it was way out warranty when i had the issue.

  7. Are we all just a bunch of attention whores?

    1. ghostrider59927


      no I have aproblem that only an admin can fix so I wanted to talk with one

    2. 98GCLimited
    3. Jessica


      I wasnt talking about you ghost, I don't have any issues with you. Although i do make jokes sometimes, its just in fun.

  8. at what point did the kicker "solobaric" line go from cutting edge small volume enlosure design to becoming the one sub tt wants the most redicoulusly huge ported enclosure in the history of mankind?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. boom50cal


      stillwater designs, sigh... still see some of their good old USA made gear floating around here. perks of Oklahoma. that and the meth

    3. Broke_Audio_Addict


      They were the original small box sub, basically they were the stepping stone that got us to what we have today.

    4. Jessica


      i agree to that.

  9. Aviators are so expensive. O.o

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Jessica


      i had them when i was like 14, nastalgia is a bitch

    3. gally


      ebay sell them cheap

  10. Back is sunburned, red heads should not go shirtless in 97° weather. May have blisters in a couple spots. lol

    1. OrionStang


      I burn in a matter of minutes, avoid direct sunlight at all costs.

    2. Jessica


      sunburn be damned, i can't walk around in a sloppy wet shirt saturated in sweat.

  11. bank has reward point. I forget about them, checked today and cashed them in for $100. Profit.

    1. WastedTalent


      That's a nice win. Literally. Forget about some money and find it? Win.

  12. Been having dreams about my system. I think I need to finish it before i go crazy.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Jessica


      May go work on the amp rack in minute. Gotta get motivated lol.

    3. Kyblack76


      same.. got up early,.. and have just been sippin on baileys and coffee for the first hour,..staring outside..lol

    4. Jessica


      Ok, got some stuff done. Not much though lol.

  13. Ben sick for 3 days, Hot then cold, Hot then cold. can't get rid of this headache, Muscles ache. Missed two days of work. FML

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Jessica


      I wanted to start on my wall today too. Bleh.

    3. MrSkippyJ


      i have never had vomit when i had the flu.

    4. KillaCam


      I had that shit this morning, glad it's over.

  14. bought a cheap $5 blanket, half gall of resin, bondo, chip brushes, primer and chop mat.

  15. bought a weight bench and some weights today. Now, where did i leave my motivation? It's around here some where.

    1. Wood


      I always found working out at home to be the least motivating lol... I have weights at home myself but still have a gym membership!

    2. Azagtoth502


      It's a start Eric. :)

    3. SSadam


      I have had just the opposite experience. I can get off work, put a lift in before I ever sit down, and be happy. I love having everything at home.

  16. bought some hand warmers, those packets they sell at the hardware store. They are awesome!

    1. reedal


      get the foot-warmers too

  17. Box seems to have come out nice, although i dont think its heavy enough.

  18. broke my NFC key fob thing at work. Wish i could make my phone do the same job, wouldnt need this stupid key fob then.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. n8ball2013


      It won't work for that different tech

    3. Jessica


      figured. Guess i could put the chip and antenna in the phone case.

  19. bruno sardine: private imbreastagator.

  20. Build a subwoofer enclosure in 4 hours. Cake.

    1. will77530


      i see no problem

  21. Building a wall is a lot of work. Plan all you want, and you will still run into surprises. lol

  22. cali passed recreation marijuana, good job cali!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Broke_Audio_Addict


      They need to just make it legal federally and be done with all this nonsense.

    3. SkarredSierra


      The income from it would really help the kansas economy. We barely had the money to open public schools this year.

    4. bolanorthhighlands


      I've gotten a marijuana dui. I'm still scared of the dui

  23. came home, wife and kids are gone, shes not answering texts. hmmm.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Lbox88


      while naked and drinking a beer

    3. omg_spoon


      +1 to poopin with the door open

    4. OzzieComm


      ^ amen to that !

  24. can anyone confirm or deny if a bass contol knob from a sundown amp wil work on a dd m2b? it has the phone jack plug on the amp.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. audiofanaticz
    3. Ahmed Johnson

      Ahmed Johnson

      Well, I'm always sure things might work. Why you ask, because it might

    4. Ahmed Johnson

      Ahmed Johnson

      I have a crescendo one and the cord.

  25. can anyone find a picture of a turtle eating a milkshake?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Jessica


      that is not a milkshake, that is softserve in a bowl

    3. KillaCam


      I can't find that shit. So if you're the first to upload it, it becomes famous.

    4. Jessica
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