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Status Updates posted by Swordlordboy1234

  1. B2 customer service be over achieving like a mofo. Damn....

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Swordlordboy1234


      And they are saving me a spot as one of their b2 demo cars next to their booth. Just happy to have good CS from a company. Nothing better IMO.

    3. Keith77


      Sounds pretty good.

    4. Bump4life
  2. B2 referance mids, Polk MM tweeters, run active on a b2 quattro 100x4. HOLY CRAP. Who wants vids and build log updates?

  3. Can anyone fix threads on a d3100? Negative terminal has like 5 threads that are not working.

    1. Lbox88


      LOL, this is probably one of my very very worse off ideas. Buy a spool of silver solder, melt with a torch into the hole and re-drill/tap it lol. Would probably be too weak to work though.

    2. Swordlordboy1234
    3. Soccerballzs


      If I lived closer I would help you out. Take it to a machine shop and have it tapped there.

  4. Can't wait to get all my new stuff and start my re rebuild. New box. More power on both bass and doors. Better comps in doors. Hell yes

    1. Wood


      Cant wait to see this build log!! I seen you speak of a new team.. so I'm interested in seeing the new beginnings!! :D

  5. Car toys - Houston nov 10th

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. evermaxx


      Just looked on bassbattles & that was the 2013 show.. They haven't made an event for this year yet.

    3. Swordlordboy1234


      Dang. I guess I fucked up. Maybe corpus heatwave will be my next show?

    4. Wood


      Bullydog Show in Dallas! Nov. 15th!!!! I'll be there and it'll be red ruby first show!!

  6. Clean,out all expanding foam. Check. Run OFC. Check. Run all new wires. Check. Organize trunk. Check. I'm ready for my box!!!

    1. Wood
    2. Swordlordboy1234


      Keep in mind.... Cleaning foam is a Bi**h

    3. DubNDodge


      Shoulda laid down some masking tape ;p

  7. Dat window flex from a trunk car... Uploading now.

    1. gally


      you mean trunk flex ot window trunk flex?

  8. DC 270xp will be here Saturday! Goodbye tenney

  9. DC 270xp, TM-1, $60 in fans, and CE auto relay kit ordered. Operation Keep amps happy is underway.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Soccerballzs


      They will be happy with air movement!!!!

    3. Kyblack76


      good luck. the dc alts ive seen, kick ass, you should be just fine.....

    4. Rich Schenk
  10. Decided that a complete OFC rewire is in order before TD. CCA was good, but not being able to get a dc 270XP yet, and the limitations to a single group 31 battery is hurting my overall voltage. Hoping this $300 venture can give me a extra overall volt full tilt.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. CJ18


      1 for 1, you should see a difference with the OFC.

  11. Did you know what happens when you try to help educate using facts on Facebook? You get bans, flamed, and posted on the fails page..... Interesting.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. hdorre


      Maybe Im slow.. but I didnt see a fail in ur post??

    3. SlamminBeats


      i cant go on FB audio posts. 99% are clueless on how to do things right not to mention the low ballers on FS threads

  12. Do i try to shave my head before TD or leave it long as hell to do hair tricks.

    1. OrionStang


      Nobody care about your hair. But you better have some hotties hairtricking for you.

    2. Swordlordboy1234


      If my trunk can hair trick! i hope i can, that would be cool as fuck

  13. Do you even pony wall bro?

    1. DubNDodge


      much half wall. so fence. very seal. wow.

    2. Swordlordboy1234
  14. earlier on Facebook the topic got on to "list" pricing vs the price you can get stuff for.. Immediately after a buddy posts "DO YOU EVEN CRUTCHFEILD PRICE BRO?" and links a 1300 dollar Jl w7.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Amart88


      lol... I know allll about that shit

    3. Kyblack76


      Ill stick to friend groups.... You joined that group, for what? to have someone tell you to look at fucksfeild? Being in a group, dont make you a PART of THE group.

    4. Kyblack76


      And Jeff, i didnt mean anything by that, but .. that everyone in that group is a fucking retard. Thats all. lol :)

  15. found another sqeek/rattle… does it ever end?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. DubNDodge


      I know I'm gonna have to tear down my headliner again this summer.... damn braces

    3. Swordlordboy1234


      after i thought it was coil rub, took the subs out. gave them a GOOD bit of power. almost 2 inches of excursion later and 4 straight songs i determined they were fine. Reinstalled and the squeak is back. ERGGG dafuq.

    4. DubNDodge


      deadner. Deadner errywhere

  16. God damn this box. Hurry up BHE! Im forced to turn my ported box into a sealed box by taking out the port and sealing the hole while i wait for a real box.

  17. Got my new amps. Does any one have a dd1+ or a cc1 they would be willing to loan me before heatwave the 26th? I'd pay shipping/insurance both ways and compensate for the effort.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Swordlordboy1234


      Be sure to find me then bro! You know what the accord looks like ;) Thanks for the scope offer though bro. Much appreciated, if grant wasn't sending stuff id be On my way to you

    3. gckless


      I'll try to find ya man, from what I've heard, it might not be easy!

    4. Swordlordboy1234


      Heatwave is huge, But its gonna be the loudest musical trunk there, and it has FRE3 on my back window. Easy to find. :)

  18. got the d3100 installed. Got new dd1 wires in the mail. Gonna use the down time to touch up some short cuts i took no matter how small and make them right. That one lug i didn't heat shrink? You guessed it. all other small things? YEP Time to get her perfect.

    1. Rich Schenk

      Rich Schenk

      how do u like that dd1? thinking bought getting one evently

    2. rockFord_Expedition


      What happened to your dd-1 wires?

    3. Swordlordboy1234


      the dd1 wires broke off. the negative did. So its hard to get a reading on the dd1 unless you hold the ground to the metal plug on the dd1... which in turn sends AC voltage in your fingers and kinda tingles... New wires from tony are shipped as of yesterday! And i love the dd1. Its been a life savor for me.

  19. Guys... Today i seen something totally crazy. Soundman did a iPad dash install.

    1. audiofanaticz


      Whoa!!!! Who would of thought they would of made a video about doing it too!! LoL

  20. harbor fright is pissing me off with this thread tapping kit.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Swordlordboy1234


      This one got good reviews, I'll see what's up tomorrow. The threads are already damaged. That's what I'm trying to fix. And Xs said as long as I don't go deeper it should be fine.

    3. Soccerballzs


      Nice and slow you can do it.

  21. Has anyone ever re tapped a speaker input on a amp? I figure its gotta be similar to any other re threading process.

    1. evermaxx
    2. _paralyzed_


      tap dat amp like a looter in a riot

    3. SnowDrifter


      Yup it works. I tapped one of my old amps to a larger size

  22. Have you ever had no choice but to be away from your significant other for 2 months and have to drive 1500 miles each way? I really don't want to do this. #lastdayintexas #seeyouinjuly

    1. jdshott


      Yeah that sux ! no matter the reason it sux

    2. Soccerballzs


      My father said love has no limits in between. (so I broke up with her!)

  23. Having second thoughts about outside speakers for car show demo's. Both my gf and a friend agreed that I don't have a show car, so why put in something I can only use a couple times a year.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. skittlesRgood


      outside speakers in a car? shoot yourself.

    3. Swordlordboy1234


      The plan was to run 6 coax 6.5's on ch 3&4 on my ct 125.4 and put them on a lc1 to control them when I'm not at shows. It would be I. The beauty panel of my trunk so only audible at shows when my trunk is on display.

    4. hdorre


      Meh, I wouldn't do it. My car definitely isn't flashy by any means, but it certainly isn't unusual for someone to give me a thumbs up or compliment.

  24. Heatwave was an awesome success over by the B2 booth. Had a strong clean 140's trunk build, a budget build 150's wall, and Cameron's 160db beast. Very nice demo corner!

    1. jdshott


      Yes it was a very nice demo corner !!!!

  25. HEATWAVE!!!!!!! AHHH, why you so far away? School work, WHY you due so soon?!

    1. Wood


      This week going by fast for me!! Can't wait though!!!!

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