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Status Updates posted by Jessica

  1. went from a 33 to 39.4 by just moving my box. I know i can get more, just dont know where to start lol.

  2. so a short white woman asked michele obama (a tall black woman) to grab something off a high shelf at target. But that is racists. Please let me off this fucking planet. i'm so done

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Miguels


      She also said that her husband, Barack Obama, was asked to get coffee when he was wearing a tux. "He was wearing a tuxedo at a black-tie dinner, and somebody asked him to get coffee," she told People.

    3. Broke_Audio_Addict


      Come on these people knew what they were doing, troll level expert.

    4. Miguels


      if thats what she said she didnt say anything about being racist.. the obama thing though sounds like it.

  3. your mom is so fat, a cop saw her on the corner and said "break it up, break it up"

  4. Buying an 01 Exploder. Now what?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Jessica


      on a positive note, its doesnt rattle yet. So thats good

    3. Broke_Audio_Addict


      If it's an 01 and you're not hearing the rattle on d starts someone could have already done them, the early motors had a bad design and always rattle unless they get changed out for the updated design.

    4. Jessica
  5. Got a guy here at work, claims he cant hear low frequencies.... Demo time?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Amart88


      and hearing the air movement.

      Still badass though.

  6. anyone tried mafia 3 yet? it looks pretty badass.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Krakin


      The reviews I was talking about were mostly about gameplay being repetitive and downgraded from Mafia II.

    3. DLHgn


      I haven't heard of that but then again I haven't done an extensive search on the game. I'll end up getting it at some point.

    4. Krakin


      I only looked at the first couple pages of reviews on steam to figure out why it had a 55% on there.

  7. Who makes alt brackets?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Ahmed Johnson

      Ahmed Johnson

      lol, yeah hit him up

    3. Wishuponasub


      Ive heard the name. Not that that means anything but i have heard it lol

    4. Rich Schenk

      Rich Schenk

      Robert jagacki makes them 

      Demo bus guy

  8. had a temp employee the other day talking about car audio to one of the full time guys. Told him, "all you need is an extension cord for power wire". I shit you not.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Ahmed Johnson

      Ahmed Johnson

      With the regular brown one you can hook up 3 amps. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

    3. magillaru


      make sure you get the one that allows 3 plug-ins.....just fuse each wire coming off

    4. Skullz


      Not everyone knows and understands what dc electrical is and think they can do the same thing as they would with ac. i had friends years ago do the very same thing until you teach them why you need the thicker wire instead of that thinner wire used in the home.

  9. 122° on the production floor today.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Jessica


      it was all sweaty for sure

    3. audiofanaticz


      At least you dont work in the desert, you probably end up with sand in the vagina!

    4. Jessica


      are you trying to pour salt in my womb? lol

  10. Looks like Kansas will be allowing Same Sex Unions soon.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Kyblack76


      there is also female...... lay off the butthole dude...

    3. Jessica
    4. evermaxx


      thought this said "Same Sex Unicorns"..... woah lol.

  11. going through my facebook feed over the years. it went from positive to fuck everything right after my mom passed away and i never even noticed. 

  12. Measure today, Group 34 battery will fit under the hood of my car, lol. Looks like i will be getting some Deka's. Also, lets say 4kw on a 240 amp alt, how many Deka intimidator g34's should i get?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. n8ball2013
    3. Bigsix


      n8 joo is late to the party.

    4. Jessica


      lol. It's ok. he gives good advice so it still counts.

  13. whats the SQ like on a gen 1 Ipad? Bluetooth/headphone so on.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Kyblack76


      ^^ Ya dude. I wasn't sure exactly what I've read/ heard. But I remember something about everyone snagging used 1st gens to use the digital or fiber optic or something. Makes me wanna nab one.

    3. Jessica


      ok, sounds good. i got a gen 1 for christmas and i want to put it in the honda as a source. So neato

    4. Kyblack76


      Werd. And the 1st gens can have more space

  14. rrally want to get a second 32" screen for my pc. its bugging me my second is a 24". Not sure i can justify the purchse though since its just basically an auxiliary screen.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Kyblack76
    3. Krakin


      My office at work has a 23" and a 22" monitor, bugs the shit out of me, especially since the 23" is slightly less than 1080p and the 22 is 1080p.

    4. Jessica


      at least you have two. i get one shitty 19" at work and normally have to have multiple excel spread sheets open at once

  15. Pro tip: whisky is fun to drink, but never take it in suppository form.

  16. i was at work and the diamondboxx showed up, no one to sign so they will try again tomorrow. bet your ass I will be there this time

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. DLHgn


      Lol okay. I mean, it looks nice and I'm sure it sounds great but idk if I'd spend that kinda cash on something like that but that's just me.

    3. DLHgn


      Lol okay. I mean, it looks nice and I'm sure it sounds great but idk if I'd spend that kinda cash on something like that but that's just me.

  17. so my trunk is 20H,36W, 46D at the bottom, 36D at the top. Now, what to do, what to do.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Pasta Prime

      Pasta Prime

      probably get a hooker in there if you cut her up just right....

    3. SlamminBeats
    4. Chris Hammer

      Chris Hammer

      do 4 12's iso. ISO setups just look so damn cool.

  18. who wants to go in on a kick starter with me to sell a super cheap 12v to 12v regulated power supply to hook up to headlights to eliminate dimming. we can make to put out 12.5 from 10v to 24v input. it already exists, we just need to make the plastic connectors.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Jessica
    3. Jessica


      besides, i bet of the makes i listed the plugs are most likely all the same anyway.

    4. Krakin


      Step 1: Gather Investors

      Step 2:

      Step 3: Profit

  19. That was cool, out in the garage working on the door panels and the tornado siren goes off. I had my t2675 and t2 8's all laying out and packed that shit up quick. lol

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Kyblack76


      Duck.. look at your pms bro... and let me know what you think

    3. Jessica


      I just went driving west about 5 miles. went 1 mile from the town one was spotted in. Couldn't see anything spinning. Oh well.

    4. kandiman71874


      Where the hell do you live anyway?

  20. can anyone confirm or deny if a bass contol knob from a sundown amp wil work on a dd m2b? it has the phone jack plug on the amp.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. audiofanaticz
    3. Ahmed Johnson

      Ahmed Johnson

      Well, I'm always sure things might work. Why you ask, because it might

    4. Ahmed Johnson

      Ahmed Johnson

      I have a crescendo one and the cord.

  21. work is denying my 3 weeks of vacation cause it would be too burdensome for them.

  22. Stupid Batteries Resting at 11.8? wtf man? Guess i will put them on the trickle charger over night for a few nights and see what they do.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Jessica


      yes, yes. They are not happy i know. blech. Going to do stuff, then see things. I don't know. I have an idea though. We shall see. We shall see

    3. Miguels


      had same issue.. check your wires. could be corroded and not letting the battery charge well.. i would see 14.0 volts when on and thought the battery was gone.. put it on the charger and it rest at 12.8 after a day.. my ground wire was very corroded

    4. Jessica


      I have my ground from alt to chassis, but i fogot when i re-did the whole build i yanked the batt to chassis ground. So i am using the stock ground wire. Since my grounds run front to back i think that may be the issue. Not sure though since i still don't drop volts even wired like that. Just weird. It's on the charger now.

  23. so weird thing, my 80prs shows 13.5v but my smd meter shows ~14.5. both hooked to the same spot. weird as F

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Kyblack76
    3. meade916


      i have never seen a Pioneer deck with the correct voltage. It's always a volt low on every one i have ever owned. The VM-1 don't lie. Unless you got a bad one and that is very rare....like a black Panda.

    4. Jessica


      i believe the vm-1. not the pioneer

  24. Secrets don't make friends

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. BobbyG2


      Who told you about my secret plan to take over the world?

    3. dog24fret


      Then stop hiding your closet desires then lol :)

    4. Jessica


      All this talk of cuddling and roofies is turning me on.

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