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Everything posted by Karkov

  1. Glad to see it. Also glad to see you guys be so involved in this forum and the industry. Thanks!
  2. 2 more SP4's ordered. Hoping to be half as loud as N8 will be and 3/4 as loud as Kyle.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Kyblack76


      lol.... fucking Miguel..... Taint punch coming your way...., N8, let em sweat.......

    3. n8ball2013


      Planned on it. No more pics from me

    4. Miguels
  3. Nice! Almost bought some during this past week, glad I waited. I didn't pull the trigger on the Christmas sales so I'm glad there is another one, thanks!
  4. Above 30 today, time to get work done, it's warm out!!!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Ahmed Johnson

      Ahmed Johnson

      For real! I might throw this amp in. I definitely got to tighten up big 3 grounds today.

    3. Karkov


      tighten them up and get shit done, i want a video, LMAO, all good. =)

    4. Ahmed Johnson

      Ahmed Johnson

      I handled that today. The amp I might do tomorrow. It's gonna be ran at 2 ohms until I get my alternator back.

  5. Boring Friday night for me. What ya'll up to?

    1. scooter99


      I don't know but I wish I had the money for your 3500!!

    2. Broke_Audio_Addict
  6. I had a slew of people "like" my posts, never heard of their names so clicked on profiles and it said I didn't have access like WTF. Similar thing, I'm not gonna worry about it but now you know. =)
  7. Started in whole new department at work yesterday. Go from knowing everything about my job to knowing nothing, wish it was Friday already...

  8. Great thread. Will have to watch when I get home but by all the comments thus far I am excited to watch the video!
  9. 6 XS Power XP3000's sitting for 6 months rested 12.5-12.6 They never rest that low anymore now that they are on a maintainer all the time. However like said earlier, if a person has them charged or charging and disconnects and checks semi-soon after that they will be like 13.0-13.1 but after a dya they fall off and down from there. I have 10 XS power batteries, 4 different models, and 3 different charges/maintainers. I'm sure if someone has it hooked up, removes charger, then takes pics. of resting voltage they show 13+ for selling it, lol
  10. 2 sided story? yea right 4 months for A pillars, LOL! and still doesn't have them. Best of luck. You are most likely out whatever you sent him.
  11. http://www.stevemeadedesigns.com/board/topic/183913-vipmeetspl-feedback/
  12. estranged wife of 4+ years wants to get back together, not sure if put build on hold or.....

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Karkov


      Lol, thanks guys. i think i will buy more audio gear. Thanks!~

    3. Ahmed Johnson

      Ahmed Johnson

      Fuck her in the ass. That way you could get some and not have to worry about her getting pregnant.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. BigManAC


      damn, and here i thought it was going to be something good

    3. 2loud4uboyz


      There people on SMD in a good Mood today he he. Its funny everytime. The voice doesn't match the person in that song .

    4. Borris The Blade

      Borris The Blade

      Its been a long time since I heard that lol

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