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Ahmed Johnson

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Status Updates posted by Ahmed Johnson

  1. Watching this movie Red Dawn had me thinking I knew Russian for a second

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Broke_Audio_Addict


      The new one is bullshit.

      Even bigger bullshit that they filmed some of it in my neighborhood including a few scenes right on my street, told us we couldn't park at our own houses for over a week and we had to walk about a half mile from where they let us park at.

      On top of that when they were filming they told us we were not even allowed outside.

      The crew was rude as fuck too and whipped around the neighborhood at like 60mph.

    3. Broke_Audio_Addict


      Oh we never had a say so for them to do this either, they paid the city off and we got nothing for all the inconvenience.

    4. Ahmed Johnson

      Ahmed Johnson

      I gotta watch from the beginning

  2. I slept on Schoolboy Q. That dude is a beast.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. evermaxx


      man of the year video.... :hardon:

    3. Ahmed Johnson

      Ahmed Johnson

      He was a little lumpy but I'm used to it

    4. Nick580


      I guess you could say he goes hard.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. audiofanaticz
    3. Keith77




    4. Ahmed Johnson

      Ahmed Johnson

      ^^ Just like all the people who are confused about their sexuality. I don't know if you're a tranny. I mean, you act gay but that doesn't make you a transgender lol

  3. I might have to "like" one of my own posts

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ahmed Johnson
    3. Soccerballzs


      Its funny as hell if it is the one I like!!

    4. Ahmed Johnson

      Ahmed Johnson

      Lol!!! It's so true though. I gotta hide shit in my car cause of that asshole, lol.

  4. Got me smoking newports......

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Broke_Audio_Addict
    3. _paralyzed_


      I'm down with the swishers, but tobacco is whacko man. I'm 36 and never smoked tobacco. I've considered trying my son's e-cig just so I could see what all the rage about nicotine is over. I won't, but I've thought about it. Meh.

    4. Ahmed Johnson

      Ahmed Johnson

      I'm in d.c. and these dudes are afraid to sell me weed. My uncle was killed a couple days ago and I'm stressing hard. P.s.- Marlboro do smoke better but I hate the looks I get when I ask for them.

  5. Anybody use drone mobile alarm? 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. WalledSonic
    3. Ahmed Johnson

      Ahmed Johnson

      Well, I was gonna ask if you like it but I figured you would've swapped it out by now if you didn't 

    4. Ninja_v1.0


      works well.  make sure you get the updated antenna for increased range.  I would also opt for the 3 year to save a bit of cash.  Actually take a look at pricing and see if you would use everything they offer before opting for the 3 year.  Let me know if you have any questions.  Great product.

  6. I see better days ahead for the Cubs.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. thefourth


      Nobody can help them. It will be another 3-5 years before they even contend again

    3. pa-pa-platypus


      i wonder if a fan said that 100 years ago lol

    4. Ahmed Johnson

      Ahmed Johnson

      The Cubs probably have the best farm system. They didn't even project themselves contenders until 2017. I think it puts them a year ahead. I know 2015 is a bust, it just gives me time to ease my allegiance from the Sox to the Cubs. Just kidding Sox for life.

  7. Gunnem, you know what it is. They aint ready.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ahmed Johnson

      Ahmed Johnson

      Lebron was wearing that bright ass headband blinding the bulls. It wasn't fair.

  8. I'm not even a floyd fan but he just won me money

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Soccerballzs


      Both are great fighters but Mayweather!!!!!!!! Undefeated!

    3. magillaru
    4. Emmet


      Was awfully disappointed he didn't get the shit kicked out of him. Didn't like him before but that account from his son of him beating his wife was a nail in the coffin.

  9. whot got COD4 on ps4

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SkarredSierra


      Right on man. Im not a fan of cod but im thinkin of getting bf1. Im all set up on gta so when u decide to get it i can help you make lots of cash. My ps name is vimfinius

    3. Ahmed Johnson

      Ahmed Johnson

      fuck it, I'll get it when I get back from D.C.

    4. SkarredSierra
  10. GGG won last night. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ahmed Johnson

      Ahmed Johnson

      Canelo been ducking GGG for 2 years. Whether Floyd was still the champ it became apparent he was baby sitting the belt and was more like a prize fighter his last few years. Canelo pretty much ran and GGG was putting the pressure. I'll give Canelo the fact he was good at countering but he was being controlled by GGG the whole fight too me

    3. 06RTCharger


      I was pissed there was no replay after. I ordered the fight, got off work at almost 6, missed the whole fight pretty much. But i assumed there would be a replay like the floyd manny fight. 

      But by the sounds of the commentators.....118-110 canelo from that one judge seems fkd up?????? I think judges are one of the big problems in boxing. Maybe it was setup to keep attention on boxing lol $$$$$. Just hope it doesnt take years for the rematch to happen. 

    4. Ahmed Johnson

      Ahmed Johnson

      they have to do it soon. GGG is old, lol

  11. I need to find a black jesus shirt

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ahmed Johnson

      Ahmed Johnson

      LMAO!!!!!! I need one immediately though

    3. Knocker


      Haha! I googled Black Jesus and your pic came up... One easy way is to go to your local T-Shirt Mart (or whoever makes custom t-shirts in your town) and email them whatever pic you like. They can blast it onto a shirt for you in about 20 minutes.

    4. Ahmed Johnson

      Ahmed Johnson

      LMAO!!! I googled ahmed johnson once and my profile here came up. That's a good idea about the shirt too, I'm gonna try and go up to the mall later today

  12. Spent ten minutes

    1. Keith77


      Thats a long jack off session.

    2. DLHgn


      Nah, on the low side of average.

    3. ROLEXrifleman


      sad day when you don't even know how to please yourself :(

  13. I know I'm getting old. I done became the friendly black guy, lol

  14. Well, I'm no expert, but if you get out your car around cars doing 200 mph and try to stop one like superman, bad shit is going to happen. My condolences to the young man's family.

    1. Casket


      Yeah, that was a pretty stupid move on his part....

    2. Soccerballzs


      Sad very sad showing bad sportsmanship and this happens.

    3. Ahmed Johnson

      Ahmed Johnson

      Yeah, it's a terrible lesson to learn. Especially for someone that young.

  15. R.I.P. Phife dawg

    1. ProMaxx316


      I like 'em brown, yellow, Puerto Rican or Haitian

      Name is Phife Dawg from the Zulu Nation

    2. Ahmed Johnson

      Ahmed Johnson

      I hate it took for this but I'm all tribe called quest for the day, probably the week

    3. tdsa23


      Same here sad day

  16. He's not as good as he once was, but he was as good once as he ever was

    1. Jessica


      oh i hate you, f u and your ol' horse leroy

    2. Ahmed Johnson

      Ahmed Johnson

      I googled that and what I came up with is pretty disturbing, lol

    3. Jessica


      but it thrills and chills, when i walk in the club thrown hun-ded dolla bills.

  17. Fear the walking dead.........

    1. juan777


      I'll give it a shot, I hear good things. Too many thing on tonight, HBO, UFC, Dead, etc...

    2. Ahmed Johnson
    3. Mr DeeBeez
  18. Fuck it, I'm bout to go to D.C.

    1. Katt


      Make sure you take yo gurl Ebola with you and spread it to the government there.

    2. Ahmed Johnson

      Ahmed Johnson

      I'm about to smoke one with fat trel and wale on benning rd.

  19. Abba zabba, you my only friend.

    1. Karkov


      I still eat that shit, mmm the peanut butter flavor...

    2. DTS909


      Down by the beach boyyy.

    3. Ahmed Johnson
  20. It's been some years since I got more than two hours of sleep.

    1. BigManAC


      Have you tried anything to help you sleep? Sometimes I take Melatonin, that helps

    2. Ahmed Johnson

      Ahmed Johnson

      I'd have to start off by stop making babies, lol

    3. BigManAC


      hahaha yeah that could help too

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