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Status Updates posted by meade916

  1. Unfadable so please don't try to fade this. We are all getting a good laugh right now. Nice try though yo! LMAO

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Skullz


      Guess i'm lost also.

    3. meade916


      its inside. Its a little message to all the snitches, rats and tattle tales out there.

    4. Skullz


      Round em all up and open a few cans of bad karma on dem bishes.

  2. must be snitch season.. Some dude tried to tell on me on RF's FB page. I am not sponsored by RF so i don't know why they are trying to rat me out like i am gonna get in trouble...SMH LMAO!!

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. ALPINE408


      he thinks he might get hooked up by RF i bet money on it

    3. Keith77


      You almost broke the internet today. LOL

  3. Only owned my CNC 3 months and ALREADY got bootleg mothafucka's flat out copying my products. Jesus, could you be more blatent? Want my drawings too? SMH LOL.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Rockbrook


      I figured that would happen, surprised they haven't tried to copy your other stuff(DD-1 etc) who did it?

    3. Second Skin

      Second Skin

      15 years of dealing with it here, new companies even name their companies/products similar to confuse the customers (i.e. DampMat/SoundSkins) but they are too inexperienced to understand that when you try to google their names it just brings up links to our 15 years of products....so we thank them for the extra attention.....their customers even call us up and we gladly sell them the greatest American made sound insulation products that their money can buy ;-) Second Skin For The Win!...

  4. ATTENTION EVERYONE WHO IS ON RIGHT NOW! SITE IS GOING DOWN FOR 3-5 MINUTES AT 8PM PACIFIC TIME (IN ABOUT 45 MIN). We have to install security updates to the server.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Miguels


      shit was fast..

    3. Miguels


      click and site is down. hit F5 and reloads to a running site

    4. audiofanaticz


      We going to be upgrading to 4.1.7 anytime soon?

  5. Feeling like i should give away some shit tonight. Stay tuned.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. OrionStang


      LOL, I think you won speakers.

    3. audiolamb6


      this time ill put what i win to use matter of fact ken the one i let the last one go to never did post pics

  6. that moment when some Skeletor looking tweaker calls me fat and looks like he has been up 4 days. Ill take the food over the meth, thank you very much. Stay skinny, Skela' bro.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. ROLEXrifleman


      I remember during an arrest one guy told me I needed PX90, he tried to fight me. I asked him how that 225lb fist felt when he woke up

    3. Miguels


      Police brutally yo

    4. ROLEXrifleman


      Serve, protect, and break a......

  7. what is it about people that take MULTIPLE (like it's the only thing they are good at) shirtless selfies in the bathroom always have the biggest mouths? I can't believe i just spent the last hour of my life arguing with some shirtless selfie taking TWAT. LOL wow...shouldn't have looked at his page.

  8. Follow my IG now! Hit this video and see how to win a signed SMD hat and SMD VM-1 Volt meter RIGHT NOW! Better be fast though! click here >> https://www.instagram.com/p/_LxGaVkt9J/?taken-by=meade916

  9. Liar? Thief? Snitch? Informant? Setup guy? SAY IT AINT SO!!! I am surprised this shit has not blown the car audio community on it's back. I haven't seen anything online yet. Lets just say, if someone tries to trade you something (that is illegal to mail) for an amp DON'T DO IT!!! I am in shock about what i heard the other day.

    1. Show previous comments  24 more
    2. meade916


      i am just in a state of shock that is all...hoping it isn't true although my sources are pretty solid. But it's just sad. Way sad.

    3. Ram


      inquiring minds wanna know ;] so we can protect ourselves too :)

    4. Skullz


      Sounds like some fucked up shit, and i hate fucking thieves as i had to live with a brother that stole anything and everything under the god damn roof not nailed down.

  10. Black Friday sale on all SMD products http://www.wcCarAudio.com - 35% off thru Cyber Monday!

    1. meade916


      oh also....2nd day shipping upgrade on all ground shipping orders! You buy basic ground, i upgrade you to two-day!

    2. audiolamb6
  11. Amp Test Tuesday - RF 1500.1bd - take a guess, SOMEONE will win for sure this time! Someone might win even bigger :D Hit the amplifier section for details. Results tomorrow.

  12. I got my copies of FAST CAR Magazine today! 10 total pages including a centerfold pullout poster of the Tahoe it is out of the U.K. so it is hard to find in the USA - but here is a link to order. They actually came pretty quick! http://shop.kelsey.co.uk/issue/View/issue/FTC360/fast-car-october-2015

  13. just DEMOLISHED the windshield on the DGAF tercel and broke a 160.2 at the dash! Instagram video clip is up and i am working on a YT video now. The 7" roundover on the port made a huge difference although it keeps blowing out even with large screws and washers.

  14. If people only know who you are by accidentally spelling my name wrong, you probably shouldn't be calling ME the imposter. God damn i hate seeing people that i thought were cool dog shitting on me when they think i am not looking. People wonder why i distance myself from strangers. TRUST NO MAN is my motto and my circle is smaller than a pinhead because of it.

    1. Show previous comments  24 more
    2. OrionStang
    3. CstrokerV


      i hate mfers like that..... i will bend over back words for people untill you burn the bridge then they wonder why im not around for them anymore

    4. Ahmed Johnson

      Ahmed Johnson

      How many of us have them, lol

  15. Money got me in an odd position - i was in the kitchen with the fridge missin'

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. rockFord_Expedition


      I was like, what song is that? lol



      with a clip longer than a pool stick !

  16. been MIA from the shop....house duties. Re-Texturing walls, painting, new base boards etc. 3 Bedrooms, 2 baths. Front of house already done. House is gonna be GREAT soon!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. tyma1026


      Jack of all trades. I plan on buying my first house next year. Already looking forward to doing some work. and ditto on the house build log lol



      your livin my dream ...

  17. site had a technical issue last night....i have no idea how long it was down for. But we are back! Spen half the morning stressing over it but feeling good again. :D

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. juan777


      And we're back!

    3. Kyblack76


      I actually worked when I got to work. Not cool Meade. Not cool.

    4. Jhunt94


      ^same here, I was worried that I was going to have to actually pay attention in class tonight haha

  18. Does the search feature work for you guys? I can't get it to find the most basic topics. Let me know if it's just me or if you are having the same problem.

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. Rich Schenk

      Rich Schenk

      It hasn't been working for me either. Thought it was just me.

    3. Rich Schenk

      Rich Schenk

      It hasn't been working for me either. Thought it was just me.

    4. Wicks


      Wasn't working for me at all but is much better now! Thx guys!

  19. 4 SMD v2 18" woofers shipped yesterday. On the way! Just sayin'. lol

  20. SOTM will be cancelled after this month until further notice. Thanks to all who have participated over the last 8 years! http://www.stevemeadedesigns.com/board/topic/194389-smd-system-of-the-month-cancelled-until-further-notice/

  21. Due to complications with the admin's computer, voting was delayed - but the results are in - A Merceds Benz C220 featuring Pioneer, JL Audio, Digital Designs a VERY impressive cap bank and a 150+ out of the trunk - congrats to contestant #2 "Bump4life" - System of the Month November 2014 sponsored by Sonic Electronix http://www.stevemeadedesigns.com/board/topic/130840-10k-ddzs-no-batteries-big-cap-bank-custom-built-alt-daily-driver-153-sealed-legal-trunk-holding-15-volts-ish-on-...

    1. Kyblack76


      lol, Chode has bitching about that thing on FB for a while...... lol

    2. audiofanaticz


      he bought a brand new laptop and he was still getting bombarded with the same exact spam.

    3. Kyblack76


      Yup. Lol. Lay off the pick up sites. Fuck. ... Lol. Naw, his better half is cool as fuck.

  22. Sorry guys, unfortunately no Black friday/Cyber monday deals from me. Don't have enough product on the shelves to support it and it takes MONTHS for anything to be manufactured lately. Wish i could! Maybe next year..

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Miguels


      im talking about giving a discount to become a supporting member

    3. rockFord_Expedition
    4. Miguels


      speaking of that.. i have never taken advantage of it lol never knew it existed

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