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Status Updates posted by meade916

  1. Kev's van is ummmm loud. And Psyph Morrisons new album hits hard as fuck. That is all.

  2. Just saw a "how to set gains" video that should have been a how NOT to set gains video. Sucks that so many people will watch and think it was done right. SMH

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. meade916


      it's someone a lot of people watch and it's funny a few people in the comments have the nerve to dog name out while praising this guys incorrect method. Whatever though...nothin i can do about it.

    3. dangaranga


      eh, I've come across a lot of haters of the DD-1. I just shrug and laugh when they are complaining about blowing their shit and how such an such sub is garbage. While I'm just sitting there laughing with my setup running over twice and cool as a cucumber since I make sure i use my DD-1 on everything.

    4. dangaranga


      ***twice rms*** my bad.

  3. the new Psyph Morrison album is gonna be good. If you are a fan you should like it! If you aren't one, you might not. Can't please everyone...but i am personally overseeing it and i love it so far! He is a PRO. in that booth

  4. mmmm Turbo RZR 900 - getting closer to reality

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Krakin


      You'll just end up hurting your finger again.

      Or having the the bestest time everest!

    3. deathcards


      @krakin why not both?

    4. CVLover


      gonna be sick meade!!!!!!!!

  5. Spend $50 they say you should have spent $100. Spend $1000 they ask you why you didn't buy something that was $2,000 instead. Spend $2,000 they say that you could have gotten the $5,000 model. It never ends. One thing is for sure, i have yet to get a check in the mail to go with the "suggestion". SMH LOL

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Swordlordboy1234


      Ill take any of those suggestion items or checks also. Put me on the waiting list.

    3. meade916
    4. SnowDrifter


      Spend $5000 and someone will say you could have gotten the same for $2000

  6. Getting ready to broadcast the System of the Month drawing (top 5 voted) - sponsored by CT Sounds click here to join us! http://www.stevemeadedesigns.com/board/topic/188547-june-2014-sotm-vote-sponsored-by-ct-sounds-enter-to-win-3-amps-a-pair-of-subs-and-a-component-set/?p=2817921

  7. OH my! the new Ascendant Audio SMDv2 is in the Lexus! Sneak pics on http://www.instagram.com/meade916 until i upload here - video coming soon :D

  8. Been super busy trying to knock out this RZR project..haven't posted too many pics or video's because i am never 100% sure what i am doing will work and it sucks changing up halfway through....i will post tomorrow. It's still rough, but i posted one ninja pic of the box trim on my instagram channel www.instagram.com/meade916

    1. jdshott


      we all do this lol

  9. Been talking with Scott a lot lately and everything is (and always has) been cool. I think it's time i brought back the AA section. Nobody from AA will probably post but it's ok. Lots of members know enough to help :) Some cool announcements coming soon!

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Tarball
    3. Lbox88



  10. site is running slow as hell for me today..how about you guys? is it just me?

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Tecomah


      Fine for me, boss

    3. 2loud4uboyz


      O.k here in Georgia.

    4. Bocaj


      It was a little bit ago but is fine now.

  11. seems you guys are losing interest in SOTM even with some very nice prizes and great odds. Only 16 contestants this time with $150 cash on the line. This MIGHT be the last month i do this.

    1. Show previous comments  23 more
    2. Soccerballzs


      Change it up with walled builds!, trunk builds, single sub size, amp size.

    3. Nubcakeninja


      i would enter but my build isnt ready yet!!! haha just gotta wait a little longer

  12. Cheaa! 300,000 youtube subscribers! Youtube.com/meade916 if you don't know!

  13. Site was down for hours...don't know what happened...were back though! sorry bout that!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Swordlordboy1234


      Last night I had to spend more time on YouTube because I didn't have Smd threads to read as I fell asleep. Damn you Steve! :) thanks for bringing her back up so quick though.

    3. justin0943


      I thought it was me I kept refreshing the page like 10 times

    4. Tecomah


      I thought i got bant or something

  14. No sponsors for SOTM March 2014. That's ok, How about $150 CASH sponsored by SMD! Chode will have the contest up tonight or tomorrow.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. SnowDrifter


      PM me too. I'll kick something in this month

    3. meade916


      @carbon thanks man maybe next month, talk to Tony if you would like to sponsor. Thanks!

    4. meade916


      @will unfortunately it don't matter what you think it should be about. Don't enter if you don't agree with me giving away prizes SMH.

  15. Before you file a complaint and tell me your SMD SunFlash didn't work or took too long to work on a "hot and sunny Florida day", please make sure every weather station on the web isn't reporting "71 degree's and mostly cloudy" for your city. SMMFH. CUSTOMERS UHHHHGGGG.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Miguels


      uv lights can work

    3. sayhuh?


      UV vs heat...yep, they are different.

    4. jdshott


      LOL ! it goes to show who read the instructions Vs the guy who says hurry up just throw it on I kno what im doing Lmao...... seen this many times we even use STOP signs hoping idiots like this read the DIRECTIONS!

  16. Just noticed we had almost 15,000 people on the site today at one time! Over 10,000 right now....DAMN - i wonder where they are coming from :D

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Barnett 313

      Barnett 313

      They are coming to see what you are doing next my bass bro......

    3. LoudSoundRussia


      Nice! Very good forum! Like it very much!

    4. spllover


      I'm from AZ and hopefully 1 day i will get to visit you at your shop

  17. NOTICE: the status update area is NOT your personal for-sale section. Do not post anything for sale here. If it is your used, personal items, you MAY sell in the for sale section or classifieds.

  18. System of the Month only has 16 entries this month with $150 on the line out of my own pocket. If it isn't appreciated, then SOTM will soon disappear. I hate wasting time, money and bandwith if nobody is interested.

    1. Show previous comments  24 more
    2. PaulPumpsBass


      I haven't entered yet because I don't think my system stands a chance at winning. And... I've been in Afghanistan, so I couldn't take and upload pictures to enter them for the contest. I could enter the contest next week though!

    3. Barnett 313

      Barnett 313

      Steve I would had loved to in SOTM, but you know my system was stolen out my truck and I have to get a whole new system. Money is tight right now for some of us, Steve we appreciate everything that you do for us bassheads!!

  19. Nothing like stumbling on a 3 year old post on another forum, and seeing some of you that i respected and trusted talking shit about me and/or piling on (agreeing when someone else is talking shit) Time to start getting rid of these double agent motherfu##rs.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. SnowDrifter
    3. Swordlordboy1234


      I just wanna see said shit talkers get fucked with. Que n8.

    4. Barnett 313

      Barnett 313

      What up Meade, That's what I was telling guys on here about some of my socalled boys. When they need help they call you and yall are cool, but when your not around they talk shit and say they don't need you. Being in Detroit I see this everyday. Fuck them Steve

  20. The Tahoe officially has a 3sixty.3 in it! Got the optical cable off the Mac Mini and it sounds great! I love it! Just gotta clean it all up tomorrow and be back in business!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. JeremyN


      do you have 360.2 for sale?

    3. Scar7ace


      yo steve how do you install the optical cable of your double din into the 3sixty.3? i have one and i have seen you talk about the quality is so beautiful and i was wondering what i needed to get one!! please message me back asap! i would appreciate it! thankz..

    4. chadgriffith78


      Steve, I'm building a new truck and i have a question for you andI know you get slammed by them but know one can answer this for me, If I run 4 T1500 BDCP's on 4 T2D2 15's and two T1000-4AD's to the front one for each side, how do I put the S-three sixty. 3 to all of that. Will I have to run two or how will all the RCA's run to the Three 60, do I use the pass threws on all the amps to take them up to the 360 or what. 2nd, what type of RCA cables do you recomend, and how...

  21. dc/dc power supply-regulator in the Tahoe is out. That means the Mac Mini and my screen is out. Might be time to go Ipad finally. 3sixty.2's are coming out next week anyway. 3sixty.3 on the way. Time for a change

    1. meade916


      carnetix 2140 btw - 12v in, 18v and 12v out. I use it to power the mini (18v) and the screen on the 12v rail to keep the screen from rippling with the voltage drops/rises.

    2. Jessica


      that sucks. My power supply for my carputer claims like 5 to 24 volt. So I hope that is true. Just in case i have a regulator fail.

    3. Apk5335


      Please anyone share 360.3  3 way active front stage+subwoofer tuned file.

  22. Just got off the phone with e40 Fonzarelli - looks like he is coming to the shop soon for a demo......and discuss an install. That would be an epic youtube video with the man himself in my Tahoe! Can't wait for that!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Krakin


      Congratulations man!

    3. goodvibez


      Shit just got real! That would be sick if he wanted you to build him something. I'm sure a demo of the tahoe would be a great way to seal the deal:) Either way friggin sweet man!

    4. Scar7ace


      im glad man as long as u have been playing his songs for music and bass! im glad and happy man would be epic for a youtube video.....:D keep up the good work bro

  23. Like a hubcap in the fastlane - still holding on to that number one car audio site in the WORLD title. For the doubters, i got that Alexa rating to prove it. :)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Kyblack76


      Dont care....

      Best site.. PERIOD on the planet....

    3. 96Blazer


      This site is hands down better! though I cant get on as much as id like my 50$ a year isn't going anywhere but here!

  24. anyone hear from Larry95civic? sent him a bunch of brand new shoes and clothing and never heard a word back...i hope he is ok.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. pa-pa-platypus


      yeah im worried about him 2 :( hope hes alright

    3. WastedTalent


      This... right here is why I know for a fact there's no better forum. We're a damn family. Good shit right there. But as far as hearing from him, I sure haven't. Not since he was in chat...few weeks ago.

    4. n1ghtsn1p3r


      Yeah, last I saw him was when I was in chat asking if he could make a "Calvin Peeing on the Kicker logo" decal, but then I had to bail since I was on-call and a call came in.

  25. Felt my first non human made earthquake tonight! Thought i was trippin for a second LOL

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. kalilac619


      Welcome to So cal Lol

    3. meade916


      i live in Nor-Cal not So-Cal...that is why i haven't felt one yet.

    4. jmc916


      i thought one of my kids was trying to move the couch with me sitting in it lol

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