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Status Updates posted by audiofanaticz

  1. Some SMD coaxial RCA cords on the way :D

    1. Kyblack76
    2. Karkov


      You have a PM on them sir.

  2. I think I need another 390XP...

    1. hdorre


      is .01v of drop unacceptable?

    2. rockFord_Expedition


      You are supposed to gain .01 when you go full tilt so I would say yes.

    3. CNF Kevosinn

      CNF Kevosinn

      sweet talk to me in 2 years

  3. tried to change my post count to 86753o9 but it failed... :(

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ahmed Johnson

      Ahmed Johnson

      Did you read that out of a page in her diary?

    3. ProMaxx316
    4. ROLEXrifleman


      I had a chance to read it b4 it caught fire

  4. I got a couple loaned mids and tweets for the hoe! :D

  5. Got my Hoe back!!!! :D

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. deathcards


      what if she burnt dinner....?

    3. rockFord_Expedition
    4. audiofanaticz


      cant finish. 20 degrees outside, and will only get burrrer

      quiet as hell, cant even hear it start, it like its new!

      I use to cringe starting it at night because it was so damn loud!

  6. tahoe is dead, cranked on the crank so many times to get the flywheel out of its bad spot that the bolt is almost rounded.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Kyblack76


      fuck.. your crushing me......

      that said.. mine is still running :)

      that said....... good luck bro.... god i hate those issues

    3. audiofanaticz
    4. n8ball2013


      mines not broken its just not done.

  7. that moment you lock a thread before another person that is replying is able to reply... HA

  8. 42 degress, guess its not going to get much warmer outside today..

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. audiofanaticz


      guns > cali for sure that would be a hard thing to contend with if i ever move there.

  9. I swear the next person that bitches about pricing or shipping times is going to get banned!

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. gmoxley1


      i can completely understand where you are coming from in the link posted above. but why did i get jumped on when i waited past the processing period to even try and make contact with the company and was accused of "bitching" about shipping? i tried sending a PM but i guess Audiofanaticz did not recieve it or has not yet come across it yet trying to apologize for a communication issue. My issue was not about shipping cost or a wait period before shipment. i thought that was made pretty...

    3. gmoxley1


      Haha nice yeah that was pretty much the just of it. Not sure why "clear" was cut off the end but oh well. I had pretty high respect for everyone on this forum as I did not know anyone personally and therefore had nothing against anyone but with some of the behaviors I've been seeing I guess this isn't quite the community I thought it once was. Oh well. Doesn't hurt my feelings any. Hope everyone has a nice day and God bless you all.

  10. subwooofer

    1. Krakin


      I can see you miss me :)

      It's soo cute!

    2. audiofanaticz


      Nope, just how me and Socal say goodbye after gaming :P

    3. Krakin


      If ya'll didn't play at fucking midnight or later I could play, but I have to be up at 7 or earlier every day.

  11. Happy 52nd Birthday Steve Meade!

  12. Subwooooooooooooooooooooooofer

    1. Krakin


      There are two Os....


    2. Krakin


      How do you pronounce boo?


    3. SoCaLBaMF



  13. Subwooooooooooooooooooooooofer

  14. driveway full of cars to be worked on... that overwhelming feeling just set in....

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Kyblack76


      did they all bring beer?

      ill be right over

    3. Tarball


      take a deep breath and jump in there.

    4. audiofanaticz


      no one brought beer. but I got beer on deck if your coming, and bottle service. HA

  15. dat ban hammer tho

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. MyRoomBeats


      Only thing I dislike about this forum would be how someone will bag on you because they know something you don't after you ask a question about it. That in my book is a douche.

    3. meade916


      @myroombeats actually people don't really do that. It's people like you that are overly sensitive and basically a cry baby. In my book that is a douche.

    4. Miguels


      ive never had an issue with people here.. its more of the way people respond to a comment. people get too butthurt when they hear the truth

  16. I dont always ask amp questions, but when I do I post them in the wrong section and make it a versus thread...

  17. Good ol edited music.... My hittas, my hittas My hittas, my hittas My hittas, my hittas My hittas, my hittas

    1. Azagtoth502


      :smacks the turntable:

  18. Hello -43 degrees Fahrenheit!

    1. TrentonLong


      Its -13F here feels like -31F

  19. Chantix day #4...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Kyblack76


      Driving, after a decent meal, and while drinking, where a bitch for me, sooooo pretty much 24-7. I still have a here and there where i want to light up.....

    3. Leo1103


      driving is the only hard part for me

  20. This is ghostrider when he is not hooking up audio. Enjoy!! lols

  21. Really starting to think about shipping boxes I build. hmm

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. OrionStang


      I know that Miguel.

    3. audiofanaticz
    4. audiofanaticz


      I thought about shipping just panels, but it be more hassle, having to predrill all the wholes, making detailed instructions, just something im not into lol

  22. Snitches like to sing.. Bullets like to hum bitch! Come and get your some.. Shit, I give em' out for free!

    1. lifes a BOX

      lifes a BOX

      i aint got time for dat

    2. SMZ2
    3. SnowDrifter


      One of my top favorite songs

  23. finally made a Twitter, follow me? @audiofanaticz

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ThatGuyWithAJetta


      I followed you @JRad620

    3. notorious97200


      ok I'll follow you, @ad1306

    4. Watch the bass

      Watch the bass

      That´s boring lifes a Box, feel it´s more with shaved ball´s lol.

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