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Status Updates posted by audiolamb6

  1. this is to much the guy that played alf died

    1. Karkov


      61 famous people died this year so far, well movie/TV stars, politicians etc.

    2. Rich Schenk

      Rich Schenk

      Damn that sux rip alf

  2. uh should i get a new deck or just keep my kenwood

  3. um should i get the t3's comps i found for 400 bucks

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. audiolamb6


      i can get morel's bout the same

    3. Miguels


      are t3's not good?

    4. audiolamb6


      fro the price i dont think so sonic has them for 699

  4. watchin driven miss daisy funny ass movie

  5. we're the miller's is some funny shit right there

    1. Guerra33


      yea it is! you know what i'm saying haha

  6. well blow my cerscendo 10004 not sure if i want to fix it or just sell it

  7. well got another hoe 02 with 166xxx on her pretty damn clean

    1. deathcards


      gotta love a good 'hoe lol

  8. well i think that says what the s.e.c. is all about

  9. well my ddx719 is given me problems called crutchfield and the say i can switch it for somein else thinkin of goin with the 80prs

    1. audiolamb6


      srp cant find anything worth a shit and i had planned to use the open space for a vm-1

  10. well picked up my tux today gettin married this saturday

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. audiolamb6


      thanx its gonna be fun

    3. OrionStang


      At first , maybe. Good luck to you.

    4. Trey_Dog650


      good luck! im getting tied up on the 27 lol

  11. well shit now i found some h.a.t. imagine on the cheap should i

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. aculous
    3. _paralyzed_


      beware of knockoffs

      H.A.T. on the cheap sounds sketchy

    4. audiolamb6


      im goin to order through their dealer price aint from other brands ive looked at

  12. what everones thought's on the hds 3

    1. agf144


      cant beat it for the price period. really well built buy it before soundqubed raises their prices.

  13. what would someone be willing to pay for an orion 250 sx

  14. where to put my 3100 in my hoe

    1. SnowDrifter
    2. audiolamb6


      want to put it where the stock sub was but dont think it will fit

    3. matt14


      Dont think it will fit there. I removed that panel to put a 3400 there and looked really tight in there

  15. who do i need to talk to about some ampre amps

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. audiolamb6


      yeah now i need to find a ride crazy putting together the audio before i have a ride going to look at one in the next couple of dayz

    3. juan777
    4. evermaxx
  16. who remembers where you were 30 years ago when the space shuttle challenger exploded

    1. Show previous comments  27 more
    2. Second Skin

      Second Skin

      Watched in school :-(

    3. OrionStang


      Might be true, Stroker, but they were likely unconscious, as the crew compartment went in to an accelerated tumble/spin after separating in the explosion.

    4. SnowDrifter
  17. who watched sleepy hallow shit looks good

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. WastedTalent


      A hollow that's sleepy. C'mon now Miguels. ;) lmfao

    3. Miguels


      fuckkkkk. i thought he meant the movie

    4. WastedTalent


      I'm sure he did... i was just effin with ya lol

  18. who's gonna go see the new star war

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. Wicks


      I would agree that seeing it at home would be wayyy less hassle but the spoilers are bound to be scattered all over social media by the time it comes out...

      I don't want some snot nosed troll to ruin it for me.

    3. Krakin


      I'm just not going to internet for a long time then.

    4. tyma1026


      If I can find tickets late tonight I will see it. @ Wicks. Those reserved seats and booze are awesome.

  19. why are dingle berrys brown cuz shit dont matter

    1. ToNasty


      Sometimes they're green

    2. audiolamb6


      sounds like you eatin to much greens

    3. Wicks


      Possibly the best quote ever....

  20. wife is gone for a week what to do

  21. will someone please give some input on my box spec's

  22. wish i had some help gettin this stuff put in my car

    1. audiolamb6


      well all i got done was the wiring guess ill get it done this weekend

    2. WastedTalent


      I'd help if I was close.

  23. wonder how long it will take to get my sub from dc

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. audiolamb6


      well it shipped so i should see it nextweek some time

    3. hdorre


      dont put it in too big of a box :)

    4. audiolamb6


      gots to find some buckets first

  24. wow wife was just looking through netflix and found friz the cat

    1. ROLEXrifleman


      its better than looking in your closet and finding a blow up doll

    2. EP95


      love that movie

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