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Status Updates posted by Swordlordboy1234

  1. Im really at a loss on this subwoofer thing… Not sure exactly whats best. Not sure if i can find some magical rezones that will solve my problem or if i have to hunt down the most ideal subs for my application. I just don't want failures anymore.

    1. Show previous comments  32 more
    2. CNF Kevosinn

      CNF Kevosinn

      50 out of the trunk is hard

    3. Omega5002


      Especially when you tune low, yeah, good luck with that.

      Xfl's have some shitty coil construction, friend of mine's 10's went to slinky, even though they were mint.

    4. Dwn4BassAlan


      just build some 12's. You can get a quality coil, cone, and spiders from Jacob.

  2. In the life of selling audio, everyone wants something for less then posted and always want free shipping. Why don't I just over post and include shipping in the prices so people feel like their getting a deal?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more


      I love it when a customer comes in and says how much is this and this and you tell them and they have this huge reaction like your trying to rape them and they say " well i can get it for this much over at this place" I think to myself "Well why dont you go over there and get it then" LOl

    3. gally


      there is a guy over here who spent over 2000€ on some crappy install...the shop practically ripped him off,...the guy found out after i told him to check the internet prices....total price for amp,radio and sub was neearly 200€, so work was....18oo?

  3. iPhone just doesn't seem reasonable any more... Regrettably replacing the 4s tomorrow. Galaxy s4 or Lg G2?

    1. omg_spoon


      s4, htc one, optiumus g, nexus 5 too. cant go wrong with either of them. all of them will walk over iphone

    2. hdorre


      I think Jeffrey's looking for a phone, not a tablet.. haha

    3. BLuejoules


      I have the s4 and have nothing to complain about. good phone

  4. Is liking your own status a form of masturbation?

    1. Kyblack76


      if it was.. id have nothing but self likes........ liking your own post is more a form of self D-baggery...

    2. kalilac619


      Its like giving yourself a high five in public

    3. 98GCLimited


      ya i notice that happen every once in a while its pretty special

  5. Its kind of a conflicting feeling. You STRIVE to get higher voltage full tilt, and then when you do... You feel like you need more power to have better use of the voltage. #NeverEndingCycle

    1. pa-pa-platypus


      amps not on fire the voltage is high enough

    2. Swordlordboy1234


      I feel like not dropping into the 12's means I got too much electrical for my system. 13.8 is too damn high. MOAR POWER. cj18 this doesn't apply to you and your electrical.

    3. Tribe Called Bass
  6. Let a mint B2 zero.1 and a Quattro pop up for sale please.

  7. Let's get a head count... Who will be going to Conroe feb 22nd for lone star throw down?

  8. many lulz were had in the last couple pages of the meme thread.

  9. Most awesome gf the world has ever seen..? Last night she almost forced me to let her put my dc 270xp on her credit card so I could get it faster.... 0_o

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. hdorre


      Wtf, and this is after she offered to replace Grants tools? Damn.. I agree with Chris..

    3. Swordlordboy1234


      She literally is the best basshead gf someone could ask for.

    4. Karkov



  10. My god… This VM-1 is amazing. I haven't even wired it directly to my dual inputs either… Not sure If I'm going to honestly.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Wood


      So was your stinger giving the wrong output?

    3. Swordlordboy1234


      stinger wasn't giving wrong output. it was actually exactly on. just reading too slow to catch the dips…. and i haven't tested it yet grant. I should…. but i really try not to hurt the amp and put it in protect. I think i might later tonight on my next drive. Test it if its the voltage spiking or not.

    4. crunkjuice1


      to be on top of it where it matters wire it direct to amp :thumbsup:

  11. My search for louder doors continues.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Swordlordboy1234


      vids plz mr duck. His ride looks nasty loud.

    3. Jessica


      Good luck on your search man, It's tough getting loud doors that sound good, wish i could achieve it too.

    4. Wood


      I agree, the New CT Sounds Pro Audio speakers look Sexy! and I'm sure they sound just as good as they look!

  12. My trunk fence is flexing my doors and roof!

    1. SnowDrifter


      Hahaha I just read that

  13. never in my life have i seen so MANY people only want to buy a single 12 when you have 2 of the same 12's for sale.

    1. Kyblack76


      Hmmmm. Must be you. :)

    2. jdshott


      I Sold a broken amp on ebay for what I paid for it. Tried to sell 2 working 12s brand new and had them for a year. ?!?!?!?!!? some people!?

  14. Never use bad grounds people. Im offically in the 13+ volt club full tilt now. Changed my rear ground from some support bar, to my rear strut tower. 1.5v difference full tilt!

    1. Rmichael91


      If only my strut mount wasnt on the OUTSIDE of my damn car -.- Might be drilling a while for a good ground.

    2. SnowDrifter
    3. Tribe Called Bass

      Tribe Called Bass

      *-unhooks crap grounds bolted to sheet metal and slowly places them onto strut tower-* THANKSBROTHAA ;D

  15. New Ct2500 put me back in the 12v club full tilt. 13.1-12.8 full tilt rev, 12.1-11.8 idle at a stop light the whole 30-45 seconds.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Swordlordboy1234


      also remember, I went from a 2500 at 14.4 volt amp.. (maybe less, never proven on dyno).. to a 3900+ at 14.4 volt amp that has a cousin that passed the dyno with flying colors. That could account for the 13.7 to 12.8 voltage drop difference.

    3. Wood


      Ok I see!! nice!!!!! well time to upgrade that electrical to feed that beast!!!

    4. Swordlordboy1234


      Working on the electrical thing. I gotta get a cold air intake to make under hood room. And then a CCA to OFC conversion along with a Deka to XS power conversion with a DC power 270XP should get some better voltage. I hope.....

  16. New subs will be here jan 29th... Can't wait,

    1. Bump4life


      yay!!!!!!! time to get loud

    2. Soccerballzs


      What kind did you get?

  17. Not to copy scooter but does anyone have a cc1 willing to let me barrow in a future weekend? I'll pay shipping both ways and will have it turned around before said weekend is up. I'm going to be running active for my new PA speakers.

    1. SnowDrifter


      Do you have a multi meter/oscope that can read high frequency AC in the 10hKz range?

    2. DubNDodge
  18. Ok everyone. TD update. Who's coming? It looks like it will be COLD (36/25) with minimal precipitation both morning and evening. I will be there for sure assuming i don't find horrible driving conditions. If i do i will be stopping to wait, or turning around. Safety FIRST! Lives are more important then a show.

    1. boom50cal


      Going to try and get there. If i35 is shitty we're turning around.

    2. Swordlordboy1234


      Same here. I am hoping for just COLD and dry with decent road conditions. I can block out my gf's complaining with the system but it will still be safe.

  19. People pay A LOT of money in a brick and mortar store. Seen someone buy a w7 12 and a hd1200 yesterday at my store. Just thinking what I would have bought with that kinda money.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Swordlordboy1234


      Sure it gives me a job, but sometimes being a semi informed member of the audio community it's hard to have to sell them what's on our floor not what's best for them and their pocket. Good thing im just an installer.

    3. magillaru


      A lot more power and cone area.

    4. noobslayer77


      that must be difficult. people think they're getting the best, when in reality they're paying a ton for "good" shit, not the best. I bet you do a hell of an install tho :)

  20. Pg 60 of the meme thread made me question what kinda people I spend my day with on this site.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. iwannabeloud



      Where do I send my money?

    3. boom50cal


      quad sided angled fleshlights

    4. Swordlordboy1234


      Obtuse angle fleshlights?

  21. Photobucket is stopping me from doing more build log stuff.... Every time i try to load the website it just says "unable to load" but every other website works.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. bsneon98


      gave up on photo suck it as well

    3. Ahmed Johnson

      Ahmed Johnson

      I just use face book

    4. Swordlordboy1234


      Hmm.. Facebook isnt a bad idea. I used the Imgur to great success yesterday. Thanks for the suggestions guys!

  22. Screw you usps... Thieves work there and you protect them and screw your customers.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Swordlordboy1234


      Im filing any and all complaints as we type. I shall also be going to talk to my local post master tomorrow about an investigation and demand to have my item (grants cc1) back instead of refunding me a partial dollar amount to the actual value.

    3. Bump4life


      always insure for value of item.

    4. SnowDrifter


      Insurance is to cover shipping damages.... Not employee theft. As far as I'm concerned they should pay for all of it

  23. Sitting next to a bunch of HOTT sorority girl in my dorm main hall. It's very entertaining I hear all hear all the crap they have done.

  24. SMD volt meter in route to my house? I believe so.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Swordlordboy1234


      No sir, As you soon will find out I'm serious about all of my statements.

    3. boom50cal


      Bet it gets to you on Wednesday....just in time :)

    4. Swordlordboy1234


      Scheduled delivery is tuesday evening. Either way, i will be doing final touches and a cleaning on the car friday before the show. I might even take off work that day.

  25. so a already crazy van just added another 10k of power. 4 ns-1

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