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S.O.T.M. Winner
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Status Updates posted by OrionStang

  1. And Danica spins on lap 14. Surprised? Nope.

    1. WastedTalent


      I heard she's a great pole spinner ;)

  2. And the latest lowballer doesn't even have a post here. Meaning he took the time to make an account just to insult me with his bullshit offer.

    1. Srh_rider12


      you're a lowballer magnet. hopefully a serious buyer comes along.

    2. Robert8252


      For real. Ha. Sell your shit so I can sell mine!

    3. WastedTalent


      Well if you still have it when I have the cash, you have something I want!! Be about a month or so though before I get the cash.

  3. And the Post Office does it again. How do you fuck up a decal in a bubble envelope?

    1. WastedTalent


      Don't ask the questions that you don't want to know the answers to. If they truly messed up a decal, in a bubble envelope, it seems more like some serious stuff went on. Like people throwin packages, sitting on them, etc. Either way, sorry to hear man. I know just a decal but damn. Sucks.

  4. Android 8" tablets, 125 right to your door!!

  5. Another build log? I wonder what the record is.

    1. matt14


      trippi probably owns it

    2. HatersGonnaHate


      Ken's about to take the title from him lol

  6. Another course complete. Eleven left, 10 months to do them.

  7. Another year, and another ass-rape on taxes by Uncle Sam. My wife and I don't make that much, I don't understand it.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tarball


      squeeze out a few pups.

    3. Kyblack76


      Dont get me started,... ill freak the fuck out......

    4. n8ball2013


      no shit. and then some shitbag who makes less than you paid in gets back like 15 grand.

  8. Anquan Boldin is straight BEAST today.

    1. Kyblack76



      Playing balls out for Ray's last whirl...

  9. Any other race fans excited as I am about tomorrow. Waking up at 4am to watch the F1 Gran Prix of Monte Carlo. Then the Indy 500 at 8. And finally, the NASCAR Coca-Cola 600 in the afternoon. Coffee and donuts for the F1 race, then 4lbs of chicken breasts and thighs on the grill for the rest of the day.

    1. matt14


      And coors lite? lol

    2. Kyblack76


      CBS news this morning. The old man is hitting Colorado and checking out how its doing with the weed thing, then the INDY 5hun and budlight on out....... Half here, half at the water hole. Enjoy man....

    3. evermaxx


      should be good!

  10. Anybody else find it odd that there was no real word of this new Mandela movie until the dude died?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Keith77


      I thought that was fast as well. Im sure they had it done for a while and wanted to wait until he passed away $$$$$$

    3. Miguels


      yup.. they was just waiting.. they will do the same with fast and furious 7.. you will see lots of tribute videos of Paul walker to make people go to watch the movie

  11. Anybody else notice how bad a QB Michael Vick really is? He looks panicked, then just throws it up most of the time.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. tdsa23


      If thats your point he does win not counting playoffs and like I said before if he hand a better line he would not get happy feet he gets hit the most out of every QB you have to give him so credit could he be better as a pocket passer yes but thats not his game but he is working on it. Did you not see that TD pass he just had in the pocket.

    3. Emoxihax


      have you looked at his O-line?

      i'm surprised the dude is even walking atm

    4. OrionStang


      Really Tynes? You get paid how much?

  12. Anybody else notice the post whore trying to reach 150 so he can sell? I won't post the name yet.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. zack_e89


      Adam's Butthole...?

    3. Bigsix


      douche nozzle in full effect

    4. moh.vze.com


      You have very good attention to detail.

  13. Anybody else rooting for Georgia Tech to ruin FLorida States season? I cannot stand Winston.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. OrionStang


      And these fuckers squeak by again, 2 fucking points.

    3. MrSkippyJ


      I think FSU just played themselves out of a playoff spot

    4. OrionStang


      After watching all the games today, FSU should be out and Ohio State in. They are putting an ass-whipping on a ranked Wisconsin.

  14. Anybody else see my Trojans lose on a Hail Mary just now? Un-Fucking-Believable

  15. Anybody ever have a Charlie Horse? Imagine if the Hulk punched you in the thigh, thats how my left quad feels right now. Just a small injection, doc, says. Won't hurt at all, doc says. Fucker, I'm crippled LOL.

    1. n8ball2013
    2. OrionStang
    3. SnowDrifter


      That's where your muscle retracts involuntarily and locks up right?

  16. Anybody ever heard Cerwin-Vega bookshelf/center channel speakers? Thinking about  them for my living room.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. kalilac619


      they're good i actually have a CV

      center channel in my garage as my work shop speaker and its loud n clean

    3. b-dubs89


      like cv , had the xls-215's sold them to be content with my e315's for a while . feel the need to run a sub with the e315's despite being a 15" woofer  . like cv mids and highs ,except for the xls-215's they shine in the bass but are harsh on mids and highs .

      vegas are efficient and will do alot on 100watts  . i wood like to experience some vegas on tube amp power once .

    4. roscoe1129


      Man check parts express and build your own tutorials parts knowledge... all in one place

  17. Anybody go see Pain and Gain? Looks interesting. Might catch an early show Monday or Tuesday.

  18. Anybody going to CES in January? Im putting my timeshare on Las Vegas Blvd up for rent. Studio and 1 and 2 bedroom units are available, but changes hourly. Hit me up to discuss rates if interested in renting my space.

    1. OrionStang
    2. will77530


      rooms already booked =) and sema is booked as well =) wish this would have came up sooner

  19. Anybody good with resume's? I just did up a quick, generic one. I'd be open to some feedback if someone wants to check it out.

    1. Bump4life


      I could check it. Pm me for email

  20. Anybody got a loaner amp for a lvl5 until the DC amps arrive?? Please??

  21. Anybody got an AQ 4 channel they'd want to sell?

  22. Anybody have a 2 channel amp they want to sell for the low? I need 100-125 rms x2 @4ohm.

  23. ANybody here ever run a Havoc using minimum rec'd volume? 1.8 for a 12"?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. OrionStang
    3. mikelbolton


      I've put my Mayhems on the lowest recommended volume... tuned high and saw some impressive numbers...

    4. OrionStang


      Power will be 1000-1500, haven't decided on an amp yet. Small box, low power; I feel like Im setting up for disappointment.

  24. Anybody here have an MBA? Talk about a shit ton of reading, researching, and studying. Fuck.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Dwn4BassAlan


      Mom does. But it was also 30 years ago lol, but I recall her mentioning that a lot about it.

    3. Karkov
    4. bigmizzle99


      No MBA, but I do have Engineering degree and Microsoft certs...everything is a lot of reading when bettering yourself. Good luck

  25. Anybody interested in a pair of BNIB RE Sx 18's? I don't want to pick them up without a buyer.

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