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Everything posted by ChevyBoy95

  1. Well if your budget is that small, you have to think, the enclosure is what you want to focus on mainly. A good enclosure is the basis of any good sounding system, but if you have good subs in a decent box it will sound good. You want "meh" subs so really want you want seems like a really well designed enclosure. (I know everyone would optimally want a great enclosure, I was just theorizing on making cheap subs sound great being completely dependent on the enclosure.)
  2. He offered 50shipped?!?!? Ha, I though 120 shipped each was a great price.
  3. SSA Dcon Sundown E Series DC Level 2 Incriminator 187 Skar IVX
  4. thats actually sort of incorrect. your alt does everything until your demand is higher than your supply. once that happens, your voltage drops. it keeps dropping until you get to a voltage where your batteries start to help out. there are milliseconds between when the demand hits and the alt can react and the battery does buffer that. by your math, he has enough alt to keep voltage up. voltage drop does seem a little high for that power but not anywhere close to a dangerous level so its nothing to worry about. yea, after i read it again i saw the same thing... OOPS! my bad. edit: and that sounds like a terrible ground.
  5. what is idle rpm? that unit doesnt do 220 at idle, you are probably getting something around 120a at idle, 800 watts at 12v is ~ 67 amps plus stock accessories is which probably around 30-50a, to that right there is 97-117a. I think i have the same alt rating, mine does about 125a at idle (800rpm), if your car idles lower, you get less amperage. Plus, yes you have the alt upgraded, but an alt is nothing without somewhere to store a reserve. All alts is bad, all batteries is bad, you need to find a medium of alts and batteries. having only alts is like having a 18oz steak(HO alt) and not having a stomach(no storage capacity), having only batteries is like having a few crackers(stock alt) and being extremely hungry(huge storage capacity).
  6. he has probably lived there long enough to have had his share of spin outs to know how to get out of them.
  7. what i dont get.... you know the road is icey, you know it is snowing.... yet you are willing to drive highway speeds 4 ft away from oncoming traffic.... smart group of people!
  8. you need to set it with the -5 or -0 @ 40hz. Almost no music is -10db,
  9. guys remember, OFC isnt light weight, shipping isnt going to be very cheap. GLWS, nice wire.
  10. he is talking about the L2 (level 2) or L3 (level 3), so yes he is talking about DC. For only 500 watts, i would do the level 2, if you had some plans in the future to upgrade the sub amp i would do the level 3, so you would have head room. but on the 5 channel alone, the level 2.
  11. No, not too many factors? I mean, it shouldn't be too hard to say if 150 db is possible with 2 walled 18s and 4000 rms? i must refrain.....
  12. this isnt a VS. thread, he isnt comparing the sundown to the nendo, he is asking if he will see an increase of some sort from using dual inputs. If you use OFC 1/0 i dont see a reason to use dual inputs unless you were going to compete. If it is just a daily system i dont think you should need them. Once you get into amps that have single inputs and do 4500+ watts, i would highly suggest them. For 3500, yes and no, it is up to you. There are no cons to using dual inputs except needing more wire, everything else is a plus.
  13. please tell me you have done a system this big before?
  14. first you would probably want the 1 ohm efficiency, second it is never really consistent. that is the efficiency they obtained through a test. just dont worry about it. get a HO alt, a nice starter battery, and 2 big batteries in the back and presto, you are done.
  15. wattage / voltage, but it is still just a ball park number because of unknown efficiency.
  16. need more electrical than that for the probably 20k you will be running (probably only be able to have 1 alt is why). those AQs do about 4k at 1 ohm, all 4 at .5.... wow. and 3 cubes per 12? and overpowering them?
  17. And you work at an audio shop and are asking us these questions?!?
  18. Ditch the prefab, you can make a box for less than 100 that will sound 50x's better. Cvx's will eat up 1000rms in the right enclosure, I would break them in for a few days, then let a rip, but if you clip them to shit and they fail thermally that's on you.
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