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Found 16 results

  1. The new XS Power D7500 is finally IN STOCK and will be shipping tomorrow. Perfect timing for us to give an additional 5% off our already rock-bottom XS power prices with FREE SHIPPING !!! This is most powerful car audio battery currently on the market- weighing in at 100 lbs !! 140 Amp Hours, 1700 cranking amps, MSRP $849.99 - OUR PRICE $559 SHIPPED ANYWHERE IN THE 48 states, PLUS GET AND INSTANT $25 cash back REBATE!!! The new D4900 and D4700 is in stock too!! 1-888-MECHMAN 865-522-6166 [email protected]
  2. Trying keep my install simple.i really dont want to upgrade alt.because of the pcm.was going to go with one or maybe two group 48agm batts.but thinking it might be to hard on alt to keep up..then i seen this sb500.was wondering if a single sb500 would be a better option.my system consist of one ampere 2k and two 150.4.no parking lot demos, just a daily.any input or thoughts?ive emailed xs waiting to gear back.but like opions thanks
  3. Recently I noticed (while charging AGM XS batteries) that my PSC60 makes a chirping/buzzing sound when its in Float Charge mode (13.5V). It sounds kinda like what an amp sounds like when its clipping. I dont recall this noise in the past. Its sounds bad enough that I dont want to leave it on overnight in charge or recovery mode. Cant get a response from XS Power on the matter. Any input? Are your chargers rather quiet? I'll get a video tonight when I get into the garage.
  4. Does aluminum bus bars give you a better connection than just using power wire to connect batteries... if so wat the best size to use like 1" thick 2" thick etc.
  5. Ive seen guys on here talking bout 0 guage welding cable is cheaper than 0 guage power wire, is this true and were to buy. its seems like you can get cheaper 50 ft of 0 guage power wire then welding cable online.
  6. wats up guys , im wondering wats the pros and cons of running tool maker dual inputs to a crescendo bc3500 or sundown 3500? like will i see a power increase or is even worth it to buy them.
  7. hey wats up fellow bass heads, im noticing a a drop in my voltage and i was wondering would it make any diffrence if i disconnected the extra runs of 0 guage coming from the back to alt to the front battery then alternator. like basically my extra runs of 0 are connected to my alternator meaning power wire. but i was thinking bout taking them off and connecting them to the front battery then to the alternator., would ait make a diffrence
  8. Okay so i am wondering because my trucks stock wire mounts on the side of the battery will i be able to run the stock to the side with this and the zero gauge to the top for my alt and other battery?
  9. looking to upgrade my battery under hood of a 2005 Elantra anything with at least 110AH and 1000+ CA preferably kinetik or xs power wanna stay under the $250 mark. Thanks
  10. So I'm planning on running a bc5500 in the future and i have a few questions about what batteries i'll be needing in the trunk. Currently i've got an XS power d1200 under the hood and a DC power 270 amp alt with big 3 and what not. my question is what size batteries should i go for in the back if i'm looking to run the bc5500 at 1 ohm (5500 watts)? Also how many runs of 1/0 gauge should i have going to the rear batteries? I was thinking of xp 3000 but my voltage often runs at 15 volts and even up to 15.4v on cold days and i've heard that xp series doesnt like anything above 15v? Might a D series be better?
  11. Got the new Mechman 320 amp alternator installed this morning in 15 minutes!!!! The alternator is right on top so not one issue. Old one was 160 amp alternator 320 is keeping everything in Jeep happy now! Going to run a another power run to back for a total of 2 runs to rear.
  12. So I have a d3400 here that was leaking around the seams earlier last winter and slowed in the spring. Now it seems to be bubbling out liquid around the top and making a squealing noise and it seems to have cracked the casing iteseld, idk if its from pressure or what, but I have never dropped this battery, and it is located in a very secure place so it doesnt move around and is held in nice and tight. This battery see's no more then 14.3v for charging and is setup with a mechman 220 amp alt. All 2/0 gauge wiring, it had started leaking earlier this year but was holding the voltage fine, was told pretty much to keep running it, but I had the option of sending it in, I decided to just run it as it was working alright. Now it has gotten a lot worse and seems to be going all over. Its 34 months old, so 2 months from the warrenty being up, hoping Nathan will chime in, im more then willing to ship it in for warranty. The battery has fans blowing on it as it goes through the amps then the battery, ill post some pictures of how my amp rack is currently setup, I havnt updated my Build log for awhile so you will get to see some new work that hasn't been posted also Battery was part of the 2010 Group Sale buy in December, so 34 months ago. I do still have the original Receipt also! From Today November 4th (Didnt Push on it at all, this was just what it was doing) Back In April 3 - Kicker 650.4 amps mounted in the tire wheel, along with a cooling system, speaker junction, fusing, and battery tray With the top piece it holds it so it doesnt move at all, I have more room then how the stock setup was for a trunk and all my mid/high equipment installed A Lot better and space saving this this old amp rack with the old tire rack not even being used!
  13. So i have what i think is a pretty simple question. If i have a regular flooded battery as a starter battery can i use an XS power battery as a supplement to my car audio system. for now it would be a saz 1500d at 2 ohms, so only about 800 or so watts, which i know is not much for that battery but when i get some different subs and wire to 1 ohm ill be around 1500 watts. my main question is would i HAVE to run a relay as to separate the batteries when the car is off? would their be a constant push/pull from the two batteries that could potentially cause the batteries to drop below 12.6 while im not using the car. the longest i go without using my car is about 4 to 6 days. its rare that i ever go a full week without at least cranking it and letting the regular battery charge a bit while i listen to some music. Thanks in advance to everyone who answers!
  14. If your into Sundown then this video should definitely hold your attention.. Actually, if your into car audio just the slightest bit, this video will do wonders for you. Filmed and edited by myself. This is Dennis Romasco's Isuzu with a badass 4th order inside. Watch VIDEO Comment Like SHARE and subscribe=]
  15. I'm looking for new batteries and I'm between (3)xs power d6500 or (5) kinetik 1400 what's better for my hifonics maxximus?
  16. NEED HELP my civic uses a d51r battery and i was going to add an xs power d375 for a little more juice and was wondering will it be ok if i hooked them together or will i need to get another reverse polarity battery ????
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