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Status Updates posted by gally

  1. ok i got me a killer deal while in the main city of slovenia here..and i got me a 2515 d2 for arround 15O€, and when i got home i imediately started the box build..33hz seems just about right..the sound tho..

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. notorious97200


      I've never liked the sound of my 9515, in several boxes. To each is own !

  2. Kind of a stupid question but do a sub with a 4˝ voice coil sound louder than the one with the 3˝voice coil???????

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Kyblack76


      Louder how? Burp, timed runs?

    3. Kyblack76


      But NO a larger coil deist mean louder. Consumption, that's different.

    4. gally


      oh ok...so˝4˝ coils needs like more power to produce the same result as the 3˝ coils on lower power??

  3. ok i got pissed off the other day as every damn ride i got something breaks on my quad...so im RE-doing every part, including the engine on my quad, some chasis things need to be fixed, a new throttle will be applied and some new road tires will be going in..also found some nice wheels that need to be cleaned and polished..and some minor stuff..

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Karkov


      TRON: you get yours squared away yet?

    3. gally


      i have it for 2 years and drove ti maybe 2 months??also didnt have much time so after i will re-do this bike i will not sell it but ride it again...

    4. TRON


      Negative. My 450 refuses to ride this year, it knows i'm getting faster.

  4. repaired my 2-stroke today...cant wait to get it started..and go for a ride..guess how mush CC the engine has?

  5. my radio stucked on a single 1 FM station....so now im basicaly stuck with listening to either CD or ipod

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. boom50cal


      only hooked mine up for my dad. won't ride in my car anymore.

    3. gally


      switched back my original radio back in after a pioneer failed me..

  6. quick question..if im having a 4cuft box with a single 6 inch AERO for a single 2515 d2 sub..can i change like port tuning..like doing higher or lower tune? also how do i calcuate that?i know there is some calculators, but it just does not get it right

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. ALPINE408


      you need a lot less port area when dealing with AREO's I found 1 6 inch areo to be perfect for a 15... I was doing 153.x with 2 15's and 2 6 inch areos

    3. Miguels


      What if you do 2 per sub? Or better yet a 8 inch per 15

    4. Miguels


      When it comes to aero is not that you need less it's just that aero ports are more forgiving. At least what I seen around

  7. how the fuck could someone get such a good amplifier, subwoofer and other stuff and then he refuses to buy a decent HU???

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. evermaxx


      is it your car? lol. who cares.

    3. Wood
    4. gally


      because he bitches how horrible it sounds...its my next door guy and he bitches about this damn car for aabout a week...fuck him for being cheap with the HU...

  8. buying me a Corsa diesel..dont know which one yet

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. _paralyzed_


      He flip flops more than a politician. Tomorrow he'll be buying a 4 wheeler.

    3. gally


      already bought me a raptor 350..used tho

    4. OrionStang
  9. ok..was riding my quad yesterday and some lady cuts me off with a big ass Q7 so i honked the shit out of it cause i got scarred liek shit..she then stops in the middle of the intresection and asks if i am mad? fuck thati could have died if she hit me...she crossed her damn red light and she was sorry?after i told her that i got her on camera she replies that she works as a judge at a nearby court..

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. SkarredSierra


      If you live in a small town chances of gettn anything done even with footage are slim if she really is a judge. Trying to report it may end up making you a target for any of her police friends.

    3. Myst_erious


      Yeah that sucks. I'd say you could fight it, but it probably wouldn't get you anywhere, sadly.

    4. boom50cal


      is it legal to ride your ATV on public roads in your area?

  10. not a PC guy but stuggling between Xbox One and the PS4...played both but do not know which one to get...probably getting the One because of the halo games, but Bloodborne on ps4 looks sick

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Ahmed Johnson

      Ahmed Johnson

      Lol, these are my real friends but yeah, I know I can find a squad on ps4. The new halo does look piff

    3. Marquisboys


      trade in your old xbox360 or ps3 at gamestop and get $125 towards the new xbox...

    4. tyma1026


      Old status but good advice. I'' be trading in the old xbox for a xbox one. I got plenty of extra 360's laying around anyway

  11. thikning of getting me an alpine CDE 178bt..how does it compare to the 80prs?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. ALPINE408


      just my .02 I have not played with the 178BT but alpine rarly disapoints unless you bought an imprint lol

    3. gally


      i had the 80prs before and im having now the 8400bt because the 80prs broke on me somehow..thinking of going with this alpine but im not so sure IF....also thinking of going on the 80prs again as it was a fenomenal HU

    4. ALPINE408


      if the 80prs was phenomenal to you stick with what you like?

  12. 2.5˝voice coils..are they good for lows?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. MrSkippyJ


      not sure what the relation to coil size and how low a sub will play is.

    3. Chris Hammer

      Chris Hammer

      Shouldn't matter. My vvx10 played super low in a tline and was a 2.5 coil . There are other things that matter much more. First is enclosure..and then there's a bunch of other stuff..motor force spider stiffness etc

    4. Chris Hammer

      Chris Hammer

      As in super low I tuned it 25hz iirc and it played with authority from mid 20's to 50's

  13. choosing bettween a sedan a hatchback or a minivan...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Amart88
    3. OrionStang



      Do you read this guys updates every day?

    4. gally


      actually u found some cars that i like..though they do have some flaws that need to be dealt with..

  14. kind of a odd question..but is there a difference in a sub with a single spider versus a one with 2 or 3 spiders??

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. gally


      i know..just asking...its not a crime right?

    3. _paralyzed_


      Yes. A 3 spider speaker has 2 more spiders than a 1 spider speaker.

    4. OrionStang


      You get the same answer as the newbies, try the search bar.

  15. Bought me a 4wheeler for birthday....so much fun

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. rockFord_Expedition


      Damn what was I thinking. A Prius, duh.

    3. gally


      not really ....got me a arctic cat 450

  16. was going home today it was about 9PM and a cop stopped me..said that having a dash cam is illegal and i should better hand him over the camera--my dash cam is a gopro so i say nope to him..he also bitched about all these videos going to youtube, so he asks me if i have a youtube accout..as i said no i asked him if i could get the video with him on facebook..he just stood quiet for a moment and then drove off...((hand him my gopro? hell no...))

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Broke_Audio_Addict


      He lives In another country not here so who knows what's legal there.

    3. gally


      it is not illegal as also they do not wear badges..if you want to identify him you need to have a reason for that information..mostly he will not give his badge number or info. there are some cops that just think that are above the law..and mostly when they see an active camera in the car they just let you pass..

    4. gally


      i also did get his number plate so in case anything get in the way i have some information as well his face on tape...

  17. about my previous comment on status update..i was not having music loudly.. but this fella had his radio near to the max..and he was fuckin yelling that he needs to listen to politics and to shut my stupid music off..while i was having my windows closed he had all 4 of em open..and he was talking like you were some trash..fuck that kind of man..i respect everyone but a man like this? fuck him..and thats its why i turn it up..and i would do it again

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Jessica


      life's to short to deal with either of you. Gally or the other guy i mean

    3. Tribe Called Bass

      Tribe Called Bass

      Im with you on that one Gally, I tuned my road rage into bass rage.

    4. Soccerballzs


      Kids will be kids!

  18. so i searched a nice looking car, but there is none i could find..diesel of course..so i found some Citroens..like a older C5, XM or the Xsara..kinda liking the XM tho

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. OrionStang


      Don't you live at home still Gally? Sell all your toys and buy a real car.

    3. gally


      not buying a ford

      gas over here is not cheap and i get like 35-50.000 kilometers per year, so yeah a diesel car would be ok for my use..

    4. boom50cal


      quit being a pussy. mustang is global now. get a ecoboost mustang. not another diesel fucking hamster box you will bitch about every 3 days

  19. can a 9515 get low??? like playing lower notes like 26, 28hz OR are they made just for normal listening or higher frequencies...just asking

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. gally


      like for normal plaing for lows...or it isnt made for that at all

    3. ToNasty
    4. Kyblack76
  20. ok im tired of this shit..i tried every option to get my DD sound better but it just wont budge in this or the other box..inverted or other options..it really seems and sounds that a bigger box tuned lower does sound waay better than any other one tuned higher than 36

  21. nothing better than to hear the sound os a 2-stroke bike..even if it is a stupid scooter..

  22. drained 6liters of chocolatre milk and a kilo of toblerone crap....my stomach is not feeling verry well..neither am i

  23. so i installed the new GZ sub...it does sound good and it gets loud...but the old nuclear slammed the low lows like a champ...this one sounds like it cuts after 30hz or down..

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Skullz


      You have a new sub that has yet to break in and your comparing an old broken in sub to one that is new. lol

    3. gally


      box is tuned to 36...and it just feels odd

    4. deathcards


      loose spiders to new spiders give it a week or 2 then listen to a set of headphones you love for a couple minutes then go out and listen if you don't like it then i would rebuild the box

  24. need to change some things...also have 2 12s at home...thinking to use them and get rid of the 15˝one..as for the 15˝one the recone costs 400€...OR buy me another 15 incher and got me cheaper recones....

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. gally


      the plutonium series recone is nearly 500€ which is crazily amazing...a recone for a Fi BL 15 is nearly 250€ over here

  25. it gets on my nerves that i have to repair an old car (not the newish one), but every damn part i need i need either order it froma France or ebay..and waiting nearla 3-4weeks is a pain in the ass..i just want to get it to drive so i can enjoy this thing..it is a veery confy car tho

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. OrionStang
    3. Jessica


      i had a car where everything was a dealer pat and discontinued, all the used parts available were crap lol

    4. notorious97200


      What car is it ?

      I'm in a French island, and must wait 2-3 weeks for any item ordered ! Unless I use Fedex : 2-3 days, but much more expensive !

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