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Status Updates posted by scooter99

  1. Damn the last few days have been fun. Wish I could get paid for working on my car! LOL. One more week of vacation then start the new job. No vacay till June after that.

  2. Got lots of work done on the enclosure. I might have been able to finish today had yesterday not imploded on me! Happy about progress though!!

  3. Could some of the experienced 4th order guys take a look at my design. I'm planning on building next week but I need to decide if it's going to be this 4th or a regular ported sealed off. Thanks guys!!! http://www.stevemeadedesigns.com/board/topic/179876-4th-order-help-or-confirmation-want-to-get-building-next-week/

  4. Well it's official. I now work for the State of California. New job, new beginning, life changes. Very excited to start this. Not excited about the money, but it's a step in the right direction. Journey begins Jan. 2, 2014. Starting on December 16th, however, I'm off work, PAID, until then! Gotta get some shit built!!! I should be playing by the 1st of the year!! WOOT!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. scooter99


      Oh I'm positive. You're both right. I could have no job. It's way better for the long run. Retirement, unless it's gone by the time I retire, will be great!

    3. Kyblack76


      lol, knowing california, .. yeah,.. .lol...

  5. EFFFFF YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHH SUCCESS!!!!!!!! Scooter-1, battery racks-0

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. ToNasty


      Why not? I'll be inspecting this "work" at autorama so have it right

    3. scooter99
    4. WastedTalent


      No no no. Technical gets Battery Racks - 2, Scooter - 1.

      Why? Because 2 versions of racks failed. So, yeah. Technicalities right there for ya scoot. now bring back the minion pic...

  6. Sometimes you just wanna give up. You try and try and fight and fight and one little set back can completely derail you. Sometimes you just wanna say ok, life i give, nature just do your thang! I know the battle and the road ahead, and while I have the desire to fight it, I damn sure don't have the energy! Sometimes life can just SUCK IT!!

    1. n8ball2013


      This is why my truck istill isnt done. One thing pisses me off and then it sits. Then life catches up and well. It sits more.

    2. tdsa23


      I know this feeling oh to well.


    1. Omega5002


      For me, it's not enough money lol

    2. scooter99


      Of course there's that too.

    3. Keith77


      Yes its the money part that keeps my ideas in my head LOL

  8. I need help folks. My 2 year old French Bulldog got into some Scotts Turf Builder fertilizer I had left down by accident. He's a slight yellow hue now. But really though, do I have anything to worry about here? I don't know if he ate any or just rooted in it. He's acting normal so far, no drooling, vomiting, or diarrhea. Anyone with experience in this type of situation?!?!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Soccerballzs
    3. scooter99


      Ok guys. I called Scotts and they have their own safety department open 24 hours a day. She said, I gave her all upc codes, epa codes, etc off the bag, that it's an herbicide and that there are no toxic chemicals in it for pets. So keep watching and the most that would happen should be vomiting or diarrhea. Whew!!

    4. Soccerballzs


      Hope everything comes out good!!!

  9. Got some work done today. Check it out guys. Hoping for a very productive weekend.

  10. Build log is finally back up and running. Life got in the way for a minute there. Took care of business and now it's time to get to building! Autorama here we come!

  11. Been a crazy month. Hope to get back to working on the car next week.

  12. Someone showed me this and it made me laugh, thought I'd share:

  13. Shit it irritates me when people who have credentials think that with those it gives them the right to be arrogant and shitty to other people. Fuck em, fuck em all!

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Kyblack76
    3. ROLEXrifleman


      Authority, or perception of, is a hell of a drug! not everyone can handle it, which is sad. Little man syndrome. In my profession I always say it's the guys that got shoved in lockers back in high school.

    4. Amart88


      lol reminds me of the cop scene on Harlond and Kumar white castle.

  14. And the winner of the greatest post this century, goes to Purplehaze! Magnificent my friend! That shat was epic to say the least! I'm going to frame the screenshot I took and put a gold star on it, then hang it in my shop for inspiration! You are the truth telling man!! Thanks for making my Friday morning!

  15. SOoooooooooo damn much win and entertainment in the last 24 hours!

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Krakin


      Ministry of Truth, Rolex?

      Been off but from snippits I've seen that's what I've thought of.

    3. scooter99


      Sorry guys, too many links to post. Half have been deleted too. It's just everywhere you look really. Where did you post the picture Rolex?!

    4. Chris Hammer

      Chris Hammer

      look in off topic he started a thread.

  16. Like sands through the hourglass. These, are the days of our lives! SMH!!!

  17. Too bad the question was never answered! I would like to know why? I guess I'll go google it, since I don't know what I'm talking about! LMAO Some people.....that is all!

  18. That point in your life when it's time to decide on a career change. Do I want to spent the rest of my life behind a desk, or do I want to spend it building things I love to build and do! Pen and Paper, or Saw and Nail gun! May be forced to make a decision today! Sometimes life has a pretty damn good curve ball!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. HatersGonnaHate


      Boom, boom, and boom. Do what you love. If you miss the opportunity and you're stuck behind the desk til retirement, you'll regret it.

    3. IBleedMusick


      AYE! Watch your mouth I work behind a desk now...wish I could build but the market isn't there. YOu know whatever you decide the group has your back. Just watch your butthole around Thales he's a crafty sumbish.

    4. scooter99


      Thanks guys! It's not Thales I'm worried about. I'm a 5'10 280lb white boy, I'm right up Adam's alley!!

  19. Sometimes the bitch-o-meter is turned up entirely too high on this site (not directed at mods at all)! Otherwise I love it here! That is all!

    1. WastedTalent


      Whatcha talkin bout willis? Lol jk.

  20. Finally started my build last night WOOT!!!

    1. Kyblack76


      Your work is sick...

      Hope to have you help me in a couple weeks..

  21. Site acting funky again? I suddenly have no "my content" anymore

  22. What happened to the health section? It was there yesterday, now I don't see it, what happened?

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Carbon


      Yeah I was about to update my thread as well.

    3. Miguels


      it still says protected

    4. scooter99


      My guess is they may be doing something like Emmet said. I'm guessing it's going to be a bitch for the mods to keep track of cause they don't, and neither do we for that matter, want anyone in there talking shit! We'll see what happens.

  23. Where does one find pricing on American Bass Products?

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. pa-pa-platypus


      the vfl is their "top dog" sub but i have personally liked the xfl for price point and flexibility in enclosures.. and they were 15's mrd5 in a 01 jeep grand cherokee

    3. pa-pa-platypus


      the vfl is their "top dog" sub but i have personally liked the xfl for price point and flexibility in enclosures.. and they were 15's mrd5 in a 01 jeep grand cherokee

    4. Bigsix


      I ran 4 of their "XD" 12s, 2 of their xfl 12.... overall, especially for the price points, I like their products. Been considering doing an all AB build next time I feel froggy, plus they are a local business for me, so I like to support them.

  24. I'm so sick of you EFFERS saying Notre Dame didn't belong in the game last night.  There's a big difference between belonging in a game and not showing up for a game.  They didn't show up, that's what happened.  But to say they didn't belong is just BS.  How can you possibly argue that teams with losses belonged in over a team that was undefeated!?!  Your argument is invalid!  They belonged there, they earned it, they just forgot to...

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. scooter99


      That's crap.  Every team "doesn't show up" at one point or another.  It's sports, it's what happens.  Should they have won, no probably not, I don't think anyone can beat Bama right now.  But they miss so many tackles they didn't int he regular season, their secondary was slow, their line was slow.  None of that was seen in the regular season.

    3. sayhuh?


      But at the same time, they NEEDED this to prove they belonged. Nature of the game. Could they have beat Bama..I think possibly. Bama's line is HUGE, but they are beatable. Honestly, there were a few teams who deserved to be there more..T A&M being one IMO, but this is why College is so f'ed up. The whole system is whacky.

    4. CJ18


      They didnt belong for the same reason that Boise State didnt belong the years that they went 13-0. Norte Dame strength of schedule was terrible. If you want to prove that you belong, schedule some SEC teams. Go win on the road at Florida, LSU, or Georgia and I will believe that they should have been there. If Ohio State would have been eligible, I think it would have been Bama and OSU, and not Notre Dame.

      One thing that pisses me off is that they do not have a conference. If Alab...

  25. Anyone else feel like the site is lagging?  I'm seeing it on 3 computers and a tablet all lagging.  Just curious!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. SnowDrifter
    3. Lbox88


      Been getting worse over the past few weeks, might be related to the server upgrades?

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