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Status Updates posted by Kyblack76

  1. well... shit..... .... this aint going to bad... , hold for wind outta sails..

  2. Half my amps in today....... Gonna crawl back in to this. .

  3. Metz extreme van, is actually making people pass out. .... God damn.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Raptorman


      It was on 4 of 6 amps this weekend.

    3. khinds94


      any links to build?

    4. magillaru


      Most likely due to a vasovagal response

  4. Robola posts,.... i break out the lotion.....

  5. some one get me a SEMA pass please......... My big boys, are not coming through... :(

  6. There is a LOUD ass van, in our mist ...

  7. 160 on music for sale again. ..... DF's Tahoe.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Keith77


      What hoe is this? Links to it anywhere?

    3. Kyblack76


      my boy Randen in there on this one....

    4. Keith77
  8. well,... i pulled the trigger,.. again.... and i feel way warm and fuzzy....

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. TRTC360


      need power to play? close to 30k isn't enough power lol?

    3. OrionStang


      Not if you're worried about a tenth here and there.

    4. hdorre


      Lol.. Yea, that's what I meant...

  9. Hey PAPA Jacob, grats on the state domination. :) Well done bro...

    1. pa-pa-platypus


      thanks bruh! now to get ready for finals in nashville

  10. SOooooo sundown FINALLY launched a 12v capped amp? ok then.. ill take 4

  11. Never forget. Head and heart go to those lost that day. America will endure .....

    1. jdshott
    2. hispls


      13 years later and the borders are still WIDE open.... if we're really "at war" or otherwise worried about foreign nationals attacking us at home we have a funny way of showing it.

    3. Nick580


      If foriegn nationals attack me ill show them this funny Mac-10 i got. But lets remember this day and all the families affected by it.

  12. why.. why did i not just stay doing my own thing....... christ

  13. A good job: Stories of the FDNY - god damn. And dig Steve Buscemi. Didnt know he was a Fireman....

  14. Hey all.. i jumped off a 2 story building.. to save no one....

    1. MarioB
    2. dog24fret


      I say a good old redneck butt whooppen if ya ever did that at our age lol

  15. what is cooler that burning up 4 300amp fuses??????? BEING ABLE TO burn up 4 300amp fuses :)

  16. gonna be a long ass day......

    1. Ninja_v1.0


      fuck this day already

    2. Wood


      Man at least I aint the only one smh

  17. New Future album gets it...... Highly suggest the track T-Shirt. Dload it, and let your gear eat. Your welcome.

  18. Steve? Is the HOOPTY running again?????? VIDs.. VIDs NOW SIR !!!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. goodvibez


      I second vids!!!! Glad its getting some attention

    3. Karkov


      I am with everyone else.

  19. NA NEW NA NEW .... RIP you hairy bastard..

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kyblack76


      lol........ as per.. they know shit...

    3. audiolamb6


      its the only way to remember him

    4. Jessica


      Jonathan winters would be proud kyle

  20. Steve? I PM'd you at WCCARAUDIO regaruding a TM1 like you asked on FB. Did you see that? My work web nanny may be dicking me....... Im CRAZY interested when you have time. As always, thanks again for everything.

  21. Anyone look at the post/thread date anymore !?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Jessica


      aint nobody got time for that!

    3. jdshott


      If they did you wouldn't be posting LOL !!

  22. Help? Updating the AMM1 .. anyone help me here?

    1. meade916


      your AMM-1 needs an update? contact tony or juan at D'amore they will take care of you fast!

    2. Kyblack76


      Thanks mate.... Spoke with the man last night... ill ship it today...

    3. ROLEXrifleman


      what version are you on? I haven't used mine in a while and thnkin of sending it in. were you having a problem with it?

  23. Did a hair trick. Wait, i got some hair to move..... wait... no, i moved a hair....

    1. dog24fret


      lol. Grow a beard and ya will have plenty of hair to move lol

  24. Review of the new RF T4 comp set in this months PasMag (along with Rustys van, and Bowmans brown note) ... has anyone heard or got their hands on the T4 set ????

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Jessica


      I have my sources, cant reveal them

    3. goodvibez


      I thought RF only used woofers on their subs?

    4. Kyblack76


      ohhhh this guy...^^

  25. Congrats Cleveland .... ...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Keith77


      Used to be a fan of his. Im not big on jumping around from team to team. Be loyal

    3. WastedTalent


      He went to Heat to get rings. He got them since owner/gm wouldn't get him help. Look at his years in Cleveland. Who was his help? An old Jamison? Cavs didn't go to the finals...James went to the finals and brought the Cavs with him. Now he's more-so focused on being a mentor. Wants rings I'm sure but look at the team now. Young. With talent. He wants to help em out. Can't hate him for that. And with him joining, Cavs went from like last place to damn near #1 seed.

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