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Status Updates posted by boom50cal

  1. Entire can of great stuff later....and I'm sealed off from the trunk now. woot

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Wood


      Make sure you have it right for heatwave haha... im about to check it now!!

    3. n8ball2013
    4. boom50cal


      too small of gaps for trim panels. It's gonna get wrapped in carpet to that matches the trunk so it'll looks okay. If all else fails then it'll be furred...wanting to stay away from fur though...

  2. Even though I'm nearly 2 weeks late on my alt, Mike's CS is still amazing me. Emailed him 10 minutes ago, got a response back 6 minutes after I sent it. After hours, Mike is still the man. On a second note, I REALLY need that alt lolol.

    1. Wood


      Been having my singer for over a year and haven't installed it yet LOL time will fly by hahaha

    2. boom50cal


      I saw your cool ass Singer keychain thing! I want one!

    3. Wood


      I'm sure he'll include it in your shipment! and some decals of course haha :D

  3. every time I make a skyhigh order I leave a little message in the notes on my order. "love you jon rabe" or "skyhigh car audio is my love"

  4. Everytime I hear "white girl" there's a smile on my face wider than Kim K's ass...

  5. F-250 got so muddy on Friday, the driver's side door was stuck shut...from dried up mud. A solid inch and a half thick. Big block powaaa

  6. Fi needs t-shirts and hoodies. I want a white v-neck with a big ass Fi logo on the back!

    1. REVOofRustler
    2. boom50cal


      Hell yeah! I got a DC lanyard already but that's just cause they were on sale...

  7. figure I might as well use this nice weather to work on the pickup for a bit. Got power in the cabin, almost ready to have mids/highs playing

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. boom50cal


      only had those comps from you for like 9 months or more now

    3. ToNasty


      Has to be over a year now

    4. boom50cal


      and neither of our builds are done

  8. Figured out the more you plan for something, the more you get upset when it doesn't work. But when you throw shit together and it works great, you have such a great feeling. Moral of the story: can't be a pussy and a pipeliner, get shit done!

  9. finally getting a paycheck coming in means I can fix the shit on my truck that I've been putting off for the last 6 months

    1. Broke_Audio_Addict


      Let me hold a dollar.

    2. boom50cal


      i got 93 cents to spare

      will that buy a 1/0 lug?

    3. Broke_Audio_Addict


      Not one that's worth a shit lol.

  10. Finally raining.. Finally.

  11. finally tested my oldschool Zapco out today. little thing is a monster even with 8 ohm mids.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Kyblack76


      bad ass dude.... maybe just keep it ?!?!

    3. Rich Schenk

      Rich Schenk

      Love zapco they have some kickass amps

    4. boom50cal


      looking like I might have to. Fitting it and the Sundown 2k where they have to go is proving a challenge, couldnt fit much more there. We'll see how I like it with the passive crossovers for now, atleast until December

  12. first big boy sub. Tantric HD 15... fucker is stout. Has skyhigh 8ga direct leads, and a nice shiny Ti basket.

    1. SlamminBeats
    2. Swordlordboy1234


      worthless with out pics sir. :)

    3. bass_stalker


      nice choice, I'm lucky lthey are only like an hour away from me


  13. First day of my senior year of HS. I go for 1 class. Fuck. Yeah.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Krakin


      He looks like the guy in his pic though. :peepwall:

  14. First show for my car is 5 days away and my alt isn't here yet. Officially freaking the FUCK out.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. evermaxx


      when you gonna be there?

    3. boom50cal


      All day Saturday. Driving down Friday, staying the night, leaving saturday about 5

    4. WastedTalent


      Sir, with all due respect, if leaving about 5, that leaves you 7 hours short of all day. ;) Lol. just giving you shit.

  15. first time a boss has thanked me for doing a good job in the past 3 years. feels pretty great

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Hotdog


      Did you hit your head on the desk when you got out from under there.

    3. boom50cal


      hit my head on the steering wheel over bumps. dump trucks got a bench seat

    4. mcfalcon


      Nice I do a good job and get a bigger workload.

  16. First time I've worked before 11 am in over 2 months. Wow getting up early is ruff on me!

    1. Chris Hammer

      Chris Hammer

      you and my gf must be related, girl can sleep from 10pm to 1pm.

    2. OrionStang


      Don't know how people can sleep in teh daytime. Even on my days off, im usually up at 6-7.

  17. First two days as an electricians helper have kicked ass. Satisfying as fuck to wire a bunch of shit on, then flip a switch to see a lightbulb come on lol.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Jhunt94


      It's fun as heck sometimes, been doing it for almost five years, but it can suck ass sometimes. Especially when doing industrial work.

    3. Jessica


      3 phase is amazing though

    4. Ahmed Johnson

      Ahmed Johnson

      just had a little taste of it when one of the buildings I work on lost a phase. lights dimming like it was possessed by a ghost.

  18. Fix my fender, get a new bumper and valance, then some skyhigh 1/0 for my truck. Can't wait for my tax return to come in!

  19. fixed the shitbox 6.0l PowerStroke and got the hood on the honda open. Guess some progress on the CRX will be made this week.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. boom50cal


      ain't seen no 6.7 for $1800 lol

    3. Broke_Audio_Addict


      Hey at least the supreme court said it's ok for powerstroke owners to get married now, congrats.

    4. Keith77
  20. Ford, my my your 300 I6 is still a little reliable monster to this day. 17 years, and 253,000 miles later, you still keep my Dad's truck running like a charm.

  21. forgot how sorta enjoyable woodworking is.

    1. Kyblack76


      come work my wood ?

    2. boom50cal


      i'll work your wood all day long master kyle

    3. BigManAC


      Same with doing anything with your hands. Feels like you accomplished something.

  22. From the trunk, sealed forward with port forward...or through rear deck....the decisions...

    1. Nick580


      whats this goin in?

    2. boom50cal
    3. tdsa23


      Sealed forward port forward

  23. front stage is going to play tomorrow. almost had the truck a whole year now.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Kyblack76
    3. boom50cal


      got too dark by the time we finished everything up. dad started to help(aka distributing beers) so progress was slowed. It's the loudest front stage I've had. have a hissing from a tweeter I need to figure out though

  24. Fucking paypal being goof... god dammit

    1. hershy314


      paypal is always like that with me

  25. Funeral Director, Mortician... thinking the electrical field might not be the career for me.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. boom50cal


      I'm gonna have to have a talk with our Mortician neighbor, dude is a mortician and is half owner of a gun store. Coincidence? Prepares for the zombie apocolypse

    3. Ahmed Johnson

      Ahmed Johnson

      I worked as a janitor at the morgue 12 years ago. Fuck that, first couple days in I walk in to a room with a body that started twitching.

    4. Ahmed Johnson

      Ahmed Johnson

      I quit that same day. Smoked about 8 swishers and tried to suppress the memory.

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