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Status Updates posted by gally

  1. ok here are the picks...GZNW 15X, or Fi Audio BL, or something else...

    1. gally


      there is also a GZPW 15XQ option but im leaning towards the 15X...the XQ has 4inch voicecoil tho

    2. Chris Hammer

      Chris Hammer

      XQ... Looks a lot like those B2 subs too.

    3. gally


      yeah but you need some power to push them properly...

      also like the 15X and xq because they have alluminium cone, and voicecoil..so also when playing lows...they sound a little deeper than the paper one..

  2. gonna make a box and tune it to 40HZ so i can pump some dubstep and stuff... yet again im gonna run at 0,5...cause you love the half

    1. OrionStang
    2. deathcards


      don't forget to do a 20 hz burp that sound from hitting the backplate is sick

    3. dangaranga


      but but but............. I want all the deebeez. gotta be tuned to 55hz bruh

  3. got me a deal on Xbox ONE for 240€, but still going to build me a proper pc

  4. playing destiny for the past 3 hours...been crashing every 15 minutes of gameplay....fuck bungie servers..

    1. gally


      i finished all BF4....got all the achievements, so it was time to move on

    2. SlamminBeats


      LOL achievements... i remember hacking those back in the day. was #125th in the world...what a joke

  5. octne numbers...so we have the standard of 92, 95, 98 and a 100 octane gass choice...but somewhere you can get even a 110 octane gas? i know i usually take the 100octane which is like 3 cent of an euro higher than of a price of 95 one...but the motor also seems to wokr smoother

    1. Tarball


      yeah, in the stats 92ish is called premium and it goes down from there. SOme places have higher rating but its stupid pricey.

    2. Broke_Audio_Addict


      Premium at bp is 93 and Sunoco has 94.

      The states also rate the fuel differently,

      the same fuel for you guys has an average rating of 6 to 8 points higher than what it would be rated here so 92 here would likely be 98 or 100 for you.

    3. Katt


      We've only got 87 89 and 92/93. And 100, a few miles out of town, thats expensive. Wish we had higher octane here lol. My car would love it.

  6. so i was cleaning my quad the other day and charged the battery..today i get the battery in and guess what it reads..8.4V so i got me a AGM type of a motorcycle battery..charging now and will see how goes tomorrow..also thinking of removing the decals so the bike should be all black..except for chrome rims..

    1. gally


      also changed the throtle from the regular thumb throtle to twist throtle..

    2. mcfalcon


      What do you have?

    3. gally


      a chinese quad, got it in a package so i got it up in shape and working..had it for 2 years but the stickers that came on the plastics are letting off..

      its an EGL Mad Max 250...

  7. how do you get to tune an aero port which is outside the box and not inside of it?

    1. OrionStang


      The only difference is you don't subtract the space the port takes up from the box volume.

    2. Miguels


      in the torres calculator you put the length of the port on the outside option

    3. Miguels


      external port length

  8. was going back from the shopping mall to the parking lot and some fuck assaulted me with a knife..got some cuts and was robbed by 140€uros..fuck that shit..thank god he did not get the car keys or any credit cards....also got home like an hour ago ang got me some stiches but it wasnt anything serious(they said)

    1. ToNasty


      Seriously why does so much shit happen to you

    2. Mr Bigolsworth

      Mr Bigolsworth

      thats why i carry a gun. euro is a lil diff tho i know. sucks man. at least it want anything major.

    3. gally


      i got a shitty life i guess..when sometimes it gets better then another shitty thing hits the fan..fuckin hate this year..

  9. have some back pain the last 2 days..hurts like bitch..thinking to smoke something

    1. Ahmed Johnson

      Ahmed Johnson

      Couple bowls will take care of that, lol

    2. Broke_Audio_Addict
    3. Ahmed Johnson

      Ahmed Johnson

      If it's about 6 inches away from yo ass, you shit out of luck, lol.

  10. anyone even heard of Atomic woofers?

    1. tdsa23


      Yes but not sure if they are still good

    2. 97Jetta1637


      Team atomic andrew. Lolololololol

    3. Azagtoth502
  11. So me and my dad went cruising with the old XM and while we were at the red light my dad says loudly ˝mother fucker˝as i ask him what was the meaning of it he just says look at this..after i looked better there was an F12 just sitting next to us..also waiting..so my dad rolled the window down and asks the guy for a rev up..so he revs a couple of times..its like a heaven to ears..then he looked like he switched to another ˝mode˝ and the car just get louder at idle..much lou...

    1. gally


      Much loiuder...then my dad looks at me with that serious face and tells me ˝fuck a bmw z4 or whatever you want..get one of those˝.. yeah right like i could afford a car like that

    2. ToNasty
    3. gally


      never seen a car like this up close..the car itself is a beauty..

  12. i want PS4

    1. Keith77
    2. Keith77
    3. gally


      i wanted a Xbox one at first...but except for halo ps4 has many more damn good looking games...

  13. ok its settled...2 12s..or 1 fifteen?..the 15 wouold be wither the GZRW 38SPL OR the DD 9515(either i or J series)

  14. do the DD 9515 play lows? asking because many people talk about how it is a bad side for not playing lows because is a more of a SPL oriented sub?

  15. i might end up selling all my audio equipement except for my DEH 8400BT because its such a good HU...also my curent car might go to my mum becaus eshe drives an old peugeot and dont want another car except for what i am driving..might buy me a diesel something german or french

  16. gettin 2 12s for now maybe 4 12 in future....done wit hthe 15s...recones are so pricey...

    1. gally
    2. OrionStang


      Stop blowing them 15s, then.

    3. Kyblack76


      never reconed a sub in my entire audio life. ... :shrugs:

  17. had a accident when entering in my car....got slipped in my center console with my head...radio became loose...verry loose

    1. gally
    2. Jessica


      you may need to see a doctor, you may have suffered drain bamage.

    3. gally


      nothing to severe....but...the radio is moving....

  18. So today i came to work with my new motorcycle and a couple of coworkers told me to get serious and to step off the bike...they also told me to buy me a Piaggio MP3 scooter...guess not many people loves the raptor 350

    1. Miguels
    2. gally
    3. Miguels


      are they legal to ride on city streets? when you said motorcycle i though you meant a 2 wheel bike..

  19. Fuck it..im getting me either a 3 door or a SW

    1. boom50cal


      station wagon? Wagon's are the bees knees. Love them now, like the new V60 T6 AWD!

    2. RCP Audio

      RCP Audio

      heck yeah! my old man just picked up a xf sportbrake. that thing is mint!

    3. gally


      i hear that they are good for bass, and have plenty of space...

  20. so some cop stopped me today and told me that i can not have the subwoofer in my car cause it can cause an explosion if playing too loud, and that i can haz a ear ropture...i was like...yeah ok...and then he commented about hearing problems for the next tne minutes..after that he just let me go....weird guy..also reconing for 400€ or just get some other thing???

    1. Broke_Audio_Addict


      You should probably just lock yourself indoors because it seems like every time you go out something dumb happens.



      lol. Sounds more like he was bored and just wanted someone to talk too

    3. Ahmed Johnson

      Ahmed Johnson

      I got stopped yesterday and I think the cop wanted me to give him a demo.

  21. build a new boxx...found out that gets LOOW somehow to about 25hz...sounds awesome...and up to 36...other than that....love it

    1. Kyblack76


      shrink vol or open the vent

    2. gally


      how??i just want to leave it like that...its a slot port..and the sub is inverted..

    3. gally


      oh yeah also the box was downsized by around 20 liters which made it sound better

  22. Got me 2 12s from a radioactive series,.played fine with the old dd m1b.,today i got me the ground zero plutonium 4k amp..wired the same as before to 1 ohm..the sound is brutal compated from before,.

    1. gally



      Also changed the HU to a alpine ute 72bt..not the best but performs really well for now..nox is tuned to 40hz

    2. BoomZoom808
    3. gally


      Not yetas i need to set a youtube account or something..

  23. anyone ha ve a DD-1 in italy or Slovenia?

    1. Kyblack76


      I'll send you mine. Tell me how, and I'll send mine.

    2. Karkov
    3. CNF Kevosinn

      CNF Kevosinn

      thats the type of person Kyle is....

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