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Status Updates posted by gally

  1. found a nice car for me..but it is a sedan version so its a no go cause then i would need to fold the seats all the time..so next either a hatch or a wagon

    1. Miguels


      Stop being a pussy and port the deck.. If you like the car then get it and make it work

    2. OrionStang
    3. Broke_Audio_Addict
  2. so chosing bettween an Xbox 1 or a PS4..not a pc gamer tho..intrested in Xbox but with the option for playing X360 games on the 1 i dont see much of a difference from the curent X360 except for some X1 only games..

    1. tdsa23


      PS4 is overall a better console and has more ppl online.

    2. Jake Miles Mckeehan

      Jake Miles Mckeehan

      i will agree with tdsa23, i have the X1 and well...not much of a fan, same shit as the 360 just less games and more bullshit on the dash.

    3. gally


      oh ok..then..i curently own a X360 but im intrested in PS4 as i owned the first two of it

      also it has more games i think and more intresting ones..except for Halo 5 on X1 i would try the last of us, or some other ones..

  3. so i was ridin on a highway today and there is an asshole who goes by me slow as shit..and guess what..he throws a can of not so empty beer and hitted me straight o nmy steering wheel..next i called the cops on these guys cause i raged the fuck out, and after a while he stopped at a gas station..so i picked up the can and asked him a few questions..and threw the can back at him..fuck stupid assholes like this shit

    1. gally


      oh yeah..the beer went in every damn place in my car..so i got to clean it up pretty good..and it still smells of beer

    2. Miguels


      you went driving not riding.. i thought you was on a bike and got hit

    3. Azagtoth502


      I'da put em in the wall comin outta turn 3 :spits:

  4. quick question...can you put a turbo on a non turboed car?? other than that..my dad has a Cruze 2,0VCDI 140HP..the turbo got broke after 74000 kilometers and the service he went did not had the turbo..so he got a different one i belive its callded a ˝Garret˝ turbo, its slightly bigger than the original one but it feels like the power went up..driving it is now more,,how should i put it..nicer? it picks up the speed much, much faster than before..

    1. _paralyzed_


      Yes, but with increased air intake from the turbo you also need more fuel, and often need to retard the timing. You can't just slap a turbo on. You'll also need bigger exhaust. It all works together.

    2. Broke_Audio_Addict


      And that doesn't mean the internals will survive it.

      But sure you can put one on anything if you have the money.

    3. Phaeton


      yes you can put a turbo on a non turbo car, like paralyzed and broke said. But you also should know your compression ratio, usually you have to build a motor up if its over 10:1.

  5. how much is a recone for a sundown x 15?

    1. audiofanaticz


      look in the sundown section they have a post for recone prices.

    2. gally
  6. oh 1 question....do anybody make an HO alternator for a 1.2 liter car??

    1. BeatBox


      if they dont have one in stock, they can always build you something that works. call dc power or mechman

    2. Autruche


      Or Singer alternators.

  7. ive tried out the 8400BT and the 178BT....the 178 sounds louder in every aspect, but the 8400BT sounds clearer and not as loud...also it does not clip at full volume at all...what now?

    1. biscuitownz


      8400bt with an amp duh

    2. gally


      im leaning toward the alpine but dont want to ose the simlicity of a pioneer..just love the pioneer..

  8. so the with the ports on the outside i get like 46hz of tuning..but it does not sound right..sort of it plays bettween 36-50 but when i get to about 50/62 ov the volume it starts to stink really bad from the sub..tried the other box works fine in full tilt.other box is tuned to 30hz tho..in this one something like a techno or dance songs sound fine but its not loud at all compared to before..i will need to play with teh portws..also would inverting the sub help?

  9. about my previous comment on status update..i was not having music loudly.. but this fella had his radio near to the max..and he was fuckin yelling that he needs to listen to politics and to shut my stupid music off..so i turn it up..what? should i listen to his politics too? he told me to go fux my self because i dont listen to news and stuff.. and that politics matter..fuck politics..

    1. gally


      to have a bitchin guy who yells at you, humiliate you and talk to you like trash is nice?should i shut my radio off so i could listen to his crap? i was having my windows closed and he was having all 4 of em open..so? should i shut off my radio next?

    2. Broke_Audio_Addict


      No, you should throw a full cup of coffee through his open window.

  10. bought a new sub yesterday...its a GZNW 15SPL--D1 of course...

    1. gally


      love the beast so far

    2. HatersGonnaHate


      That things a beast!

  11. so today a friend came by and he let me drove his zastava 750..kind of mixed feelings about it..its soo small and sort of a nice riding car..and there is not much space either..

    1. ToNasty
    2. gally


      he went off with barbie i guess...

  12. ok..was looking at some subs and some have that alluminium cone..what it bennefits having an alluminium cone?

  13. sooo...its been a long ass time since i was here..whats new?

    1. _paralyzed_


      Some people have become accepting of bola.

      It's unnerving.

    2. Jessica


      its downright shameful

  14. Want to ask/know something...COOPER coils on a subwoofer...?? are they good or bad? what is the differnece from the Round wire??

    1. audiofanaticz


      round wire coils can be copper or aluminum. typically when the coils are flat wire they are almost always copper. Copper coils result in a heavier moving mass due to the weight, along with usually better sound reproduction, higher bl, etc. But copper coils dont take power as good as aluminum coil, but they still take a great amount of power, so not really a con imo.

    2. gally



      was looking in the Ground Zero Radioactive 30XSP LD1 subs which are the newish series and they all have these cooper coils..

      previous series were having the round wire VC(however they were rated to take less power)

  15. I like how less my current car consumes from the car before(about 4 litre less on 100km), other than that its comfortable, BUT i hate all the things i need to do with it,,,to get it sound so nice and clear like the car before..anyway...its a new challenge yes?

    1. tonino1991@hotmail.com

      [email protected]

      what car you had before? and now?

    2. gally


      well..its a corsa...before and now...only this one is newer

  16. ok, so today after 2PM i went with my kfx450 for a ride in a nearby woods..as i know a trail pretty well a friend came with me riding..was riding behind him as suddenly he stops and turns back at full throttle..so i stopped and look, what was that..something big was there just standing..then i saw 2 Bear cubs..so i went with full throttle back where we came from..shit scared me like no thing before..a bear? fuck that..

    1. littlebuck1919


      good thing, never go near cubs, mama is nearby all the time

    2. aculous


      Ran into a black bear back east...scared the shit out of me. Mostly because I was dead tired and on foot backpacking. I always carry when I am backpacking now just in case.

  17. OK So ive been looking for a recone for the GZ subwoofer...and over here its over 400€, meanwhile in italy which is 2hour ride from me its only..i mean ONLY 160€...nasty...

    1. Kyblack76


      go get it dude..... give you a killer "in"

    2. gally


      thing is...currently i cant...need to wait for a month or two..

  18. Sony CDX GT740UI OR Alpine CDA 9886R OR Pioneer 8400BT????..........looking in bettween the three but do not know which one to chose...

    1. gally


      i know but im choosing in bettween of those three...im leanin more for Sony but i dont know about pioneer

  19. ever heard of Dragster DWZ subs??

    1. ToNasty


      think its an italian brand

    2. Ahmed Johnson

      Ahmed Johnson

      Sounds like something Goku is looking for.

  20. so my box has a 10cm wide port hole..so could i just shrink the port hole from 10 to like 6cm?

    1. MrSkippyJ


      need some other info sir! what subs, box size, and amp power.

    2. rockFord_Expedition
  21. so ive been looking for my dog and it was nowhere to be found..then some neibourgh asshole cut the fence and the dog fled out to his proprety..after talking to him this bitch took the dog to the dog shelter himself..so i hit up the police and got me the dog home..then this bitch came knocking at the front door asking me to pay my own fence? hell no..

    1. Miguels


      so your dog went missing first, then your neighbor cut your fence so your dog goes to his property? wouldnt it be that your neighbor cut your fence, dog went missing and you couldn't find it?

    2. jcarter1885
  22. how does 2subs up 2 facing back and slot port facing up?

  23. did a new box for my GZNW 15SPL, tuned at 34hz...plays lows pretty decent but get violent on higher notes...

    1. Kyblack76


      Tuned at 36 and i smash 26to36

    2. gally


      me it gets from 28-48

  24. went to my grandma today and when climbin the stairs i noticed 4 large stains which looked like blood..came up to her and asked if she was injured cause there was blood on the stairs..she then told me it was the tomato juice, which it looked like she spilled some of it on the stairs..damn...that gave me a serious scare

    1. OrionStang


      That would be anxious moment.

    2. notorious97200
  25. going to try and build me a gaming pc so i can join you guys here on SMD and play with you..also..build is going to be slow..

    1. LoweredA34


      If you want any help with parts and such tell me your total budget and I'll get you setup with something nice on pcpartpicker.

    2. gally


      got me some sweet parts already on the list..

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