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Status Updates posted by ProMaxx316

  1. Harold Hamm offers $975 million divorce check; ex-wife rejects it

  2. you win this time tequila. but the next time we battle, I will be ready.

  3. pacquiao vs mayweather fight. It better happen. It needs to happen.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. thefourth


      God I hope it happens.

    3. Broke_Audio_Addict


      I don't think Mayweather is going to take the fight, he can can fight anyone he wants so why take the chance of a possible loss.

    4. Ahmed Johnson

      Ahmed Johnson

      I think the only dude who can beat Mayweather is Amir Khan. I'm not saying he would but that dude can actually box. He is a bad style for mayweather.

  4. Pre-Order the S4 or wait it out??????

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. HatersGonnaHate


      Wasted, get rid of that flip phone! LOL. Looking like Zack Morris and shit haha

    3. WastedTalent


      No, Zack had the brick. C'mon now. Mine's just a tad better than that. Look up the Samsung Gusto and mine's very similar. So figure wait til the 27th when Sprint is releasing theirs and hopefully I'll find a store with one in stock. This pos phone can last until then

    4. IBleedMusick


      I mean anything on the market right now is going to touch this phone. The S4 is basically this phone.

  5. *me talking to customer* Sir your car is in good shape, You just need one brake light bulb. *Customer* nah i'll do that later. *Me* You sure? We can do it now. It's only a few bucks. *him* nope. Cutomer comes back 30 minutes later. Holding his warning ticket for no stop light bulb.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Rich Schenk

      Rich Schenk

      what an idiot. being a cheap ass really saved him money

    3. SnowDrifter


      Had one guy come in earlier this year. Sounded like a bearing was getting ready to eat itself. Tracked it down to the water pump, guy declined the service. Guess who showed up on a tow tuck later that day

    4. Call Me Dubstep

      Call Me Dubstep

      Snow, did you charge him the " I told you so" price? lol

  6. What the shit. Dave Mirra killed himself. Sad day for the BMX crowd

  7. You dont always have to fuck her hard, in fact sometimes that's not right to do.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Tarball


      you gotta be all over the place wit that shit. Sometimes you gotta tear it up and sometimes you gotta hit it slow and deep. Sometime you just gotta eat till her leg wont stop shakin'...just saying you gotta do it all or she will fill in the gaps for you.

    3. Tarball


      with or without you

    4. Hotdog
  8. Go in to harbor freight. Just wanna buy a palm sander. walk out with 45 dollars of other shit i dont need.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. juan777


      Your dilemma resonates with me a great deal good sir.

    3. Nick580


      Now that i think of it, I need a palm sander too.

    4. Azagtoth502


      5 dollar can crusher & 2 dollar mechanics stethoscope still the neatest crap I've ever bought there.

  9. I hate when i go to give a customer a hand shake, and they give me the dead soft hands hand shake.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. ProMaxx316


      Gunnem as long as you don't start edging towards me. Then someone is gonna have a surprise.

    3. Broke_Audio_Addict


      It's also a psychological thing too.

      People judge you off your handshake and a weak handshake is a sign of a weak(not necessarily meaning physically) person.

      Unless you have some sort of medical reason give a firm handshake.

      My 5 year daughter gives a better hand shake than some grown ass men.

      I've taught her the importance of a firm handshake though.

  10. I let my sister drive the Exploder. She loves the system. But she adjusted my seats and mirrors. And no, no pics of my

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. ROLEXrifleman


      Picture of Explorer

      with sister across the hood

  11. Thank you Wastedtalent. Thats all i got to say. He'll know. Let's just say me turning my ringer off was a good choice.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. ProMaxx316


      Ohhhhhh i will find you. And yes i took the pics. I had the stuff out last night before both basses text me.

    3. Kyblack76


      whats going on here boys?

    4. WastedTalent


      Kylar, you'll have to hop on some cod to find out... Lmfao. Jk, he needed to send a pic to stalker and needed reminded because bass phailed at life. So I helped him out with the reminder ;) lol.

  12. $399.00 for the Ps4. yes please!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. LT.Smoke


      I am a PS fan and always have been BUT i must say that Xbox Illumaroom thing that project the game onto the wall is SICK as hell

    3. Baydestrian


      Yup, $100 cheaper than X1 but also note you will now be paying $50/yr to play online

    4. ProMaxx316


      the ps plus it's optional. You don't need it to play online.

  13. Just ordered some RRP gears for the T-Maxx. I keep telling myself im not gonna put much money in the RC cars, but they keep pulling me back. And i just love the smell Of Nitro fuel

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. TRTC360


      no sir I was not, and yes it's the truggy conversion, kinda pointless but was pretty awesome.

    3. TRTC360


      damn I miss my s-maxx, soon enough i'll get back into the hobby, probably not with traxxas though wanna try something different.

    4. Raptorman


      That hobby is so depressing, lol. Glad I got out of it.

  14. So apperently giving a woman oral sex gives you throat cancer.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Kyblack76


      will a rim job give you anal cancer then?

    3. IBleedMusick


      Would have to ask Adam that...he's the expert.

    4. Chris Hammer

      Chris Hammer

      Ehh I don't care, If I give it I get it back 2fold, worth it everytime in my book.

  15. I still think "Blazing Saddles" Is the best movie in the world

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Skullz


      Mel Brooks movies, FTMFW!!!!!

    3. Kyblack76


      One of the best movies ever built

    4. bluethunder


      Such a classic. I think i have seen it 100 times.

  16. I put something forsale (not on here). I put a price for thing im selling several times. The first PM i get is "yo how much for the speakers"

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Broke_Audio_Addict


      I got a broken Xbox 360 with no controllers and 2 scratched to hell games.

    3. Jessica


      i got a mostly used tube of toothpaste, 5 packets of ketchup and some vacuum lint.

  17. Had a fun trip [icking up some DC motors from hdorre . My friend who was driving almost hit a turkey, The front of truck has a discovery channel type showing of bugs. And on return trip home, my pioneer wants to give me the famous alt whine. All in all fun ride.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. ProMaxx316


      Gunnem I can fix that. Don't ask questions how. But i'll get it done

  18. R.I.P. Grandma. It's been a long battle with cancer but rest easy now. I'll Miss you . Keep my pops in check and make sure he's doing good. Love you grandma

  19. So me at work. Lady comes in holding child. nice lady talking to me. Child Grabs lady shirt and pulls down. Me see little bit of boobs. But maintain eye contact. Peripheral vision FTW

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Tecomah
    3. Karkov



    4. Ahmed Johnson

      Ahmed Johnson

      No rolex, we need to know if the BOOBS were worth the look. Lol

  20. If you dont know anything about cars. I dont think you should work at a parts place. Just saying

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. lolitskasey


      We do the same thing here at work with summer hires, We ask them to grab us a left handed spike maul. They will look for like 30 minutes come back and say they couldn't find it, so we tell them to go ask the foreman. classic

    3. Leo1103


      personal favorite is the muffler bearings

    4. Herokight


      When my dad put up cable for AT&T he'd tell new guys "Go get the sky hooks. They're in the tool shed, can't miss 'em." They'd be gone for forever.

  21. Broken front engine mount bracket FTW

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. ProMaxx316


      I know what i could send ya if the money is right. A nice 10" Fi BL that would go perfect in your car ;)

    3. WastedTalent


      Haha. Not a XS 3400? Not some RE XXX comps? Not even wire, spacers, or fuses? (my build list haha)

    4. ProMaxx316


      nah cant help you there. I do have about 135' of 12 gauge wire.

  22. White Castle at 1:30AM is not a good idea.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ProMaxx316


      It sounds like a death metal concert in my stomach.

    3. Soccerballzs


      Better then bean burritos!

    4. Ahmed Johnson

      Ahmed Johnson

      Go boo boo. It'll make you feel better.

  23. Moday. So far so good. Pandora played a good set of music with minimal ads, traffic wasn't to bad, won $75 on scratch offs. But the deli made my sandwich wrong :(. That's alright cant win them all.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ProMaxx316


      i was craving for a good Bacon egg, and cheese, with a egg cooked over easy with the yolk dripping ever gracefully on to a toasted roll. Then they give me a sausage egg and cheese scrambled with ketchup. I still ate and gave tip.

    3. 8ight


      You can deal with Pandora quality in the car?

    4. ProMaxx316


      Pandora was playing some good tracks, with not many ads killing the drive. I use to play music off USB but my headunit is good with my S3.

  24. So im eating some Oyster crackers with my coffee. I offer customer if she would like some oyster crackers. Customer replies "sorry i don't like sea food"

  25. To the person doing 40ish MPH in the passing lane on the highway this morning. Thank you for giving me the finger for driving the speed limit. I would of returned the gesture but you would not of seen me through my tints.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Hotdog
    3. Ahmed Johnson

      Ahmed Johnson

      That cop is the fucking man.

    4. Call Me Dubstep

      Call Me Dubstep

      in Pennsylvania you are only allowed to drive in the passing lane for 1 mile or 1/2 a mile.i forgot which one lol..

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