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Status Updates posted by Real96SS

  1. Clamped one of 9k's today with the Vital Power HHAMD-1 at the USACi IFO.6498w clamped at [email protected]

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. slamingsuburban


      what are you wired to

    3. Real96SS
    4. SPLadd1ct


      Just remember you arn't even making what the HHAMD-1 told you you were...AC volts x AC amps = VA, not watts

  2. Maybe parting out the Avy's system here soon. Got plans to do something different outside of car audio.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. OrionStang


      Curious to know what the new "interest" is.

    3. Kyblack76


      I know ken, ill bet speed

    4. Karkov


      I want to know the new project as well please.

  3. Will inverting subs in a 4th order lower your SPL score or change anything?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. KillaCam


      That seems like a big difference..

    3. n8ball2013


      put it on the meter only way to tell.

    4. Real96SS


      Im going to when I can find somewhere to do it because my neighbors aint too fun of it anymore LoL.Im going TL it both ways.Just didnt think it mattered since I see people running them like that all the time

  4. Whats the best alternative for externally regulating alternators? I have had 2 of the Transpro blue boxes stop working and one started smoking. Down to one now so only one alt charging the battery bank for now.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Real96SS


      The last one that went out was running 2 alts before it decided to start smoking LoL. Now im down to one which Im trying to make sure it didnt kill an alt in the process

    3. Kyblack76


      vcm ? How im gonna roll

    4. Real96SS


      Last I checked XS didn't have the parts for the VCM's yet. May have to run a MLA module for the time being

  5. Priorities people Priorities!!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. OrionStang


      Sleep, work, sleep, school, wife, school, repeat.

      No time for build :(

    3. scooter99


      Well see there, your priorities are all fucked up Ken!  Get with the program!  LMAO!  Speaking of no time to build, you going to AR in Feb?

    4. Real96SS


      I know everybody has different priorities and its easier for single people to splurge on whatever. Us with families shouldn't have a car full of top dollar gear but yet we find ourselves living paycheck to paycheck. Its okay to save to get what you want instead of trying to ball with the big dogs LoL.

  6. Stabbed my fridge to death trying to knock ice off soo it could close all the way!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Real96SS


      I have no clue what Im going to do to try and fix it.Thought about trying some JB weld or something if not then I have to fork up the money and buy a new one

    3. Q-Bert


      even if you get the puncture fixed youll need refill the compressor with coolint.

    4. 98GCLimited
  7. Fi Audio will be making people smile here soon :)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. REVOofRustler


      Is that for the "X" series of subs?

    3. tdsa23


      What new lineup?

    4. Real96SS


      I know of the X sub but all the others have been kept secret.Check out their FB page and you will see some convos about the new lineup

  8. Guess who just got orders to Las Vegas.....This guy

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Lbox88
    3. IBleedMusick


      Thats great man :drinks: Does that mean you have to ship Coco home?

    4. Real96SS


      Yep :( but not until another 2 or 3 months.I'm pulling everything out before I ship her back so it don't get broken into.

  9. Just read this on FaceBook. gave me the LoL's "Request- I am looking for a voltmeter like steve meade's VM-1. I refuse to give that ass any business or represent him in any way. I was hoping someone could point me in the direction of a voltmeter similar to his because I do like the functionality of it. Hoping someone on here may know of one :), thanks in advance!"

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Real96SS


      He's some high school kid that got banned and now he's butthurt.

    3. CNF Kevosinn

      CNF Kevosinn

      hahahaha funny I saw that and almost posted it here also

    4. purplesyrup
  10. Got my DC Power 370XP alternators in today :) Another piece of the puzzle in place

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Real96SS


      Well I placed my order on the 16th of January and got them today.Thats with the time it takes for them to send them out to get powder coated and then the build time.I think thats as fast as your going to get with this quality.They have made changes to improve CS so you may want to give them another shot.

    3. Miguels


      my brother bought his dc alt a month before i bought my mechman and his dc unit is still going. mine blew the bearing after 3 months.. got it fixed by mechman with top CS but never got around putting it back on

    4. Real96SS


      Best alts PERIOD!!! You get what you pay for. Cheaper is just that CHEAPER

  11. Ha found my video CD of my incentitive flight from a few years back in an F-16. Pulling 8.3g's like a BOSS!!! LoL

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Miguels


      video or it never happen.. but cool story bro

    3. Real96SS


      Dont worry its coming geez LoL. Its probably still going to be over 30min long in order to get all the good stuff

    4. Miguels


      we are still waiting

  12. Which XS battery would be best for bassboxing? D or XP?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. CJ18


      I would go with the D series

    3. CJ18


      You will have the instantaneous power if you want to run dbdrag and the reserve to bass box.

    4. Real96SS


      Im going to try and mainly stick to bassboxing but I know I will end up trying other formats.CJ you already know what I'm trying to power so you think 14 D3100's would suffice for boxing?

  13. Okay power upgrade question.How many alternators and what size would I need to run 2 9k's on 14 D3100's? Im looking at 3 DC Power 320SPX-i alts or 3 DC 370xp alts.I could run 4 but i wanna still kepp my stock charging system stock unless i have to change it.Thought!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Real96SS


      Hot amps at 1800 rpm is 290 on the 320 and 330 on the 370

    3. Watch the bass
    4. Real96SS


      Yes sir and more cone area :)

  14. So no more TechForce either?Holy crap the sponsors are dropping like flies round here.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. n8ball2013


      I promise to not say what Id like unless you say its ok steve

    3. Kyblack76


      never is.....

    4. Real96SS


      Yeah its the second time recently I come on here looking for a certain sponsor only to find them no longer here.I don't know what happened but it just shocked me to see them gone cause both(from what I could tell)were doing an awesome job.Could have been a business move for all I know.

  15. Anybody ever see an Avalanche with a wall in it?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Real96SS


      Well your going to see one soon :) Going for that loudest Avy title

    3. HatersGonnaHate


      OH SHIT! That'll be one wicked wall!

    4. Real96SS


      I didn't want to do it but I couldnt fit what I wanted in the bed and be able to build the box as thick as I wanted.So now Im walling :)

  16. Everything out of the truck and ready to ship back stateside.Feels so good knowing Im almost done overseas and will be back on American soil :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Real96SS


      LoL man I think everything will be getting sold when I get back except the 9k, steg amps and probably the alternators if I can have them rebuilt to 370xp's

    3. IBleedMusick


      Whhhhaaaaatttt? I thought you finally had it where you wanted. I must've missed something in the build log about restarting.

    4. Real96SS


      Yeah I had it where I planned to have it a couple months ago and have just been gaining more and more.Started with a 149.8 and ended with a 152.9. I think thats pretty damn good for my first build and doing it all myself pretty much.Next setup will be built for Lightweight Bassboxing as long as the rules or classes dont change

  17. Anybody got a mids amp they trying to sell? Need something to push some 200rms 8's and their wired at 1ohm.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more


      How much you wanna spend

    3. IBleedMusick


      T1000-4 or 200.4 may be your best bet

    4. Real96SS


      Just picked one up to get me by until I can get what I really want.

  18. I'm sorry but if you can't take a customer asking you questions about something they paid you for then why are you in business?Really

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Jd1102


      nothing against you but maybe its the question you asked i know i hate answering dumb questions

    3. Jd1102


      or maybe he felt like he wasn't paid to answer your question but to do work. Like as a mechanic if you work at a dealership you really don't have to answer any customer question thats counter business

    4. Real96SS


      It wasn't like that.So if your dealer answer every question you had until you gave them the money and then ignored you after they got the sell how would you feel?Your waiting for an update on your vehicle when it will be ready for pickup and a week later still nothing.

  19. I have never understood the point of making worthless post.Is it just to raise your post count?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Real96SS


      Maybe I should try it but with a peepwall hoping no one notices it LoL.

    3. BeatBox
    4. Real96SS


      Classic one right there

  20. Back in the USA finally!!! Hanging out in Baltimore until this afternoon when I head to Alabama.So glad to be home :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Real96SS


      Where are you located Purp?

    3. Maebros


      yeah im jealous. lol  not far behind you though man

    4. White Lightning

      White Lightning

      when you get to Alabama, hit meup sometime ... I'm in Mississippi

  21. Going on 4 weeks and still no batteries.2 got held up in NY for some reason and the other one.......I have no clue

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Real96SS


      Yeah Im thinking thats what it is but I have ordered batteries within the past 6 months and they got here within 3 weeks.The tracking shows they were accepted in NY but nothing since the 22nd.Sucks cause the other I have no tracking for since I bought it from a forum member

    3. OrionStang


      NY's as far as you can track anyway. The MPS has it now, because they are heavy, it may take a while.

    4. Real96SS


      I hope they still arrive cause i was looking forward to having them to finish the rear when the new box is done.Hopefully they get here in one piece

  22. Anybody use a regular DD-1 on a HV setup? If so how did it workout for ya?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. slamingsuburban


      should be a max of 11k per amp on your setup if im not mistaken

    3. Real96SS


      DC 9ks at 17.8 volts.

    4. Kyblack76


      I think youll be ok Ken. If they where strapped, the voltage may be to high. Try it and see what happens

  23. There's 3 types of bass heads. 1-The competitor 2-The demo kings 3-The just ride around beating guys. Which one are you?Stay in your lane and out of mine cause I'm all 3 which makes for a deadly combo and will make anybody else on base turn their shit off

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SnowDrifter
    3. TylerParrish


      1 and 3...or atleast I will be soon enough. Just 3 for now though

    4. Johny B
  24. 160 officially in DBDrag yesterday. Oh and a broken windshield to go along with it :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Real96SS


      Thanks and I have the video that I will upload once I get home from work

    3. Bump4life


      nice. thats sick

    4. Kyblack76


      fuck to the ya man... i saw your shiz on fB.. dope kid :)

  25. Who can tell me what exactly is the factor in if a sub will or will not work in a 4th order or 6th order?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kyblack76


      Also, i was told, that a "certain" driver was meh in a 4th, but killed a 6th. Im lacking the knowledge, but in for the help

    3. Real96SS


      Yeah man reason why I'm asking.I have heard that other woofers wasn't designed for a 4th but they still did well in one.Im putting mine in a 4th and I guess we will find out for sure.

    4. Kyblack76


      yes sir...

      I dunno. But, id like to...

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