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Status Updates posted by pioneerforlife

  1. does anyone know if the dd1 acts up with a batt thats low it?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Kyblack76


      what does "act up " mean?

    3. pioneerforlife


      Like telling you the amp is distorted when the gain is barely up. The (without touching the gain) the distortion light slowly fades away

    4. Sergeant_Skyrim


      Yeah I think I even had that experience with a cheap batt like Keith said. Put a proper battery in there, you'll definitely notice a difference in where you can set the gain lol

  2. cant decide if i wanna try strapping at .5 (.25 each) or not.....

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Raptorman


      Wouldn't do it with soundstream.

    3. n8ball2013


      Before you can answer this your next question should be if I blow them can I afford to replace them? There are very few amps that like being ran that low

    4. pioneerforlife


      If they blow, fuck it I got backups, I know they will protect before they blow so if they do I will switch it back. I have seen lots of amps recently ran that low so I may try it. But I'm happy with the output at 2 ohms strapped atm so I might just wait.

  3. Gettin new amps. already got one of them. waitin on the second. also getting caps. will update the log wheni get it all.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more


      Ooo. Time fore more subs?

    3. Soccerballzs


      Come on Pioneer little look at amp!!!

    4. pioneerforlife


      Nope. Same subs. They can take 6k no problem. But I am doing a rebuild in the spring so it will be nice to have the power for that. And soccerballzs, I cant show one amp without the other. Its just not the same lol.

  4. i hate having no bass. it'll be worth it though.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. matt14


      Im with SMZ2, Been without music total for about 5 months.

    3. Barnett 313

      Barnett 313

      Your lucky I been without bass for about 7 months, because somebody took my sounds.

    4. pioneerforlife


      ^that sucks that someone would take your stuff. but I'm hopin to have it all finished by April. I prolly wont have both subs until December, then I need some more amps, batts, mids and tweeters. plus supplies to build my box and supplies to build my door panels. like I said though it will be worth it.

  5. having second thoughts about my new build.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Karkov


      second thoughts about what then? I am out of the loop

    3. pioneerforlife


      just worried it wont turn out well after all the work I have put into it.

    4. Bump4life


      it will, have some faith in your abilities.

  6. well slight change in plans. instead of 2 9515i's, its goanna be 2 9512i's. dont have room for the 15's.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. pioneerforlife


      Its actually a hatchback but still didn't have room for DD 15's. I can fit 15's but those 9515's want a shit ton of air which I can't give them. So the 12's are the best option

    3. Omega5002


      ditch backseats lol

    4. pioneerforlife


      eventually I plan on 4 15's in a fourth order but that's after high school lol.

  7. so went to a friends house today who hasn't heard my DD 9515 yet so he wanted a demo. he lives in a residential area and i usually dont bump in residential areas but i figured it was only a 30 second demo. anyways, i had the sub playing for not even a minuite when 3 cop cars showed up. luckily we didnt get into any trouble.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. pioneerforlife


      generally that's what I have to do too

    3. Tribe Called Bass

      Tribe Called Bass

      for 3 years I had no neighbors, and people across the street sell drugs all day so I'd slam forever and never have a problem with my previous system. Past 2 months 3 neighbors moved in and my next door neighbor just had a newborn baby. FUCK

    4. pioneerforlife


      I know what you mean I usually just find an empty parking lot to bump in

  8. Someone fix my amp. It's only a little fucked up.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. pioneerforlife


      Its not the amps fault at all. This would have happened to any amp I had on the back of that c pillar. That c pillar shook and flexed so much I'm surprised it lasted as long as it did.

    3. hdorre
    4. dangaranga


      #sssooouuunnnndddssttrreeaaammmmm. J/k I saw what that thing went through and it's definitely not the amps fault Lmao it broke every screw we could find and mount it with

  9. Just realized how long this rebuild is goanna take. Also realised that it's goanna be worth it.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Wood


      I've been suffering for 2yrs... maybe that'll give you some hope LOL

    3. pioneerforlife


      damn man thats a long time. its worth it though. if I have learned one thing, its to do it right the first time so you don't have to go back and fix it.

    4. Wood
  10. Anyone know what the displacement of a DD 9512i is?

  11. So looks like getting a second amp is going to be put off. The weight of equipment is starting to take its tole.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. pioneerforlife


      No actually my suspension is fine. Its my front brakes. Out of nowhere just took a shit. Started tearing into the rotors. Bought everything to fix it myself then found out that plasti dip will fuse your lugs to the car so Couldn't get them off even with an impact wrench. Oh well. Taking it in Tuesday.

    3. 2loud4uboyz


      Try pressure washing the plastic dip on your lugs? Just a thought that came to mine.Hope all works out. I feel you on the weight of a big system.

    4. pioneerforlife


      Ya. I mean I really don't have a big system. Its still all in the trunk/hatch. It worries me about when I wall it in the future. Will probably need to upgrade suspension and brakes then.

  12. Had a great time at Slam. Met some new people and heard tons of systems.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. CNF Kevosinn

      CNF Kevosinn

      show was off the hook

    3. pioneerforlife


      Yep. got a few pics and some vids. was also told by several people that I am doing a 150+ on music. I didn't meter it though. and ya it was a great show.



      That's pretty good, I wish I could of heard it.. I been watching videos off youtube. looks like it was a loud show.

  13. anyone ever have an amp get hot just being on?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. pioneerforlife


      Yeah idk my 15k has been fine all winter but now that its hot out I cant keep it cool

    3. RainStryke


      Yeah, mine sat in the sun for a while since I had my seats down, it was too hot to even turn on until I turned on the A/C for a bit.

    4. Bayuk89


      On a 30 minute drive i didnt play any music but radio and amp were on, touched amp and it was slightly warm. No issues with the amp but yes i have had this happen too.

  14. everyday that goes by i don't have a system, i forget what it's like to have one.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Skax


      me to lol i just sent the 2500bdcp i bought that was broke with no output sicne i got a good deal in for repair ready to get it back :D



      I know the feeling, lol. My girlfriend has been driving me crazy asking me when im going to put a system in her blazer. I think I got her hooked.

    4. pioneerforlife


      Ya its been tough. Have had nothing since October. Makes me forget what it means to have a system. Btw slammin when did u take your wall out? I liked how it sounded.

  15. 16,000 watts on the way!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. pioneerforlife


      haha yeah. im curious to see how (or if) these 9515's will take it. going from 6k to 16k lol

    3. SlamminBeats


      8K on one those will fry it. Dan said his got stinky on an M3 which is 3.5-4K

    4. pioneerforlife


      dan also dropped to 11 flat lol. i plan on keeping voltage high and clipping low lol

  16. almost got attacked by a dog today. guy just lets his dog out in the front yard with no way of containing it and then goes inside. second time this same dog has done this. what if a young kid was walking by or something. fuckin insane.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. pioneerforlife
    3. OrionStang


      Its happened many times in my current apartments. A few dogs have been punted LOL.

    4. audiofanaticz


      be like the PD and shoot it!

  17. So does anyone know for sure when the taylor show is?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SlamminBeats


      it's Saturday, but i'm wondering if there is also a show Sunday?

    3. Bump4life


      yea i think its saturday only, but who knows. all i know is to show up for sure on satuday

  18. having no system is killing me. it will be worth it though

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kyblack76


      stay with it.. good luck dude.. ;)

    3. pioneerforlife


      ^there is no way I would quit. I love this stuff too much. But I gotta remind myself to take my time and not take shortcuts

    4. pioneerforlife


      ^^and yes I am goanna want more. Its never enough lol

  19. Just bought a shit ton of fireworks...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. pioneerforlife


      lol im goanna be sharing the with the whole world soon.

    3. deathcards
    4. pioneerforlife
  20. soon to be swapping out my SPLX for a DD 9515

    1. Raptorman


      Won't be disappointed sir. Post some vids when you do!

    2. purplesyrup
    3. Bump4life


      made by yours truly!!

  21. How do you know when your bass is loud? when the person in the car next to you is plugging their ears lol

    1. SnowDrifter


      Don't be a douche

    2. pioneerforlife


      ^ of course not. I usually only play it if I am on open road but I was giving a demo to a friend and had it cranked. I try not to bother others when playing music. (don't wanna come across as a douche)

    3. SnowDrifter
  22. so after much debating, i decided to stick wirh the 9515's. i think i have some ideas on how to make the box big enough.

    1. TRTC360


      you know box size specs aren't set in stone? neither are port area specs, just because everyone says this and that doesn't mean you have to do it, i'm running XFL 12's in 1.5 cubes net per sub, it could be louder but I have no more room to work with soooo yeah.

    2. pioneerforlife


      that was my thought. I was goanna do 2 DD 9515's on 4K in 8 cubes but since I can only do about 6-6.5, I am goanna bump it up to 6K and hopefully that will compensate a bit.

  23. anyone know what a Pioneer DEH-150mp clips at?

    1. ToNasty


      most likely 61 just like every other pioneer

    2. pioneerforlife


      Alright thanks. I'm goanna dd-1 it eventually but until then I'll work with that.

    3. Jessica


      hey now, my 80prs does not clip

  24. do you know how hard it is to mow lawns in the friggin dark, and how pist the neighbors get?

    1. SnowDrifter


      Put a car muffler on it

    2. pioneerforlife


      lol might have to look into that.

    3. justin0943


      it ain't hard to mow in the dark get smart an put a car headlight on like I did

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