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Status Updates posted by Jessica

  1. Do you think an amp is more likely to protect at low impedance with good electrical, or bad electrical?

  2. put my deka on the trickle charger. Started at 12.6, right after the charge it was at 13.2, it has sat 24hours and now its at 12.89. Going to trickle charge it again a few times, see what happens.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Omega5002


      I never got mine to rest higher than 12.8

    3. Jessica


      I would be fine with 12.8. My charger is crazy though, showing 15.43 volts right now. lol @ 1.5 amps.

    4. TRTC360


      make sure it doesn't get higher than 15.4, check to see if the battery warms up or starts to swell, if it does it's time for a new charger

  3. Tony D just posted something on facebook. I'm all tingly about it.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Kyblack76


      the one in the DGAF thingy??

    3. bolanorthhighlands


      Yes the one that says top secret

    4. Miguels


      they should have gone with a digital screen. if the numbers are anything like the other smd meters i dont see it being accurate.

  4.  termlab is here, i hope im prepared for the disappointment. lol 

  5. I noticed someone gave me a member title, lol. Now, who was it?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Kyblack76


      well shit...

      we all voted,.. i tried slack jawed faggot.... well, guess the other one won.. meh

    3. Jessica


      nice predator reference. Fucking fehg

    4. jdshott



      Hey duck you were there LoL

  6. Just shaved my head. Bald as hell

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. imnew59585


      your name now is Mr. Clean, got it Mr clean?

    3. KillaCam


      Hope your week goes bald head smoove.

      'sessive amperage ftw.

    4. Jessica


      nice, i aint putting a razor too it, i don't need razor burn and a sun burn both. lol

  7. damn, chiefs are bringing it this year.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. WastedTalent


      To those who say Chiefs haven't played anyone. Mind taking a look at the Broncos? Giants? 'Skins? Eagles? Cowboys? Faced one team who's worth a crap (Indy) and what? Loss.

    3. WastedTalent


      Some can argue about the Ravens but...look at their wins. Look at their losses. Not impressed. So 7-1 Broncos? One real team faced and that's their loss?

    4. WastedTalent


      (for all you broncos fans lmfao)
  8. why is chicken and waffles a thing? When did that happen?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Ahmed Johnson

      Ahmed Johnson

      I was skeptical of it at first. It's fire, just don't go to ihop for it

  9. so i am watching "ru pauls drag race" with my wife and i have the most akward boner ever.

  10. i need to learn how to type things without it sounding like an asshole.

  11. Think i am coming down with something. Can't shake these chills and I feel like crap.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. SLAYER1805


      Lol I'm too damn sleepy, thought it said "can't stand these chills when I crap". All in seriousness hope youre not coming down with something

    3. Daniel J Blitch

      Daniel J Blitch

      Same here fucking sucks

    4. Lbox88


      Find this, I kicked a cold in 2 days with it.


  12. Went to the dentist today, Seems i have a touch of periodontal damage. Good news though. The girl who did my exam, and the one who will be cleaning my teeth are smoking hot. Also, they were flirty as hell. Weird considering my mouth is a black hole of festering death. :(

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Jessica


      what difference does that make?

    3. boom50cal


      as long as the schlong isn't out it doesn't matter. if it looks good, it looks good.

  13. replacing all the water pipes in my house. old ass black pipe. chock full of rust and lime. Nasty. At least i have a basement so access is easy. But taking apart that old shit is a pita. Installing a water softener while im in there

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. MrSkippyJ


      Me too, I have no clue how to do it though.

    3. Broke_Audio_Addict


      When you think about it hiring a plumber means youre paying another man to handle your pipe.

      Congrats on the gayness.

    4. MrSkippyJ


      god dammit...lol

  14. made an offer on the house, they accepted, got to iron out financing and we should be moving soon

  15. Tomorrow is Troubleshooting day. Dropppin volts to like 11.5, mids alone are dopping me to 13.8 or 9. Hella weird. We shal see what tomorrow brings.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Soccerballzs
    3. Jessica


      Havent even messed with it yet. too hung over lol

    4. DubNDodge


      I need to trouble shoot as well. Just got alternator whine out of no where.

  16. MDF dust sucks

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Amart88


      ^^LOL the worst

    3. Jessica


      its like, oh i have to flush trim bit, i have to flush mount, i have to japer jig. im a cool kid, oh i have fermaldahide cancer

    4. bluethunder
  17. kinda wanna put some 8's in my kicks for midbass. But damn, where am i gonna put another amp? fml

  18. Weird, it just occurred to me that SMD forums may be hated because people think it is Suck My D**K forums.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Jessica


      Well, i don't mean disrespect. I don't think it's clever either. Huge fan here by the way, huge fan.

    3. momofx76


      Youre a .... strange duck lol

    4. LT.Smoke


      It pretty much boils down to the fact that people hate on the fact that Steve is successful :)

  19. not sure if i should tune to 32hz or 37hz. what to do what to do.

  20. here come the "louder with cold weather threads"

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Karkov


      13 degrees, -2 with wind chill (wind chill doesn't matter) my voltage stays higher for longer upon start up with stereo playing, lol, that cold start voltage

    3. DubNDodge


      knobs go to the right regardless of temp. I remember in my stratus it was -20 once and I had it full tilt. zero fucks.

    4. SkarredSierra


      Fuck cold weather. This single digit shit is for the eskimos.

  21. whatever happened to that guy who built custom cylinder heads that was going to do all that port testing on enclosures?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. audiofanaticz


      that user is not banned lol

    3. Jessica


      i just wondered where he went

    4. Broke_Audio_Addict


      For some reason I just thought I remembered him getting banned or something,

      Must have been someone else.

  22. came home, wife and kids are gone, shes not answering texts. hmmm.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Lbox88


      while naked and drinking a beer

    3. omg_spoon


      +1 to poopin with the door open

    4. OzzieComm


      ^ amen to that !

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