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S.O.T.M. Winner
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Status Updates posted by OrionStang

  1. Kia Forte 5 Turbo, Hyundia Elantra GT, don't know what to go with.

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. UKnoitsMe


      I didn't mean it in all technicalities. But the Genesis coupe is NO comparison to the sedan!! WOW - a Veloster - that's a change in events. Nonetheless a nice car!

    3. iwannabeloud


      Does Hennessy make an upgrade for either one?

    4. n8ball2013
  2. Worked 6 days this week, and finished up my degree. But instead of an afternoon of relaxing without homework, I have a honey-do list a mile long. FML.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. OrionStang


      There really is no cap, as much as there is positions available. But, I am transferring from logistics to asset protection, while I search for better opportunity. The MBA will help later down the road when I try to promote and/or start a business (no ideas yet).

    3. TRTC360


      orion you say logistics, by that do you mean flow? or do you work backroom?

    4. Cardboardcat15


      Congrats on finishing up man. I bet it feels good! I can;t wait to finally be done.

  3. Last class is tomorrow night!!!! Ill have my BS/CJ-M, and plenty more time to work on my car and look for a real job.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. SLAYER1805


      Get it bro! I'm still trying to get outta high school and all that shiz lol I can't imagine the excitement you have to be done with school :)

    3. Borris The Blade

      Borris The Blade

      Congrats man. Something I wish I would of done.

  4. Just got notified by USAA that my debit card info was compromised during the Target debacle. They are sending me a new card with new number, and i've been instructed to destroy my current card. Fuck you, Target.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Kyblack76


      Fuck let em take it ... who cares. Youll get it back.

    3. SnowDrifter


      I'll say this: The thieves are smart. Credit cards + large scale cloud computing + bitcoin mining. They are cashing out big with the numbers

  5. 500 words away from my Bachelor Degree. This bitch better bring me some job offers.

    1. Kyblack76
    2. Wood
    3. WastedTalent


      Ken, "Eff you" 250 times? Will that work? Lmfao. Just kidding. Congrats man. Know that's a shitload of work, hard work.

  6. Fuck, never thought the Steelers had a chance. Miami and Baltimore choked, lets see the Chargers fail as well. I am definitely not a Steelers fan, but I am a big-time Big-Ben fan!!!

  7. "All vets are mentally ill in some way and government should prevent them from owning firearms." A quote from Diane Feinstein as she spoke in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday. Bitch can't be fucking serious.

    1. alaskanzx5


      in a way everyone is mentally ill, because there is no normal just what society thinks is normal. so in that sense I guess we need to just take firearms away from everyone.

    2. n8ball2013


      they are only mentally ill enough to fight so her stupid ass can say stupid shit.

    3. Miguels


      she needs to be removed just like the rest of the trash

  8. Might have found a new job. 12 hour shifts, 3 on 4 off, 4 on 3 off. Guaranteed overtime and biweekly production bonuses. And the best part is its a growing company with room for advancement.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Karkov


      Congratz! Go take whats yours!

    3. ALPINE408


      i worked that schedule for years ken I LOVED IT you are kinda worn out after the 4 12 hours shifts but 4 days off is well worth it then right when you get back into the grove of the 3 day week your off again its like a mini vacation every other week man i wish i had that schdule again!

    4. WastedTalent


      I was on it for military. Stupid fucks complained cause "i don't have a weekend off". and? you realize you work 15 days a month while everyone else works 20? It's just as Alpine said, it's a rough 12 hours 4 days in a row but it's HELLA worth it!!

  9. Just found an old credit card, has a $750 limit and no balance. So tempting!!!

  10. Posted a link to the racing schedule for SoCal tracks. All cars and drivers welcome!!!! I will post dates of the events sponsored by GT-R HiPo, we get $10 off when we register as a group.

  11. WTF? 212 guests viewing my build log. Got a couple new items on the car, check it out.

    1. DubNDodge
    2. KillaCam


      Your build is has more hits than google+.

    3. Kyblack76


      Like Cam's butthole

  12. The dash cam is great insurance, but its scary to watch the tape from a normal day and notice all the stupid shit drivers around you do.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. OrionStang


      I bet. Come try SoCal sometime. Shit gets pretty intense here, too.

    3. IBleedMusick


      I had a car when I was in Santa Monica. It was mostly watch out for pedestrians who just cross or people on bikes lol.

    4. OrionStang


      Haha, forgot about that.

  13. New tires don't hook much better than the old FML. Vid in my log.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Borris The Blade

      Borris The Blade

      Maybe they'er a harder compound.

    3. Kyblack76


      watched it... lol, still looked fun as fuk..lol

    4. Miguels


      good tires only help with handling.. you will still have burnouts regardless. you need drag radials

  14. Anybody else find it odd that there was no real word of this new Mandela movie until the dude died?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Keith77


      I thought that was fast as well. Im sure they had it done for a while and wanted to wait until he passed away $$$$$$

    3. Miguels


      yup.. they was just waiting.. they will do the same with fast and furious 7.. you will see lots of tribute videos of Paul walker to make people go to watch the movie

  15. Why does the NFL still allow running backs and receivers to lower their heads and hit defenders? Shouldn't the rules work both ways?

    1. mnrookie


      They dont allow it outside the tackle box.

    2. OrionStang
  16. Humming demonic forces? Really? Somebody isn't smoking Annie. SMH

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Sergeant_Skyrim


      He ignored the good advice to go and seek help from a professional shrugging it off as it couldn't possibly be in his head. Pointless to try and help anymore.

    3. bumpinTL364


      this is why shrooms, acid, dmt, and forums don't mix...

  17. TNT has Terminator II: Judgement Day on, followed by Total Recall. Complete early 90s Arnold fix.

  18. Just finished another assignment. Only two long reports and a PowerPoint presentation left, and ill officially has a college diploma.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. tdsa23
    3. OrionStang


      Thanks guys. Last class is Jan 2nd. But the ceremony isn't until June (ill have my diploma though).

    4. OrionStang


      BS in Criminal Justice/Management.

  19. Messing with my car earlier, my sub-amp rca's fell and hit the positive terminal of my rear batt. Popped and sparked pretty good. Think those rca's are done for?

    1. FuriousG


      not the RCA's i'd be worried about

    2. Jessica


      Had something similar happen once. Had a sub wire drop on the 12v. Scared the shit out of me. Hope your headunit or whatever is hooked to that rca is ok'

    3. OrionStang


      Head units fine. Don't know about the LC-1, though.

  20. Spent 30 minutes after work this morning demoing for coworkers. I don't even have a sub hooked up, and got crazy compliments on the sound of the front stage. Hertz builds amazing drivers, and the processing of the 80prs makes it sound like there is a stage in front of you.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Swordlordboy1234


      are your doors still the same?

    3. OrionStang


      Didn't say you were a PA guy, did I?

      My doors look stock now. Mids in factory locations and tweeters in the A-pillars.

    4. Swordlordboy1234


      Well if you change your mind and feel frisky to make a demo video of your doors id like to see it. Even though it won't be exactly the same as in person… its better then not.

  21. The seared ahi at Outback is the shiznit. Just putting it out there :)

    1. CNF Kevosinn
    2. Swordlordboy1234


      Try going to Houston's or a hill stone restaurant. Now try the same thing, blows outback out of the water sir.

  22. Got a rare day off tomorrow and my wife's Xmas list in hand. Gonna be a great day of bleeding money.

    1. deathcards


      i just spent $1000 on tires i know how you feel :'(

    2. MarioB


      We will be out shopping to. Gotta keep a smile on the kids face.

    3. OrionStang


      @deathcards; so did I. Xmas for the wife sucks though.

  23. Can't decide if 500w is enough for the substage in my tiny living room, or if I should just do 1000w. Its only $100 more. Basshead problems.

    1. Keith77


      Why is that even a question?? Go for the 2000w


    2. purplesyrup


      10k on 2 18"s in T-Line's on each side of the TV

    3. OrionStang


      Ill humbly accept donations for the t-line build :)

  24. Picked up my box, amp will be here next week. Back in the game.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. kalilac619


      Oh ok, you rolling to the show on the 7th?

    3. OrionStang


      Might. We got trucks coming in the 16 days though. Gotta make that paper.

    4. kalilac619
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