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Status Updates posted by SnowDrifter

  1. What if there's another "you" in a parallel universe and every time you go to sleep, your consciousness enters that and your dreams are a memory leak between the two people

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ahmed Johnson

      Ahmed Johnson

      the other me is probably living a terrible life, or is living the greatest life ever. I haven't figured out where I'm at yet, lol

    3. mrd6


      The other me sleeps like 18 hours a day then...is the other me a dog? 

  2. Things starting to look familiar again


  3. Anyone else getting random popup/redirect junk when trying to navigate the site? Only seems to be happening on SMD

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Broke_Audio_Addict


      Been happening to me for well over a month,

      Only happens on this site.

    3. Broke_Audio_Addict


      I use the desktop version on my phone.

    4. Karkov


      not happening at home desktop or work desktop

  4. Well that was interesting

  5. Little feeler... would anyone be interested in buying some 60 amp hour Lithium cells?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. mrd6


      Will these help me demo longer at Surf City? lol for real though, text me, I lost your number with a phone change

    3. hdorre


      only $160/batt? got any cell specs?

    4. rocking.that.eclipse


      Need balancing for 2 cells?

  6. I never should've gotten rid of my detailing stuff..... SMH

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. zack_e89


      ouuuuuch, sorry to hear that

    3. CstrokerV


      Thats why you take before and adter pictures .. small claims court

    4. bsneon98


      That sucks man, why I will always do shit myself.

      I dont even like the automatic washes

  7. Would a masochist enjoy hell?

    1. _paralyzed_


      Satan actually has masochist squirter chicks as lawn sprinklers.

  8. Potassium perchlorate... check

    1. boom50cal


      that stuff is all in my well water. Halliburton caused it... gave us $20 grand for the damages to our property value though.

  9. You guys watching the stock market?

    1. cgrez33


      Yeah anyone that was trying to go short on a stock was fucked because it wasn't functioning properly smh.

  10. Does anyone know what Scotland's national animal is?

  11. Really digging torch as a browser. It's like oldschool chrome before it turned into a bloated memory hog

    1. Skullz


      A lot quicker than chrome.

  12. Do not forget to apply the minty paste to your exposed skeleton before laying in a dark room for hours.

  13. 10 years already huh?

  14. Jasper jig guys... how does the plexiglass hold up to scratching and scuffing?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. ChevyBoy95


      Not problems at all, only issue is you cannot over tighten the screws that hold it on or it will crack.

    3. DubNDodge


      I never realized how big the damn the was until I used my friends. It holds up fine though

    4. Jessica


      just dont drop it with the router on it lol

  15. What timing... Talking about fusing the alternator wire in that one thread and a car rolls into work on a tow truck. Shorted out rectifier

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. SnowDrifter


      Current goes both ways

      Under the charging stud is a series of diodes, this is your rectifier. If a diode shorts out or otherwise loses it's ability to act as a one way valve of sorts, it would behave as you disconnected the charge wire and stuck it to the alt casing

    3. Kyblack76
    4. Bump4life


      LOL, i bet that short would never have blown through a 350A fuse ;)

  16. What's this "respek" thing? I keep seeing it everywhere but have no idea what the significance is or where it came from

  17. Obligatory May the 4th be with you post

    1. audiolamb6


      and with you sir

    2. Jessica


      too bad its time for the revenge of the 5th!

    3. Soundfreezer79


      Mike Tython...Jedi Knight.

  18. Pizza is circular, placed into a square box, eaten from the inside out with triangles

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. OrionStang


      Damn pizza sounds good. 3 more days.

    3. Ahmed Johnson

      Ahmed Johnson

      Barbecuing a pizza is the shit

    4. Jessica


      little ceasars would like to have a word with you

  19. Suppose computers advance to the point where we can simulate the human brain in an artificial world. Would the simulated brain know it's not real? What if we are the ones in the simulation?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Tarball


      Everything is a simulation. We are in one that has gone horribly wrong.

    3. SnowDrifter
    4. Hotdog


      MAybe you are some guys AI on his PC posting on a forum and you dont realize that you are the AI

  20. Call her Caterpillar, she's a baby-got-backhoe, Hit that 3 times, call it tic-tac-toe

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. boom50cal


      you beat me to it.

      better flow than shitstain

    3. rockFord_Expedition


      Chris stole those lines from ghost

    4. Miguels
  21. The Internet is a weird place... somehow I ended up watching videos of surgical procedures on goldfish

  22. Wishing I never got rid of my XLS5000 that thing was a tank

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