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Status Updates posted by meade916

  1. hmmm a little experiment. How many of you can i get to respond to this. Start now. I want the record. lol

  2. Liar? Thief? Snitch? Informant? Setup guy? SAY IT AINT SO!!! I am surprised this shit has not blown the car audio community on it's back. I haven't seen anything online yet. Lets just say, if someone tries to trade you something (that is illegal to mail) for an amp DON'T DO IT!!! I am in shock about what i heard the other day.

    1. Show previous comments  24 more
    2. meade916


      i am just in a state of shock that is all...hoping it isn't true although my sources are pretty solid. But it's just sad. Way sad.

    3. Ram


      inquiring minds wanna know ;] so we can protect ourselves too :)

    4. Skullz


      Sounds like some fucked up shit, and i hate fucking thieves as i had to live with a brother that stole anything and everything under the god damn roof not nailed down.

  3. System of the Month only has 16 entries this month with $150 on the line out of my own pocket. If it isn't appreciated, then SOTM will soon disappear. I hate wasting time, money and bandwith if nobody is interested.

    1. Show previous comments  24 more
    2. PaulPumpsBass


      I haven't entered yet because I don't think my system stands a chance at winning. And... I've been in Afghanistan, so I couldn't take and upload pictures to enter them for the contest. I could enter the contest next week though!

    3. Barnett 313

      Barnett 313

      Steve I would had loved to in SOTM, but you know my system was stolen out my truck and I have to get a whole new system. Money is tight right now for some of us, Steve we appreciate everything that you do for us bassheads!!

  4. If people only know who you are by accidentally spelling my name wrong, you probably shouldn't be calling ME the imposter. God damn i hate seeing people that i thought were cool dog shitting on me when they think i am not looking. People wonder why i distance myself from strangers. TRUST NO MAN is my motto and my circle is smaller than a pinhead because of it.

    1. Show previous comments  24 more
    2. OrionStang
    3. CstrokerV


      i hate mfers like that..... i will bend over back words for people untill you burn the bridge then they wonder why im not around for them anymore

    4. Ahmed Johnson

      Ahmed Johnson

      How many of us have them, lol

  5. seems you guys are losing interest in SOTM even with some very nice prizes and great odds. Only 16 contestants this time with $150 cash on the line. This MIGHT be the last month i do this.

    1. Show previous comments  23 more
    2. Soccerballzs


      Change it up with walled builds!, trunk builds, single sub size, amp size.

    3. Nubcakeninja


      i would enter but my build isnt ready yet!!! haha just gotta wait a little longer

  6. must be snitch season.. Some dude tried to tell on me on RF's FB page. I am not sponsored by RF so i don't know why they are trying to rat me out like i am gonna get in trouble...SMH LMAO!!

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. ALPINE408


      he thinks he might get hooked up by RF i bet money on it

    3. Keith77


      You almost broke the internet today. LOL

  7. Does the search feature work for you guys? I can't get it to find the most basic topics. Let me know if it's just me or if you are having the same problem.

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. Rich Schenk

      Rich Schenk

      It hasn't been working for me either. Thought it was just me.

    3. Rich Schenk

      Rich Schenk

      It hasn't been working for me either. Thought it was just me.

    4. Wicks


      Wasn't working for me at all but is much better now! Thx guys!

  8. if you were raised by a computer and not a father, you should pick and choose how you talk to grown folks - in other words watch your mouth.

  9. SOTM will be cancelled after this month until further notice. Thanks to all who have participated over the last 8 years! http://www.stevemeadedesigns.com/board/topic/194389-smd-system-of-the-month-cancelled-until-further-notice/

  10. site is running slow as hell for me today..how about you guys? is it just me?

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Tecomah


      Fine for me, boss

    3. 2loud4uboyz


      O.k here in Georgia.

    4. Bocaj


      It was a little bit ago but is fine now.

  11. 10 D3100 Batteries in the Tahoe will soon turn in to 5 D3100's and 5 SB1000-31's.  CAP BANKS on the way! Stay tuned :D

  12. No sponsors for SOTM March 2014. That's ok, How about $150 CASH sponsored by SMD! Chode will have the contest up tonight or tomorrow.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. SnowDrifter


      PM me too. I'll kick something in this month

    3. meade916


      @carbon thanks man maybe next month, talk to Tony if you would like to sponsor. Thanks!

    4. meade916


      @will unfortunately it don't matter what you think it should be about. Don't enter if you don't agree with me giving away prizes SMH.

  13. Been talking with Scott a lot lately and everything is (and always has) been cool. I think it's time i brought back the AA section. Nobody from AA will probably post but it's ok. Lots of members know enough to help :) Some cool announcements coming soon!

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Tarball
    3. Lbox88



  14. that moment when some Skeletor looking tweaker calls me fat and looks like he has been up 4 days. Ill take the food over the meth, thank you very much. Stay skinny, Skela' bro.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. ROLEXrifleman


      I remember during an arrest one guy told me I needed PX90, he tried to fight me. I asked him how that 225lb fist felt when he woke up

    3. Miguels


      Police brutally yo

    4. ROLEXrifleman


      Serve, protect, and break a......

  15. Site Crashed today - have a few issues to fix - one of them is Recent Topics...hang tight we are on it!

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Keith77
    3. Keith77
    4. Herokight


      I almost threw my cousin's laptop. It's a shitbox anyway, so I thought it was just the computer.

  16. just DEMOLISHED the windshield on the DGAF tercel and broke a 160.2 at the dash! Instagram video clip is up and i am working on a YT video now. The 7" roundover on the port made a huge difference although it keeps blowing out even with large screws and washers.

  17. 4 SMD v2 18" woofers shipped yesterday. On the way! Just sayin'. lol

  18. Feeling like i should give away some shit tonight. Stay tuned.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. OrionStang


      LOL, I think you won speakers.

    3. audiolamb6


      this time ill put what i win to use matter of fact ken the one i let the last one go to never did post pics

  19. time to go into the sticker business! Ive had a machine for MONTHS. Soon, i will have tons of stuff available! Stay tuned.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. audiofanaticz


      woohoo, those haters are going to be hating hard!!!

    3. audiofanaticz


      we need a like button for these status's too! LOL

    4. Hellbound Train

      Hellbound Train

      Took long enough. Man you move slow. lol. Just messin. Really I cant wait to see whats offered for stickers.


    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. E a r t h

      E a r t h


      please don't BANDT me

    3. DeathByWaffle


      congratulations Brian!

    4. Benji0687


      I'm surprised that Steve let someone be a mod on this site thats also a mod on D4S. You're a cool guy Brian and you're a great member on this site, I just don't see why you're on both sides of the fence

  21. I bought a JBL GTO EZ501 amp with the new integrated gain setting system...and put it up against a DD-1. Anyone interested in the results?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. DTS909


      Where's the vid?

    3. DTS909


      Where's the vid?

    4. KillaCam


      I'm interested too but you guys don't have to pitch a tent over it. :D

  22. Rockford Fosgate flew in and brought a six mic array....we are tuning up the Lex #SQ

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. SnowDrifter


      Well that sounds like fun!

    3. ALPINE408


      i would love to hear it when its done ... been judgin sq and heard cars you would not belive would like to see how there tune stacks up

    4. OrionStang


      Would be nice if they would come setup my 360.3 for me. Looking at the manual now, there's a lot going on.

  23. Just got dogged on and called a wanna be Ni##er by motha fuckin MALIBU'S MOST WANTED hahahha https://si0.twimg.co...wzd4w1l2a0.jpeg

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. meade916


      some guy, Billy Kilian i think his name is....just went off on me for who knows what. God i would love to slap his buck teeth directly out of his mouth.

    3. KillaCam


      Hahaha I was thinking the Sherminator then I see it in the comments.

    4. HatersGonnaHate


      Lol I couldn't think of his name when I posted before. Thanks Hotdog!

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