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Status Updates posted by Kyblack76

  1. is there anyone on here that is into nitro RC vehicles?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Kyblack76


      i wanted to sell some as well..... fuck..does anyone want to buy some good shit?

    3. Hellbound Train

      Hellbound Train

      Post it up and see what you get. I just want something bigger later on and right now would rather finish  my build plus i wouldnt run it that much this winter anyway.

    4. LT.Smoke


      Im saving to invest in an HPI Flux 1:5

  2. Its dead time....... gfy

    1. Jessica


      hey, nice work sealing off. ALso, i heard you had panels otw. so what is going on there?

  3. Its feeling like Kevin/Kyle are National Psyclone Champs. Grats bro, you deserve it.....

  4. Its official the remains are confirmed......

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. KillaCam


      It seemed like it in some of the reports I read lol

    3. OrionStang


      Thats because all the news agencies are retarded. Reporting speculation.

  5. Its official... the panels, and MIDS/TWEETS are in his hand.... WOOT... shit, really did just get real....

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Kyblack76


      lol... clown..

    3. thefourth


      I can figure out who he is. LOL. Can't wait to see the finished product, I don't think he ever dissapoints.

    4. Amart88
  6. Ive already told some, but, i wanna say it here, and on my page,... Thank you, to those that served. Sincere, and straight up,... THANKS

  7. Jeremy gone from BBC Top Gear ? ... hmmm what did he say or do ?

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. BigManAC
    3. ChevyBoy95


      Top Gear is good because of May being the calm collective one, Hammond being the gitty teenager, and Clarkson being the bitter asshole. I LOVE that show, but will not watch it without those 3. The chemistry between them is perfect. Clarkson is by far the funniest too.

    4. Kyblack76


      Ya, .. i enjoy it. And i enjoy it mostly because of the three of them,....... bummer deal.

  8. Jonny football? or Roll with the TIDE ????

    1. Bradprobert


      The tide is going to roll over little Jonny!

    2. Kyblack76


      I have a 100 bucks on it.... went with the tide also.....

  9. just dropped 4 digits on taxes.... Fuck it,.. i got first round.. Who wants in?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kyblack76
    3. ProMaxx316


      Making stacks like that? I'll take one here to boss. make it stiff

    4. Kyblack76


      Thats a 10-4.

      Fuck, you scare me.. i KNOW how you do it...... fucking mad man..

  10. Just got back from testing...... not bad.. not bad at all...

    1. OrionStang


      Damn good. What did that song peak at?

    2. Kyblack76
  11. Just one more, and the work week is done.....

  12. Just one more, and the work week is done.....

  13. Just used some sick time...... off till Wed. Here we go....

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Leo1103


      whats the plan for the weekend? finish up the sides?

    3. Trey_Dog650



      thats the plan

    4. CNF Kevosinn

      CNF Kevosinn

      better put some damn work in!!

  14. Ka ching

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. rockFord_Expedition


      Kyles 2 inches grew another inch because of the 2 amps thread from Snafu.

      Kisses Kyle.

    3. magillaru
    4. Miguels


      tony's post only showed proof that kyle was wrong.. per kyle he said bot would be equally as loud. tony said the one with more voltage would be louder.. so kyle you was wrong too or did you just read the first 5 words tony typed?

  15. karkov... i chose beer... ;)

    1. Karkov


      Thanks! just got home, gonna eat then make a liquor run

    2. Kyblack76



      let me know when your half fucked up, and well go online and buy shit to. :).. i need more terminals... and some other shit... and got some in paypal LOL...

    3. iwannabeloud
  16. Keep calm,.... We are all infected. You all ready for tonights show?

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Kyblack76
    3. audiolamb6


      how dafuq did he get out of there

    4. WastedTalent


      Don't worry nate, I thought he was talkin about Bieber's live tour show. I saw a commercial for it and then saw he was talking about "tonight's show"... ahem. Yeah.

  17. Ken Block on topgear sunday? ok then....

    1. Skullz


      Ken Block 10 - Top Gear 0

      No thanks.

    2. Broke_Audio_Addict



      Ken block sucks.

    3. Broke_Audio_Addict


      And so does top gear usa.

  18. Kept saying, and talking about a 5k, and no one says nothing on it.. LOL.... I was trying to be cute. Guess i failed. LOL

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kyblack76



      shit... i was trying to make the clowns go weird.. Guess no clowns follow meh... :)

    3. __d_a_v_i_d__


      I finally comment on it on your thread LOL

    4. Kyblack76


      LOL.. well SHIT david.. Welcome to the fold.. LOL.. cheers man.

      Keep on the log, ill need a lot more help.

  19. Kevin to busy video taping. Gets a GTR, and a chick in a nice Cadillac make him seemed like he's in park. Lol. Job buddy. Lol

    1. ToNasty


      hes still a queer though

    2. hdorre


      except he was in the m5 lol

    3. CNF Kevosinn
  20. kick ass. Tracking number from singer... does me fine. Does me just fine..

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Bigsix
    3. Wood


      Uh oh!!!! TUNED IN!!!!!

    4. Kyblack76


      Oh you guys and your duals and such. Sheesh.

  21. KIMBRA is here... and, we have tix...... Laura had to see.. so, here we go...

  22. lay some glass in a thunderstorm?? Fuck it.. im gonna try...

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Kyblack76



      just mixing up.. hold tight.... WHOA !!!.. there goes my brush..

    3. ROLEXrifleman


      if I play my cards right I hope to lay some pipe when I get home tonight

    4. Kyblack76


      shit.. it worked out ok.. Mixed to much.. but.. it was good.. Best luck to you H .. let me see the pics man...

  23. Let me guess???,... Your goin as, a whore. And you are, and you are and you and you......and...

  24. Let me swap that... You all know Laura will be home shortly... and OF COURSE she is gonna read that thread......... J, ALL ON YOU man...

  25. Let's put some rims and a set of shoes on this blaze, suggestions?????? Anyone? It's a blue 99. Let's see what ya got! I will be lowering it a bit, and i can buy spacers so go nuts.

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Miguels


      i would go with 20's.. much easier to slam

    3. Leo1103


      I prefer black rims tbh it can completely change the look of a car. I'll post a pic later of my car on stock wheels but just plastidip'd black

    4. ProMaxx316


      OEM+ style. 19" corvette wheels.

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