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Status Updates posted by ROLEXrifleman

  1. I'm awake now! How's everyone doing today?

  2. Working tonight. Day off tomorrow. Time to design a box for 2 12w7's and HD run in the morning

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ROLEXrifleman


      Finaly fund the 2nd one after I had just come up with the box design for 1. 3 cubes tuned to 36hz.

      Not gonna lie, idea came from basshead with his mazada

    3. ROLEXrifleman


      glad I hadn't started the box yet!

    4. Kyblack76


      Cool... go get it yo... go get it.

  3. GODSMACK concert in 9 hours!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. deathcards
    3. ROLEXrifleman


      And I'm back stage, there for sound check and get to tell people what to do.

    4. ROLEXrifleman


      Sound check was great

  4. whos got some good 8"s they wanna cut loose?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ROLEXrifleman


      just need two. seeing whats out there

    3. ToNasty


      damnit nevermind only have 1

    4. Kyblack76


      Dude,... XFire has a 8" out now that is KILLER looking, and priced legit... check it out

  5. Ok... Just got home from court. What happened to the stolen amp CL thread

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Miguels


      hopefully a new thread is posted

    3. Ahmed Johnson

      Ahmed Johnson

      Doubt it. He started getting bashed towards the end of it and if shit doesn't work out I don't think he wants to deal with I told you so comments.

    4. Keith77


      I was just looking for that thread

  6. I don't want to go to work, but I have to start getting ready!!!

    1. ROLEXrifleman


      That's what she said!! lol

    2. OrionStang


      At least you got a cool job.

  7. gonna see the surgeon tomorrow and schedule this already. im tired of popping V's for pain. Save the date SMD

    1. Jessica


      good luck, i made a Dr's appt today too for health reasons.

    2. Ahmed Johnson

      Ahmed Johnson

      I hope it all works out for you

    3. Kyblack76


      Send me your stash.

  8. Who wants a mustache ride?

    1. KillaCam


      Did you get this tab mixed up with your adult friend finder tab? lol

    2. ROLEXrifleman


      You mean this isnt manhole.org?

    3. dkindle613
  9. Measure twice cut once!

    1. ghostrider59927


      what is this called measuring?

    2. Jessica


      I measure twice, cut once, sand, trash it start over.

    3. basshead7890


      Measure once and hope it's right

  10. warm enough today that i was able to make a few passed with the router outside and work on these sail panel mounts. you can snow now Chicago!

    1. Hotdog


      Hell I did not know you were in Chicago.

    2. ROLEXrifleman


      I'm from Chicago. I'm only 30 min east in Indiana now

    3. audiofanaticz


      fuck the snow, it can stay away. The rain the last couple days sucked, but better than busting my back shoveling white crap!

  11. who's got two thumbs and works in 6 hours, THIS GUY!

    1. ProMaxx316


      who gets to leave work early and drink coquito? This guy

    2. ROLEXrifleman


      I have a bottle of coquito in the fridge one on the PR's on the dept. gave me. That and a dozen, make that 6 now, pasteles

  12. LUST, makes a good man want to do very bad things. If your under 30 and not married you don't get it. Why am I typing this at 2am? Damn....

    1. WastedTalent


      I sir, am under 30 and not married, and do get it. It's like when you see one fine girl and can't tell if legal or not so you pass but you REALLY REALLY want it... You contemplate of how to but then those bad thoughts (jail, labeled, etc) enter your mind cause might not be legal. Very similar. Not identical but similar.

    2. Katt


      ^^ Exactly me, and my thoughts.

    3. KillaCam


      makes me spend too much monies

  13. And another one bites the dust!

    1. Keith77


      But not deleted...... Yet

    2. Nick580


      Made me think of this...

      Skip to [ 1:12 ] !

    3. Azagtoth502


      not really surprised

  14. Chris Tucker concert in 1 hour. guess I'm hanging with Smokey tonight!

  15. Change my avitar or leave it?

    1. Dwn4BassAlan


      you know what avatar hasn't been used on here in a while? A goat.

    2. WastedTalent
    3. Keith77


      Keep it cause then I actually have to read the name of who it is LOL

  16. To all my brothers wearing a badge and not able to spend this night with your family, you are not alone! Stay safe and a speedy return to your homes.

    1. LT.Smoke


      Do i count... I wear a badge... I had to work swing shift... Im not a cop though

    2. White Lightning

      White Lightning

      I'm not wearing a badge, but I'm out there working with you, up on them high line power poles ... stay safe !!!

  17. for into an argument with another officer at work. was called an arrogant asshole. my partner pulled me to the side and said he didn't think that about me at all, he sees me as a condescending fucking douchebag. ive never been given such s compliment, brought a tear to my eye. i hugged him very tight.

    1. meade916


      hahah!! gotta love co-workers. :D Especially officers. I remember asking an officer i saw at the car wash if he knew my old friend "Joe" from high school (who works for their department) and he was like "ya, i know that goat fucker." and went on to tell me all the other farm animals he does and how gay he is. All while he had a big chew in his mouth and laughing his ass off. Funny as fuck.

    2. ROLEXrifleman


      Brutal honesty usually is pretty funny, and accurate!!!!!

  18. It's complete! Final test tomorrow and Sunday full unvail on Monday!!!

    1. WastedTalent


      hell of a test that takes 2 days....

    2. ImaNoob
  19. guess who had gallbladder surgery now!

    1. Jessica


      obama? please let it be obama

    2. Skullz


      Still in the hospital?

  20. I feel like shit. I cant shake this cold/flue from last week!!!!!!!

    1. CNF Kevosinn

      CNF Kevosinn

      tell me about it....

    2. Lbox88


      Same here, wife and I both caught something from the kid.

  21. Open house for my 2nd grader tonigh

    1. Tecomah


      Sounds like a blast lol. Good luck

  22. waiting for fed ex to drop off the icon!

    1. hdorre
    2. ROLEXrifleman


      Nokia Icon

      I dont own SSA lol

  23. CL Score! PPI A204 for $40 now lets see if it works! Pics posted in latest purchase thread and I'll do a thread in the amp guts later with info on if it worked or not

    1. fosgatefan821


      I can never find anything good like that,lol.

    2. Keith77


      me either.. all the art amps I find are non working for $40 and working for $200+

  24. 8"s in the sail panels, what a pain in the ass! but should be worth it

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