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Status Updates posted by bass_stalker

  1. playing with my seamen, god i love those little guys

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. bass_stalker


      yes my dreamcast is very disturbing

    3. KillaCam


      You left yourself wide open here. Lucky I don't normally troll the active members lol

    4. HatersGonnaHate


      I'm letting DJ take this one. My mind.... Too much stuff going through it right now lol.

  2. got metered, 143.7 on music and 144. something on a 39hz burp, not bad for an 18 on 1k

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SLAYER1805


      Nice numbers :) wish my peak was 39 hz lol

    3. SlamminBeats


      i peak @ 39....absolutely hate it

    4. TRTC360


      I peak at 50 also hate it, no fun peaking that high IMO unless you're chasing numbers then it's a pretty good peak

  3. never post a video of your one of a kind led taillights to a jeep page, because everyone will spam your facebook asking about wanting to buy a set, and if a set can be made for older model cherokees

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. _paralyzed_


      Figure out what would be a decent price to cover costs and labor. Double that, and say that's the price if you want them. If people still want them stack some cash man.

    3. Soccerballzs


      Who doing custom lights?...

  4. 2 days till i'm finally 18, too bad everyone already thinks i'm like 20

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. bass_stalker


      wow thats some shit

    3. Purplehaze


      You guys are funny!

      Like there's any difference between 21 and 25.....

      I remember when I was looking forward to getting older too. Trust me, your thinking about it too much.

    4. locomanny569


      I wish I was 16 again no bills and a gas tank always full now I got bills wtf

  5. got all my freshmen college classes scheduled, i have 5 classes, 3 on monday wensday and friday, and 2 on tuesday and thursday. best part of all all of my classes end before noon so i shouldnt have any problems working a job and still having time to do classwork if i can work part time

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. tdsa23


      Damn remember my first time, but stay on the work if its quarter systems it will go fast and work will add up.

    3. OrionStang


      5 classes? Damn. What kind of credit load?

    4. bass_stalker


      15 credit hours, mostly because of the math remedial and lab that goes with it, and i'm a morning person, my first class is at like 7:25

  6. wondering if i have the loudest system at school

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. OrionStang


      Nope, that bitch with the Explodes does.


    3. jg23


      l got to agree with stang^^^


    4. Bigsix
  7. just my luck, i get a free battery and its got a shorted cell on it

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. bass_stalker


      well it came from where my dad works, it was dead so they replaced it.

    3. will77530


      so now you have a core deposit on a new one?

    4. bass_stalker


      dont have the money for a new one, i washoping to make an ice chest radio or something out of this one

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. 98GCLimited


      People will talk shit cuz its not setup for off roading and probably say he ruined the jeep. I am a member on JeepForum I know how the guys are over there. Larger diameter wheels with low pros wont go over too well and the headlights too probably. lol

    3. bass_stalker
    4. CommonSyns


      IMO Jeep forum is useless.. Troll away at that forum.

  8. dont you love when your package sits somewhere for no apparent reason, or moves to the same place for no apparent reason

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. bass_stalker


      waiting on something from fedex.

      the package i'm waiting on sat in saint rose for 2 days, and now it moved from saint rose to saint rose somehow

    3. Endgame


      seriously not what it sounded like.

    4. Jgrizz
  9. so apparently there were reports of "extremely loud music" at work and it was brought up at the safety meeting today, and the moment it was brought up everyone just looks at me, its like gee thanks guys. i mean damn its 9pm at night, we are located in the middle of nowhere, and i go down the road alittle ways and that still isnt enough

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. White Lightning

      White Lightning

      a "not related to work" disturbance ...

    3. SnowDrifter
    4. bass_stalker


      because it can cause hearing loss and apparently they get fined if its above a certain point , that's the only thing i can see. ts so noisy in the plant that you wouldn't hear it

  10. thinking of selling the jbl crown, might just sell everything

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SnowDrifter
    3. OrionStang
    4. ProMaxx316


      Told you you not about that JBL crown life. Only real men can harness that power.

  11. covered in transmission oil, fucking sunfire

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Rebel4055


      Been there, done that. three or four times.

    3. MrSkippyJ


      is it a requirement to be covered in transmission oil to fuck your sunfire or does that just make it better?

    4. bass_stalker


      not my sunfire, atleast the cavaler i did friday didnt get me that bad

  12. might just be me but i dont think my friend is gonna have only 2 18's in his wall now, 30 cubes might be a bit much for em

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. bass_stalker


      i might steer him away from the 18's and go with a bunch of 12's or something

    3. mrd6


      about to do 40 cubes for my 2 18s....just sayin haha

  13. maybie gonna get metered at the show today, any guesses as to what itll do

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Azagtoth502
    3. WastedTalent


      One hundred and a fart. So fart is around 25-35 depending on liquidicity, I'm throwing it at about 129.

    4. bass_stalker


      well i wasnt able to meter because the show host was being a douche over my amp

  14. damn facebook finally forced the timeline on me

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SnowDrifter
    3. Miguels


      it did the same to me, one day i logged in and there it was, cant even go back to the old

    4. dog24fret


      Sucks! Did it today.

  15. people have no common sense, if i say i want a cheap riding lawnmower to turn into a gokart, it doesnt mean that i want to spend 800 bucks on your john deere, hell i can buy a cheap fourwheeler for that much

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ghostrider59927


      well sheet i got a gokart frame if you want it for free man

    3. Jessica


      You want a mower, if you are near north east kansas i have a sears with big fat tires on the back and a 12hp on it. Motor ran, when i parked it but that was about 4 years ago lol. PM me if you want pics and more info.

    4. bass_stalker


      damnit strange why must you be so far lol, thanks for the offer bro, and its not really a go kart i'm looking for, i'm gonna lock the rear end so i can take it in trails and stuff

  16. well i have been tasked to build a box. for 6 kicker cvx 15's of all things

  17. so excited, i get to take the elcamino to school tomorrow

    1. Azagtoth502


      floor that summbitch

    2. bass_stalker


      got a 383 in it, gotta watch if i do

    3. OrionStang
  18. i finally paid off all of my debts that i owed, them bam now i'm getting sued, it really never ends does it

    1. OrionStang


      Sued for what? That sucks.

    2. bass_stalker


      supposed damage to a car

    3. Rich Schenk

      Rich Schenk

      damn man that sux

  19. just got breakfast from mc donalds, the food is hot, my order is right, and the workers were friendly, i have a feeling it will be a bad day

    1. ProMaxx316


      stay home and lock yourself in the room. Do not leave till the next morning. Trust me

    2. Soccerballzs
    3. Ahmed Johnson

      Ahmed Johnson

      Yep, mud butt can ruin a person's day.

  20. lets see if my foglights come in today, i'm curious if they will be too bright

    1. lolitskasey


      What did you buy?

    2. bass_stalker
    3. lolitskasey


      Those should be pretty bright, Dont know how well they will light up the road though. I prefer HIDs over LEDs.

  21. my led bulbs came in today, cant wait to see them tonight

    1. Leo1103


      instrument cluster?

    2. Chris Hammer

      Chris Hammer

      What did you buy bulbs for

    3. KillaCam


      I think he said dome lights in another post.

  22. disappearing for a bit

    1. will77530


      no dont do that

    2. SnowDrifter
    3. Azagtoth502


      don't let the bastards get to you

  23. at the point where i just want to give up

    1. Kyblack76


      If you do..... then what?

    2. OrionStang


      It really can't be that bad. Wait 'til you're on your own and your fam isn't there for you.

    3. Amart88


      We all have those days. I have them quite often.. lol. Find something else to focus on. chillax.

  24. spent the day straightening out the from of a pontiac sunfire, good thing i had some belt hoists and a sledge hammer

    1. bass_stalker
    2. OrionStang


      Ugh, why?

      Let it die!

    3. bass_stalker


      it was a cousins car, atleast i'm getting a flowmaster super 40 out of the deal

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